PH Plan Quick Start

Hey guys i was wondering if having a ph issue stops or makes smoking cannabis less efficient. I have read some of this thread but was not able to find anything on this and searching on google is no use as it just comes up with articles related to plant ph no human ph.

Maybe im just smoking really shitty bagweed but it seems to get my mates stoned (i hadnt smoked in 2 days prior so i should have got something)

Sorry i will sum up my question if my ph is out does it affect my cannabiniod receptors or lower the amount passed through the bloodstream due to decreased oxygen levels?

Havnt fully ph tested myself yet but i did the test and im pretty sure that is my issue, counted points for fingernails, depression, insomnia. Pretty much i feel like crap all the time and maybe its the weed but it seems to have stopped helping
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Hey everyone!! Aunty :tiphat: anywho, been away for a bit.felt I needed to make sure the university hospital up north of me was still upto snuff.LOL! Wasnt taking my BS so Im staring over,and Im getting my Mag flakes along with 100% organic coconut Oil.

So Im looking forward to start mashing some oils n flakes together and see what I get.Thanks for thinking about me Aunty,everyone.ill make some more updates pretty soon,just getting settled in.Oh, and I should have my flakes tomm. afternoon sometime,so thats awesome.I can start making two recipes or so and see what works.

@ SourPickle ,hey I dont believe my bad MS days have a lot to do with wheat intake ,or lack there of imho.I just made some wheat flour Blondies with cannabis oil.I dont eat a lot of wheat as a rule.I seem to have bad ays here and there no matter what I eat or even to a degree what my PH is.although itt does seem slightly less intense when my PH is abit more alkalized.
Hey guys i was wondering if having a ph issue stops or makes smoking cannabis less efficient. I have read some of this thread but was not able to find anything on this and searching on google is no use as it just comes up with articles related to plant ph no human ph.

Maybe im just smoking really shitty bagweed but it seems to get my mates stoned (i hadnt smoked in 2 days prior so i should have got something)

Sorry i will sum up my question if my ph is out does it affect my cannabiniod receptors or lower the amount passed through the bloodstream due to decreased oxygen levels?

Havnt fully ph tested myself yet but i did the test and im pretty sure that is my issue, counted points for fingernails, depression, insomnia. Pretty much i feel like crap all the time and maybe its the weed but it seems to have stopped helping

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you...

Having Ph issues affects everything Mentally and Physically. So it could affect smoking...

I know that when you start usually do feel like crap...
One reason we keep logs in the beginning is because as you feel better, you forget how crappy you did feel.

Hope your smoke gets better :Sharing One:
Hi Automan... there seems to be a connection with increased smoking due to low pH which may be due to the body craving the chlorophyll component in the smoke which contains Magnesium. Improved pH may reduce desire to smoke as much.
Unsure as to any effect on the stone achieved...