PH Plan Quick Start

Hey everyone,hows everyone!?! Just popped in to share my transplanting.Thought i would say Hey n check in. As of waking early morning my PH was 5.8.After taking two doses my PH this afternoon was at 6.3.So here is to feeling a bit better a bit quicker.:pighug:<--cuddly lil bugger :tiphat:I hope everyone is doing alright.:Sharing One:
Thanks for the response, i am going to have to do some tests myself to see if the days i get nothing are linked to days with a low ph. Its more of the stoned feeling that im talking about. Its probably just the poor quality of bagweed here but i will test and let u guys know if i see a pattern
Thanks for the response, i am going to have to do some tests myself to see if the days i get nothing are linked to days with a low ph. Its more of the stoned feeling that im talking about. Its probably just the poor quality of bagweed here but i will test and let u guys know if i see a pattern
I think I'm more high when my ph is up. Don't know, maybe it is just my feeling.

Hey everyone,hows everyone!?! Just popped in to share my transplanting.Thought i would say Hey n check in. As of waking early morning my PH was 5.8.After taking two doses my PH this afternoon was at 6.3.So here is to feeling a bit better a bit quicker.<--cuddly lil bugger I hope everyone is doing alright.
Maintain ph at 7.3 is not the easiest task for me... I monitor it whenever I can and try to adjust as soon as possible (BC,green thea,herbal thea, and so on...)
Hey Komach, hows the day/evening treating you man?,well I do hope.ya man, for me when I first hit 7.3 I hadnt smoked for hours and felt great in mind and spirit.slight pain relief but my pain level are so out of control most days that I personally felt little relief on that front.But WOW MAN did I ever feel awesome though in spirt.I felt like a million bucks even though I sill hurt a ton.But I too went through the higher feeling when smoking and when my PH was on I just felt a bit better.And all the litle bits add up to a massive feel good party in your honor. LOL! :tiphat:

:Sharing One:
Update: this Am my PH was 6.2 prior to my first dose of the day. be well everyone. Aunty, hope all's well,everyone,Be good. :tiphat:
I think I'm more high when my ph is up. Don't know, maybe it is just my feeling.

That is actually Right..."Izzy wizzy"...when your PH comes Up to the right level cannabis is more Effective....because it is absorbed more effectively.

Now That is a reason to Try it huh..?

We have also found that people's Need for prescription pills normally does cigarette and alcohol consumption.

But WOW MAN did I ever feel awesome though in spirt.I felt like a million
bucks even though I sill hurt a ton.

Sign you are on the right track EoF....:Ohmmm.......:..Lightening of the Spirit...
Have you been sleeping better coz I normally find that effect when I am returning to deep refreshing really Does restore the Soul for chronic sickies..they Forget how Good they used to Feel and when they Touch it they feel Elation.

We lift off sickness in Layers..if you know what I layer at a time..but the effect is progressive..if you maintain your PH it will get better and You will your symptoms.

komach contact Root..I'm sure the OL site is about on line now...:thumbs:

In the Human PH Balancing you are deficient in Potassium and Magnesium and in this case the Potassium is the BUFFER to stabalise your PH..

The OL is full of mag and potassium so your fluctuations should get better...:tiphat:
Whew,I remember when I felt crappy.I mean I still do,yet Ive already noticed a small increase in mood.I remember what I had for literally a few days(I miss it),then not.LOL!SO,its back to the road of well being.I have been sleeping a little better actually.Which is a big deal for me.Todays PH this afternoon was 6.8. Be well everyone.:Sharing One:

Great to hear you notice some positive effects. In my case going from 5.4 in the morning to 6.8 made a noticeable difference but once I got my morning pH above 7 and afternoon above 7.4 I really felt the benefit. Are you taking olive leaf extract as well or just the BS? If you are not yet using the OLE you might want to give it a shot.
Hey ya Oldster,

Ive read some about it here.It sounds like its really a beneficial additive to the Mag spray,BS and a fair diet.Once I get my last order together ill mostly likely get a bottle of them.I actually had looked at them on Amazon.I have been using only the BS.I plan on making a basic topical(water n Flakes) Mag. Spray tomm.So I hope from these two things and using the Olive as you mentioned,I can get a bit better in mind,body and spirit.Thanks Buddy!