PH Testing

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Ok breathe, ... So much data...where to start...

I think I'll map all the averages by user and plot over time and then use specific time points to indicate when certain items were noted to be consumed etc.

So fantastic! Again you all should be commended for recording this, keep it up!!!!
8:30pm - drank additional green tea, 2oz shot of pure olive oil (i'd rather shoot vodka, that was disgusting), and 1/3 cup of baking soda and water at 7.5pH... now for the bad news. I also ate some pizza and a salad. pH is currently @ 6.18, so... it's a little late now, but I'm working on raising it. Catch you guys again in the am!

edit, thats 1tspn dissolved in 1/3 cup of water... lol... just read that back to myself. that would be way too much baking soda all at once.
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I would use more than 1/3 cup of water with the baking soda...or at least drink lots of water or the green tea. Eek and I have 1/2 tsp in 8 oz water twice a day (if I forget then 1 tsp once).

You could always infuse the olive oil with would be more enjoyable:2cents:

Pizza always drops our PH. It will be better tomorrow! :thumbs:
May I ask one question please?Do you guys feel a lot better as far as the small nuances of life and movement when your all out and about with this PH body check?Sound very very interesting.I did some looking about and Edgar Casey back in the,well long time ago(Psychic) and his belief as it is mine.Alkalie or Die and yes Im aware I spell fer crap. :)) and whats the best PH meter thats fairly affordable too?thank you guys n gals! :D
I received my olive leaf caps and alpa lipoic acid caps...... as well as potassium chloride just in case I have a kidney stone. Time to get to work. I've found that a little lemon juice and a pack of stevia really helps the baking soda. It's not bad really. Drinking green tea mixed with apple juice, stevia, lemon juice and a tiny amount of apple cider vinegar. I've been drinking food grade h2o2 for a couple months and have noticed a big difference in energy and lessening of legs cramps. I also gargle with it and take the occasional bath in it (not food grade just regular) as well as disinfect the whole house. I've only tested my ph a couple times with drops and haven't got it above 6 yet. Time to drop the junk food maybe
Tested @ 6.48 right before dinner today. Good news - it's goin' up! Check back with ya later.
p.s. good ph meter recommendations vary based on the application you'd use it for. You can use ph strips that are dirt cheap, or get a combo meter for around $200, and every bit in between. It all depends, but a good ph pen will probably cost around 50 bucks, depending on whether you got it on sale, or which brand it is like milwaukee, blue lab, or hanna.
5.99 as of two minutes ago. Made some tea, and remembered I had a little bit of gin last night and some mountain dew for breeakfast. Alcohol and soft drinks are killing me. I wonder what smoking cigarettes does to your pH levels cause I'm guilty of at as well. Anyone?
Thanks man.I ordered an HM 9826 I believe.It was around 130 U.S..I read a study sometime back that stated cig smoke had sucj an overwhelming amount of chemicals in it it does mess with you PH within the body in a fair,if not HEAVY amount.I dont drink sodas ,beer or much of anything that has the bubbles of death as I call em (LMFAO).Cabonated drinks are often nasty stuff and can throw certain things outta whack.I smoke too but thats about all and I can feel my body screaming W T F !!!yeah If anyone has a solid undersatanding of this Id be very curious to see that myself.Oh also I already have a 20 U.S. PH meter thats accurate,and reliable.Its just not that sturdy.LOL!Thanks for the info. too brother!! :wiz:
Mountain Dew for breakfast?? LOL

Soda lowers my PH too. Had a Pepsi yesterday and this morning was down to 6.2

I don't know but...I'm sure the cigs are bad for PH