PH Testing

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This afternoon's agenda:

Go to health food store in town and:
1- Test blood to find out what it is, this can aide in tailoring a diet
2- Look into Olive leaf extract
3- Ask about alkalizing the body

Good start to a New Year!
And i have managed to convince my wife to come with so we can do it together!

Arrived too late to do the blood type test... Will try again at another time!

Speaking with the Naturalist at the store and she lead me in a different direction.
After i had told her my story of what was wrong and how i was feeling she came up with a treatment plan.
It is basically blast my body with good bugs and bacteria to get everything back on track.

This is the one capsule i am taking:

Along with these:

After taking them last night and doing the PeeH test this morning i am back up to PH 6.0!
Lets see if it keep going up!

She also gave me an Alkalising diet and all the associated foods info.
So we started last night of with a vegetable stir fry with a large fresh squeezed lemon drink!
Here's hoping to feeling better in the coming months!

6.0 :booya: I've come up from 5.2 in a couple of weeks. Just doing a large glass of lemon water with a bowl of fruit/vegs for breakfast, big raw veg salad lunch, reg supper. I'm up to 25 min walks and feel'n pretty good. I do have a little sinus thing going on but not bad. Now if i can cut the 10pm snacks, midnight dinners out and the 2:30am snacks i might get it up a bit more:toke::peace:
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Just tested at 7.0. I quit drinking soda a couple days before Xmas, and I'm still going strong. :thumbup:I have noticed since I quit soda that my urine is a lot clearer, than it was. It used to be a real dark yellow :( not anymore
lazylathe..set up a thread in the guinea pig hut..never waste an opportunity to Test something new...:thumbs:..Good Luck to you and your Lady.

Much easier to stick to if Both of you do it together.

Just tested at 7.0. I quit drinking soda a couple days before Xmas, and I'm still going strong. :thumbup:I have noticed since I quit soda that my urine is a lot clearer, than it was. It used to be a real dark yellow :( not anymore

Yay stylez....:dance:..way to Go Bro...I can atest to the fact the soda is a hard one..nothing quenches your thirt like the Fizz

I do have a little sinus thing going on but not bad

The sinus thing says it is still hanging around..but the further your PH goes up the clearer you will get.

Remember..dairy is a mucus producer..:check:..
i bounce from mid 5's to low 6's , picked up some veg juice today , hopefully it helps , also started the H2O2 deal yesterday

peace :cool:
Work crazy hours so I'm not sure best times to test so I been testing throughout the day, usually first thing in am I'm in the low 6's by mod afternoon 6.20/6.90 than at nights usually have been leveling back down to the low 6's again... Forgot to take the ala for two days and after a Very long hectic day and being way over tired it's was 5.54 before bed.... This am when I get back home will test again...

Could someone give me some suggestions for dealing with such a crazy schedule for work? I work M-F 6a to 9:30a and than three nights a week from 3pm to about midnight, on the days I'm working till 9:30a and got to be back for 3p I MUST nap or I would never make it through the second part of the day... So some days I have REALLY broken sleep... No chance of changing schedule...