Fast Buds Perpetual Water Only Fast Buds Mix

With a couple of holes in the mature tent decided to spread them out since I have the room, trying to spoil that pretty Orange girl moving her closer to the center of the tent.
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checking the mature tent the pretty freebie gelato is fattening up nice still taking water like a champ.


The Adults got their compost tea drench this morning. I like to pour these on fast creating a little pond on top soaking the top dressed soil but also running out fast enough to pool and the bottom so the soil can draw it back up later.
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Three Orange Sherbets in a row. Two starting to stretch and one in full on flower.

checking in on the seedlings the two Lemon Pie girls are moving along fine even though the largest one has had a yellow tinge she just can’t shake.
Checking in yesterday morning. The freebie gelato that is mad as hell at me is starting to turn around she’s starting to take water again and the flowers are starting to fatten up.

The 2 seedling Fast Buds Gelato are moving right along gave them some water this am.
Chop reports Cream Cookie very very sweet smelling and loaded with trics. 80gr. not bad.
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Fast Buds Original Skunk plant very nice yield 206 gr. over 7 oz. nice yield for this grower.
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Worked on the 2 freebie Gelatos today. Looks as though this one is going to run a couple more weeks so decided to give her some defoil when she finally finishes she should have some nice weight.

For the other girl it’s chop day.

D31DFE3E-2FFC-491F-AECF-43E61E2D295C.jpeg 617AE44E-BF53-4449-8FAF-4EF629959278.jpeg I’m sure this is what the seed breeder is after nice fat hard sticky flowers to bad the other 2 didn’t follow her lead.
Here is the soil recipe I used for my last batch of soil. I started off with the basic Sub-Cool soil recipe found in old 420 magazine article. After hanging around sites like this and reading various articles about microbes, giant pumpkins etc. it grew to this.

75B1FD66-EF29-41D6-B5B4-7B49BA7EF30B.jpeg 51031992-804C-475F-8985-95AAFB123952.jpeg As with any good recipes it starts with worm casting, compost, and a aeration agent. I use to make my own compost but my health isn’t the greatest and bagged is just to much easier not to use. As far a aeration agent I choose rice hulls because they do a good job and are a waste product that will break down in the soil supplying silica for the soil.
6BC305CD-7C36-4F69-9181-C46D156C6A70.jpeg A29CC5F1-39CE-490A-AD39-9BEB61C7E2DA.jpeg These are the basic ingredients as found in sub-cools recipe I changed up with the fish bone meal and added the crab meal after read about it fooling the plant into thinking there is a insect attack and raising defense.
57A8969E-14FF-4036-974F-5993C26F87A3.jpeg Here is the cal-mag I also use egg shells for a slow calcium breakdown besides just being a basic garden admendment.
516164C6-0F53-4C54-86E4-7DA777F1833A.jpeg Here are some extras I put small amounts in the mix just to have alot of different good stuff in the background. The Azo is from sub- cool the rest are from various grows and soil mixes I’ve read about. I use a lot of kelp people love kelp.
5B99F995-A598-4E2D-9280-282EAAFEFDE5.jpeg After reading about the benefits of fungus for the roots I use three different grains for different types of fungus no real science behind it just throwing everything against the wall.
A81397ED-DC29-403E-AB5F-CFCF4DC48072.jpeg I add these two along with the rice hulls to add silica to the grow. Found this addition to the soil is very beneficial for frost. Learned this growing from clones in hydro and adding this to my regimen made a big difference in strength of branches and frost in the flowers.
BED3364C-58BE-403A-9FF5-63CCA4BEEA16.jpeg Mix enough soil and this becomes your good friend. I start of my mixing by putting all of the additives in the mixer and adding 5 gallons of soil letting it mix for 10 minutes, then I add 2 more run for another 5 min then I bring it up to total 10 gallons let I run another 5 min. Then I add in the last 5 gallons, and let it run another 10 min. I doubt how well the mixer mixes when it’s this full thats the reason for slow step up.