PH Plan Quick Start

Hey everyone.Just thought I'd pop in and say hey.Was at 7.0 this afternoon,but 6.6 when I took my midnight dose.My back has been killin me(prolly why its low) with prepping my Grow n such.Be well everyone.OH, almost forgot,I did make a basic water and flakes spray.ill need to reread some dosings to see how much I need to spray n is to better days everyone.

Hey ya Aunty,Ive been thinking about what you had asked me about if my worse days for pain,muscle stinging and general bad dealings were brought on by lower PH.Since it can be tough some days to keep it up due to pain and various things,as I know you know more than many.Ive found over the several weeks Ive been trying to correct this,I tend to run between 6.1-6.4 when my MS days are worse.Is pretty rare that my PH is lower than 6.1 actually.since Ive been using my Meter,Ive not seen it lower than that.LOL!wierd.

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Wee...:grin:..bit of Tech Spec for you all....

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) immediately reacts when it mixes with stomach acid. NaHCO(3) + HCl —> NaCl + H(2)0 + CO(2). That is: Sodium bicarbonate + stomach acid yields salt + water + carbon dioxide. This is the physiological reason why bicarbonate is such an effective medicine; it instantly offers a return to more normal CO2 levels which drives more Oxygen into the tissues. This is not something cancer cells enjoy.

Has Me Thinking would BS work the same on our Plants...:coffee2:..we know they Like a bit of CO2...

Was at 7.0 this afternoon,but 6.6 when I took my midnight dose.

The midnight dose will probably make you Sleep better.

My back has been killin me(prolly why its low) with prepping my Grow n such
Yup..if it is nerve pain it kicks off when your oxygen levels are low..

I tend to run between 6.1-6.4 when my MS days are worse
Yeah..that is Low...keep checking when you feel able..coz if it does come down to low PH/Relapses..we can help Prevent them by maintaining PH balance.
Hey Aunty!! ya Ive been taking it 3 times a day and have yet to hit 7.3 again.kind wierd.Ive been wrecked with pain but kinda odd that I aquired it early and quick last ime.wierd why I cant seem to get a touch higher.:Sharing One: been working a slight bit with my diet and fluids but it just seems to mostly stall at around 7.0 so far.I wanna give it another week and see where Im at.Maybe I just need to adjust a bi longer..?Thanks Aunty,ill keep you posted.Be well Aunty. Everyone, :pighug:
Bicarbonate is an important buffer found in blood. Carbon dioxide is present in the blood in a number of forms such as bicarbonate, dissolved carbon dioxide and carbonic acid, of which 90% is bicarbonate or HCO3.

CO2, in the form of bicarbonate, is directly involved in “light reactions.” This “bicarbonate effect” influences molecular processes. The role of carbon dioxide (CO2) or bicarbonate in the photosynthesis was clear to researchers from the very beginning of the history of photosynthesis. Bicarbonate in plants probably links cell metabolism to photosynthetic electron flow.


The change of pH value causes the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid that enters the stomach, and the bicarbonates enter the bloodstream. When we say that we alkalize our body, we don’t necessarily mean increasing our saliva pH or urine pH; it means increasing the bicarbonates in our blood. The blood pH does not change, but the ability of our blood to neutralize acid in the body increases quite dramatically.[12] Since bicarbonates enter the bloodstream only when the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, it is important that we drink as high pH value alkaline water as possible, and forget about allopathic pharmaceutical thinking and just use the baking soda as needed
I`ve upped my dose from 1/3 to 1/2(3x a day). I`ve noticed my piss ph is higher and I think this (as well as some sunshine has helped me start climbing out of the `Abyss` that I`ve been stuck in for a while. Thank you Mossy for persuading others...and therefore, helping me to try something I wouldn`t have considered b4! Nice 1 Geordie Bird! :Sharing One:
Evening folks! I finished(and have re-stocked :check:) my 1st load of bs. My ph is significantly higher, when tested 1st thing; I`m starting to feel more, really, I`am...Straight up Peeps! Anyways,I just thought I`d mention it...Laters all :Sharing One:
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Good work bro....keep it up as you will continue to improve.
Some small dietary improvements can be effective in adding further eat those greens..:grin::Sharing One:
Hey ya Krug.Hows things buddy..?well Im hoping.Awesome job man,i tell ya buddy.I still keep taking 1/2 teaspoon every 8 hours roughly,every day.with me its a little different i think,butt you know is gonna be a great day(for me anywho)when you take your dose and you get that wonderous feeling of awesome.a small high without even smoking.LOL!heres to you buddy,wishing you well.eating alright and Awesome Auntys PH fun and a grow er two,man,just dont get much beter than that.well,heres to you buddy :pass:
You know as your PH goes up you get more Oxygen in the Blood..?

More reasons to Love the PH Plan..:tiphat:

Oxygen-rich blood and SexOxygen-rich blood is one of the most important components for erectile health. Oxygen affects two substances that are important in achieving erection: Oxygen suppresses transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-B1). TGF-B1 is a component of the immune system called a cytokine and is produced by smooth muscle cells. It appears to stimulate collagen production in the corpus cavernosum, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Oxygen enhances the activity of prostaglandin E1. Prostaglandin E1 is produced during erection by the muscle cells in the penis. It activates an enzyme that initiates calcium release by the smooth muscle cells, which relaxes them and allows blood flow. Prostaglandin E1 also suppresses production of collagen.

The secret to great sex and better performance and pleasure in bed is oxygen delivered to the cells in high quantities. Most doctors and people do not know that the ultimate aphrodisiac is oxygen. Breathing oxygen seems to get a “man’s motor running,” and oxygen-rich blood is one of the most important components for erectile health. Oxygen levels vary widely from reduced levels in the flaccid state to very high in the erect state. For women, it relaxes them and makes them feel sensual and sexual. Oxygen is exchanged and removed from the arterial blood as it passes through the capillary system. If arterial blood is deficient in oxygen, or if blocked arteries restrict the blood flow then sexual performance drops.[2] People with various degenerative diseases are often found to have low venous oxygen saturation. Once they receive proper treatment, the venous oxygen saturation level rises and their health and vitality and sex life will improve dramatically. When the oxygen saturation of blood falls, conditions then become ripe for the creation of falling performance both inside the bedroom and out falls.

Here is your Magnesium spray...

Increasing Oxygen Carrying Capacity There are ways of stimulation of the body’s red blood cell for them to space themselves more appropriately and to maintain better shape for maximum oxygen carrying capacity. Heavy magnesium supplementation is essential in this.
Increasing the amount of red blood cells increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood to deliver more oxygen to exercising muscles. The extra oxygen significantly increases the muscles’ energy production and can therefore help to improve athletic performance output ability; higher intensity and longer duration. Performance in bed is not that different than performance in a number of sports physiologically speaking.

And One of the reasons to Ditch the Sugar...

Reduce Your Sugar Intake Sugar is the number one cause of blood congestion, general inflammation and lower oxygen delivery. “When red blood cells clump together, oxygen delivery is reduced, resulting in fatigue,” says nutritionist David Parker. Both sexual performance and sports performance is compromised in the long run by high sugar intake because it cuts down on oxygen delivery to the cells. Too much sugar creates the inflammatory conditions, which Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy helps to correct. It is usually inflammation in the capillaries, which is cutting off oxygen delivery to the cells. This brings our sexual performance and pleasure down.

Get PH Positive....:Sssssmokin: