PH Testing

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.Do you have to keep takeing baking soda every day? The stuff taste nasty.

:D...'Fraid suck it up like a good little don't want Aunty Mossy calling round to hold your nose and force it down do you...:no:

Mine was 6.1 yesterday then I took some baking soda and today it's 7.6

WOW...straight out of the Danger Zone for nasty will go up and down a bit..see the PH Testers in Private med section.
But..if we can get it holding steady @ ph7 plus you won't believe the difference it will make.

Watch your weight..once you start peeing off the toxins it will start to go down..them we know you are in detox...:thumbs:
Alkalising = Energy..
Right... Here I need to get myself onto this bi carb/olive leaf combo...

Sorry for not calling in sooner Aunty... Life is busy... But really I should make enough time for this... Prioritise it even..

I haven't read the thread yet... When I do I'll be back.. :peace: would not Believe how hard it has been to get anyone to Pee in the pot..:D

I've had this information for ages..but getting volunteers to Test has been a nightmare..

The ones in the Test area now are my Heros...:clap: :clap: :clap:..I applaud everyone of them.

Fingers Crossed it Works for you..the difference when it does is soooo worth the effort.

The Beauty of it is it is Seeable on the PH meter..and Feelable in mood and if we can get people to Try they normally stick with it.

It is also very predictable..with a few questions about their Symptoms you can actually pre-predict peoples PH readings...start watching and I bet you pick up the pattern. :thumbs:

Time to get you and Mr Caregiver..(..:D..) alkalised up for the will have so much more Energy

Mossy I promise to start testing my body pH very soon.. I want to get a new pH meter to do it as my older/cheap ones have dried.. & I'm not peeing on my Bluelab one :no:

I'm very interested in this theory of yours..

The olive leaves.... Is that actually fresh leaves from an olive tree or dried or from a health shop bottle/tablet form??

We have some bi carb in the house.. I think it's out if date... I'll pick some up tonight ok... & I'll order a yellow pH pen from Amazon... + I'll try & revive my newest cheapo pH meter & put it in some calibration fluid & see what's what... I'll test my pee tomorrow morn... Ok... Get this show on the road..

Sorry Aunty I should have been more on the ball with this... :smokebuds: It's pretty bloody important after all..
Its 5pm here and I just tested my pH at 6.25 - help!!!!
Are you taking the baking soda? Olive leaf? Omega-3?
I take fish oil, and a multivitamin plus melatonin for when I can't sleep. But tonight I'll alkalise a little bit with some green tea, straight shots of olive oil and I guess some baking soda but word around here is that tastes like fizzy garbage. I'm sooo excited...
LOL The baking soda is pretty bad, but it will bring your PH up real quick.
I dissolved a tea sppon of baking powder into warm water and tested the pH - so I'm going to drink this 1/3 cup of 7.5pH water and see where that gets me tonight before I head to bed.
I just finished reading every post of this thread. Very interesting ....

A few thoughts:

To the comment in the firs pages regarding scalp acne. Chronic acne is a tell tale sign of bacteria in the skin. Remember that your skin is the largest organ in your body and should have colonies of bacteria on it. Occasionally certain colonies get out of control. Mersa is an example of this.

Other than taking a low dose anti-biotic everyday for a few months there are other ways to treat trouble acne. I would recommend purchasing Hibiclense surgical prep, and using it to wash your entire body every day. In addition switch your soap to "sensitive skin" something like dove. Also wash your face and and scalp lightly during the day if possible. Over a few weeks you could see a significant difference.

In regards to the difference between ph in urine or saliva. I will pull some literature on this but I would think that there should be a big difference and the different samples should be used to interpret different things about your body.

Lets think about urine, it is sterile when it comes out of your kidneys and has high levels of ammonia in it, in addition to acids which are produced during normal muscle and organ metabolic process which it got from your blood, but also will have the byproducts of balancing your electrolytes, and other contaminants.

Saliva on the other hand is loaded with enzymes for the digestive process and has bacteria in it.

So really you should consistently check both. But remember do not base your entire body function over just PH because there are numerous causes for superficial highs and lows. Also results from ph testing is notoriously short due to the body changing so frequently.

Yes it helps us understand a part of the picture but do not make the mistake of looking through a telescope and trying to see the entire sky. I think that it could lead us to understanding what other factors as happening.

Remember correlation does not prove causality but is cause for inspection, testing and replication.

I will pull some literature on this... Perhaps throw some testing ideas to mossy.....
There is so much data in this thread!!! Props to all of you for recording this. We are getting such an awesome look at ph in the body in real time

I have so many theories coming into my mind I want to test.

I can't get enough of all of you :hug: