PH Testing

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Sounds exactly what I like da boonies .....
I have always drank sparkling water ....i like the big belch ...
I was thinking of watering down some for the plants lol ...
I drink mostly the lemon juice as to the baking soda tends to give me more t
Gas then it relieves ...
First pee was 6.2 this am ...3 glasses later and this time 6.5 but I ate some good veggies and nuts earlier ...
I slowed down on the green tea drank a bunch of beers and think I have a kidney stone. definitely wouldn't recommend starting and stopping. gonna drink lots of lemon juice. Any thoughts?

Potassium Citrate dissolves kidney and gall stones..I'll bring a link..
but the fact you developed them means you have a Potassium your PH must still be out because you have over acid urine...?..check..

Just for people who like beer, the Sparkling mineral waters mentioned above, helped me with that refreshed feeling you get from an ice cold beer. It is simalar, not the same, but when I quit drinking, it helped me with the beer cravings.

my two cents,

Nice one Eek..having the Fizz has been the bane of my life..nothing seem to quench the thirst in a hot country like fizz.

One of my hard to give up things has been 1 or 2 cans of coke zero a day.

Lav told me to get water keifer..Joe Dirt Tested is a probiotic..but made in water for those avoiding dairy..and it is Fizzy. an alternative to taking bicarb..which is a pain to dissolve..(use Hot water and let it cool..)..there is an effervecent drink over here called Fruit Salts..which is much easier to take..
but I haven't homeworked it up yet..also andrews liver salts and alksa salsa type tablets.
Great Eek, I have quit soda altogether since a week before Xmas, it was a lot harder than I thought it would ever be. :jaw:
Guess that fizz is nothing to mess with:crying: Green Tea has been my favorite drink now, had to acquire a taste for it, but now my frig is filled with them.
I found an article worthy of posting here on soda bicarb.

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is generally well tolerated. However, high doses may cause headache, nausea or irritability. If any of these effects continue or become bothersome, inform your doctor. Notify your doctor if you develop: muscle weakness, slow reflexes and confusion, swelling of the feet or ankles, black tar-like stools, coffee-ground vomit. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
Do not use if you are on a sodium restricted diet unless directed by a doctor. Ask a doctor or a pharmacist before use if you are taking a prescription drug. Antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs. Do not administer to children under age 5 without careful consideration. To avoid injury do not take sodium bicarbonate until the powder is completely dissolved and it is very important not to take baking soda when overly full from food or drink. Consult a doctor if severe stomach pain occurs after taking this product.
“I nearly died after taking this stuff,” said William Graves, who suffered a rupture through the wall of his stomach in 1979 after taking baking soda mixed in water for indigestion after a big meal. The 64-year-old resident of Bethesda,Md., who is editor of National Geographic Magazine, said that only emergency surgery saved his life and that six more operations were needed to repair the damage. Though there are only a few documented cases users need to know of the dangers.
Adverse reactions to the administration of sodium bicarbonate can include metabolic alkalosis, edema due to sodium overload, congestive heart failure, hyperosmolar syndrome, hypervolemic hypernatremia, and hypertension due to increased sodium. In patients who consume a high calcium or dairy-rich diet, calcium supplements, or calcium-containing antacids such as calcium carbonate (e.g., Tums), the use of sodium bicarbonate can cause milk-alkali syndrome, which can result in metastatic calcification, kidney stones, and kidney failure.
In rare cases, metabolic alkalosis develops in a person who has ingested too much base from substances such as baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). Severe metabolic alkalosis (ie, blood pH >7.55) is a serious medical problem. Mortality rates have been reported as 45% in patients with an arterial blood pH of 7.55 and 80% when the pH was greater than 7.65.
Administration of sodium bicarbonate in amounts that exceed the capacity of the kidneys to excrete this excess bicarbonate may cause metabolic alkalosis. This capacity is reduced when a reduction in filtered bicarbonate occurs, as observed in renal failure, or when enhanced tubular reabsorption of bicarbonate occurs, as observed in volume depletion.[1]
Metabolic alkalosis is the most common acid-base disturbance observed in hospitalized patients, accounting for approximately 50% of all acid-base disorders.
• Severe alkalosis causes diffuse arteriolar constriction with reduction in tissue perfusion. By decreasing cerebral blood flow, alkalosis may lead to tetany, seizures, and decreased mental status. Metabolic alkalosis also decreases coronary blood flow and predisposes persons to refractory arrhythmias.
• Metabolic alkalosis causes hypoventilation, which may cause hypoxemia, especially in patients with poor respiratory reserve, and it may impair weaning from mechanical ventilation.
• Alkalosis decreases the serum concentration of ionized calcium by increasing calcium ion binding to albumin. In addition, metabolic alkalosis is almost always associated with hypokalemia (low potassium levels), which can cause neuromuscular weakness and arrhythmias, and, by increasing ammonia production, it can precipitate hepatic encephalopathy in susceptible individuals
The physical signs of metabolic alkalosis are not specific and depend on the severity of the alkalosis. Because metabolic alkalosis decreases ionized calcium concentration, signs of hypocalcemia (eg, tetany, Chvostek sign, Trousseau sign), change in mental status, or seizures may be present.
Symptoms of Alkalosis

• Confusion(can progress to stupor or coma)
• Hand tremor
• Light-headedness
• Muscle twitching
• Nausea, vomiting
• Numbness or tingling in the face or extremities
• Prolonged muscle spasms (tetany)
Tell your doctor if you have: pre-existing heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, or any allergies. Because this medication contains a large amount of sodium, remind your doctor if you are on a low sodium diet. This medication should be used only if clearly needed during pregnancy. Small amounts of sodium bicarbonate have been found to be present in breast milk. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor even though he or she probably will not be fully aware of the benefits since they have never tried using it as a systemic medicine for chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes.
Tell your doctor of any over-the-counter or prescription medication you may take and ask him about dangers and side effects that are common with such drugs. This medication has the potential to interact with many medications. Do not take any other medication within 1 to 2 hours of taking an antacid. If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. US residents can call the US national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222 Canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. Symptoms of overdose may include irritability, muscle rigidity, and seizures.
Before taking sodium bicarbonate, tell your doctor if you are taking

• Mecamylamine (Inversine)
• Methenamine (Mandelamine)
• Ketoconazole (Nizoral)
• Antacids
• A tetracycline antibiotic such as tetracycline (Sumycin, Achromycin V, and others), demeclocycline (Declomycin), doxycycline (Vibramycin, Monodox, Doxy, and others), minocycline (Minocin, Dynacin, and others), or oxytetracycline (Terramycin, and others)
You may not be able to take sodium bicarbonate, or you may require a dosage adjustment or special monitoring during treatment if you are taking any of the medicines listed above.
If you miss a dose, take it as soon as remembered; do not take it if it is near the time for the next dose, instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. Do not “double-up” the dose to catch up. Store at room temperature between 59 and 86 degrees F (between 15 and 30 degrees C) away from heat, light and moisture.
Make sure you only take a small amount of baking soda solution at any given time, since alkaline substances can neutralize most if not all acids in the stomach, causing the stomach to create more acid. This can, in turn, lead to more heartburn, which will cause you to ingest more baking soda solution and start a dangerous cycle.
Folic acid is needed by the body to utilize Vitamin B12.[2] Antacids, including sodium bicarbonate, inhibit folic acid absorption.1 People taking antacids are advised to supplement with folic acid.

I Think you have to be Aware with every med you have to be watching for any side effects.

Being honest..if you read a paracetamol label and the Possible probably wouldn't take it..

and if you read the Warnings on some of the prescription junk I had to Definitely wouldn't..:D

How to Drink Bicarbonate of Soda for Health

Chyrene Pendleton
Chyrene Pendleton has been a business owner and newsletter editor for more than seven years. She is a freelance writer with over 25 years experience and teaches a variety of topics, including alternative health, hair care and metaphysics. Pendleton is a certified television show producer, radio talk-show host and producer, and a computer programmer with a bachelor's degree in computer science.

By Chyrene Pendleton, eHow Contributor

Can you drink baking soda for health?

Bicarbonate of soda, better known as baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, has numerous uses--it's a cleaning agent, antacid, fire extinguisher and more. There also are interesting health benefits when you drink baking soda, which is alkaline, in water. Viruses and diseases such as colds, flu, cancer and even heart disease thrive in an acidic body, but cannot survive when your body is alkaline. The 2009 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology revealed a study of 134 patients with advanced kidney disease. Taking baking soda daily dramatically slowed down the progression of kidney disease, resulting in no need for dialysis. Other People Are Reading
Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda

  • Measuring spoons

  • Glass of water
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    • 1 To increase your body's pH, take 1/4 tsp. of baking soda dissolved in one-half glass of water on an empty stomach, once in the morning and again before bedtime. Acidity and alkalinity is measured by pH, which ranges from 0 to 14 with 7.0 being neutral; a pH above 7.0 is alkaline, and below 7.0 is acidic. Baking soda has the highest pH of 14. Create a healthy body by keeping your body's pH between 7.1 and 7.5.

    • 2 Drink the baking soda and water solution at the very beginning of cold or flu symptoms, such as a runny nose or sneezing, to help kill the viruses. Keep your body alkaline by increasing fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

    • 3

    • If you're an athlete, swallow sodium bicarbonate supplements with water to buffer lactic acid buildup and improve your exercise performance. Ingest 0.3 g of sodium bicarbonate per 2.2 lb. of body weight, one to two hours before the event, drinking plenty of water.

    • 4 Drink a glass of water with a half lemon or lime squeezed into it twice daily if you are unable to take baking soda and water. Lemons and limes are acidic but become alkaline in your body, raising your alkalinity almost as well as baking soda.

Contemporary oncology is incapable of giving us the answers and the necessary therapy for cancer patients.

Thus it is our moral and ethical obligation to try to find the best solutions for the gravest and most painful disease of our time without them. This book is going to come as a shock to many doctors and people. Without a doubt the ideas inside will be resisted, but in the end resistance is useless. When it comes to sodium bicarbonate in medicine it is an open and shut case. It is already in wide use and has been for decades!

In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume bicarbonate ions in drinking water or have been treated clinically with bicarbonate in hospitals, medical centers, or emergency units for the prevention and treatment of clinical acidosis as well as numerous other conditions.

Sodium bicarbonate helps to save countless lives every day. It is also found in the corridors of orthodox oncology where it is used to keep the toxic chemotherapy agents from killing people too quickly.

Sodium bicarbonate is the time honored method to 'speed up' the return of the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal. Bicarbonate is inorganic, very alkaline and like other mineral type substances supports an extensive list of biological functions. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines because bicarbonate physiology is fundamental to life and health.

So helpful and elementary it’s even instrumental in helping sperm swim up and enter the cervical canal.1

Like magnesium chloride administration possibilities are versatile:

  • intravenous
  • oral
  • transdermal
  • via catheter
  • it can be vaporized directly into the lungs
  • can be used in enemas and douches
This book is about the application of the least expensive, safest and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is.

In this very first chapter enough information is presented to convince doctors and patients alike to take or prescribe water with dissolved sodium bicarbonate. By the time one finishes this book it is my belief that most cancer patients will need no more convincing. No more than a thirsty person needs convincing to swallow down water when coming out of the dry desert.

Sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment focuses on delivering natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs experienced with standard chemotherapy treatments. The costs, which are a factor for the majority of people of this particular treatment, are basically zilch.

That’s the only problem with this treatment - it is too cheap. No one is going to make money from it so no one will promote it. Those that do will be persecuted for it. The trouble with doing new studies on bicarbonate is that they are expensive and no drug company is going to fund a study when they can't profit from the treatment.

For one pound of sodium bicarbonate from one of the best sources (guaranteed aluminum free) is $2.61 plus shipping. At the supermarket you can get it even cheaper.

For $2.61 or less one has a nothing-to-lose-everything-to-gain-cancer-treatment. None of us dreamed that sodium bicarbonate is already part of orthodox oncology and is included in many chemotherapy protocols to protect the patient’s kidneys, hearts and nervous systems. Now we find out on top of everything else that bicarbonate is also a world class anti-fungicide and could be responsible for the few cures allopathic oncology manages to come up with.

You will also be given lots of fluids (as a drip) and a drug called mesna with your cyclophosphamide to help prevent bladder irritation. Sodium bicarbonate will be given to you – usually as a drip – before and during your methotrexate treatment, to help protect your kidneys.2

This book puts oncologists in a very compromising situation.

They are using extremely dangerous poisons and bicarbonate at the same time claiming it is the poisons that are helping when this book is more than suggesting it is the bicarbonate that is doing the heavy work. Worse for them, there are no studies separating the effects of bicarbonate from the toxic chemotherapy agents nor will there ever be.

Administration of some forms of chemotherapy without bicarbonate would probably kill patients on the spot.

Most thought it was pretty strange when Dr. Tullio Simoncini showed up on our medical radars. He is the oncologist from Rome who pointed to using bicarbonate as a main line cancer treatment and he was persecuted for it. Yet he has stood firm and continues to travel the world teaching doctors about the anti-cancer properties of sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate is one of the oldest workhorse medicines. So solid is bicarbonate’s position in orthodox oncology it would probably be considered malpractice to apply most forms of chemotherapy without it.

It is commonly used prior to, during, and after application of chemotherapy.3 Some studies actually have already shown how manipulation of tumor pH with sodium bicarbonate enhances chemotherapy 4 again pointing to the possibility that bicarbonate is the main chemo agent saving people from their cancers.

Since the very beginning sodium bicarbonate has been used with the premier chemotherapy agent made from mustard gas.

Ah..I was in me Grinch mode..this is my AKA for checking site the post above is from ME....:D
so what is this pee test thingy? and ph stuff? whats it all about? hmmm? hmmm? someone please? hmmm ? lol