New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

As expected I am starting to run into many problems/questions/unknowns. If anyone has any advice or insights for me please let me know.

I had to call animal services on my neighbor for a completely out of code bird coop. I hinted multiple times to them that I believe they had a sanitation problem. I think they got slapped with multiple notices which can be construed as public nuisance (misdemeanor) violations. It's too bad that they seemingly do not respect me or have any regard for sanitation, as it did not need to come to this. They then decided that rather than getting rid of the birds sensibly that they would inhumanely release them, so what happened is they started roosting under my eves on my roof. I had to get up there with a ladder and started blasting them away with a hose and the neighbor started yelling at me. They said they accidentally got out and that I should stop spraying them so they could get them back into the coop. I have evidence that this was not the case. While dealing with the situation they decided to tell me how I should spend my time on my property and of course did not apologize or mention their multiple violations. Complete asshole negligent neighbors as far as I'm concerned.

Now I feel that my neighbors will potentially call the city on me. As I did to them, why not do the same to me? So I started looking deeply into legal medical cannabis cultivation county ordinances. Found out that a greenhouse is considered mixed-light and requires odor control. I rigged up a carbon scrubber with exhaust fan but I'm not sure it's going to make any difference. I wish I would not have to run electric out to the greenhouse, it just seems like a waste of money. I have found it quite difficult to determine legality of special cases in my county ordinances. My biggest concern is that if there were ever a smell problem how it would be handled, if police might give notice about a potential problem or bust down my gate with a warrant to search. Not really sure, but at the same time not really sure I care. Actually I would not be surprised if all of my adjacent neighbors have outdoor grows. But who is to say that the odor is coming from me as opposed to them? I am confused as how to potential odor problems are determined and enforced.

My compost bin has been plagued by cluster flies and tiny red mites. I think it has been a bit too moist, or has too many grass clippings, or is anaerobic despite me turning it just about every day. The red mites are not a problem but the cluster flies are. They were here long before I had a compost bin but now they appear to be breeding in it. While cluster flies are technically beneficial insects, they hover around very annoyingly and actually feed on flowers. I wish to eradicate them but I've been trying for months and it's basically impossible. Basically the flies lay parasites in soil which then enter worms to breed. I think they are attracted to the scent of worm castings. Luckily this is not a problem for my plants but it is a problem for my compost pile. Apparently beneficial nematodes can help kill the parasites before they enter the worm host, but these hover flies are everywhere and I'm trying not to spend money in the hope that something works, unless I know that it will work.

The greenhouse has been absurdly hot 120F+ with 25% humidity, no way would I think this is acceptable but the plants seem to love it (though I'm sure it's far from ideal). I was reading in another thread here that high temps can help keep the bugs away. The only bugs I've really seen in there day to day are dragonflies, mosquito eaters, and the odd trapped fly. I did however discover a black aphid outbreak on my overcrowded leek which was growing directly underneath one of my cannabis plants, but the aphids were purely on the leek so I just chopped it out and dumped it. I have not been spraying any insecticide or really doing anything. I do however have a ton of tomatoes growing which last year brought fair amounts of green aphids and white flies. Running out of space in the greenhouse as grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is stretching past 3 feet tall and beginning to flower. Would I be best off completely removing the tomatoes from the greenhouse? I feel like if there is ever an insect problem that I will spot it and treat it on the tomatoes first before it would be a problem for the cannabis.

I am really unhappy with the Growers Choice Seeds with both the Haze XL and Kush XL from grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] as half of my seeds failed to make it to the seedling stage. I cannot have 50% less plants/yield due to poor seeds. There has been a clear difference in seed quality from this provider in my eyes as when you initially soak the seeds, the big nice looking seeds sink beneath the water surface rather quickly whereas other seeds will hardly sink after 12-18 hours. I am growing purely in the outdoor season and do not have the time to waste hoping that my expensive seeds will start. Grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] were 100% success but grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] so far is 50% success using the same (if not better) starting methods. Their policy is that they will replace seeds as a one-time thing but to me that would just be a waste of time. I only want the best seeds because I have a fixed timeline and limited space to work with.

Here are pictures of grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] after quite a hot day yesterday. They are fattening up slowly and finally looking more like buds. Pistils are maybe 20% turned orange at the most. According to the strain info these should be done anywhere from 2-4 weeks, but I'm not so sure because I blasted them with veg nutes all during pre-flowering stretch. Is there a trick to know when to stop giving them flowering nutes and just switch to water until harvest? Still just using Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom light feedings. If these plants don't really stink that much now, will they likely stay that way or will the final few weeks potentially be much more smelly?

Thanks for any and all advice. I am adding more information here than is necessary with the neighbor situation and all but I'm trying to do this 100% legally for medical reasons and am uninterested in battling either my neighbors or the law. I also have multiple other topics I'd like to get into regarding security, unrelated gardening strategies, etc but that will be for a later date. I may be new to growing cannabis but I have been planning this grow arrangement for over 10 years. :meds:

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Replying to @NostraDonovus - not sure where your posts went but I will reply to your questions/comments. Yes the website you linked is where I got the seeds from. I did not want to deal with the neighbors in the way that I did but I've been dealing with the problem for years and do not have the time for it anymore, the situation was unsanitary to the point of causing health problems.

Grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is doing fine but looks like very leafy buds. Hoping they fill out. Did a big defoliation today.
Grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is stretching hard and has been pre-flowering for about a week. Cramped on space.
Grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] still I could only get half the seeds up. I only have a limited grow season so I may start the rest of the Haze XL and Kush XL a few weeks behind the others.

Running out of space in the greenhouse now that it's almost summer and am having to pull the tomatoes out. No bug problems really, I think it's just been too damn hot. Keeping the plants separated and trimmed back around the bottom branches seems to eliminate all problems so far but you have to catch it before it gets out of control. Still 100F+ and 25% humidity every day in the greenhouse, watering every other day. I've found that the Happy Frog soil especially not mixed with extra perlite needs a pre-watering and then a really good soaking every other day. I would never go with less than 5 gallon bags because then I'd have to water every day.

Is that nutrient burn or deficiency on the leaves? That is the only bud I saw with the problem.

What's with the purple stem? Hard to see in dead center. Only branch that was like that.








3x Critical Purple in pre-flower (canopy in foreground)

3x AK in pre-flower (over 3' tall after several lst / bending tops)


As you can see only 3 of 6 made it, I keep watering though...


May as well start the rest of the seeds, will be 2-3 weeks behind the other ones.
I wish someone would help me. I am unsure how to post higher res photos. I tried to create an album and it didn't work.

I have decided to stop feeding grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] as I don't want to risk it. Would rather under fertilize than over fertilize. Checked with 60x microscope and the trichomes are all still clear.

I made the mistake with grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and had all the plants jammed in next to each other. They all stretched really bad combined with the heat. I've been much more brutal with lst and supercropping on this round. I pulled them apart and should get much better light penetration.
Tried to get some closeups of grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. The spiky/crystalline looking buds are the AK and the nice warm green colored buds are the CP. One of the AKs is showing some purple stems/leaves I think from slight deficiency, whereas the Critical Purple I have not seen any signs of purple coloring. They still have some time yet!

Hey @perpet , the plants look awesome to me, especially the AK. If you are worried about deficiencies, you can always check out the following forum:
Autoflower Infirmary for Sick Plants
There is loads of information there that will hopefully help, or you could you post a thread question there if you are really worried.
However, for my untrained eyes (am a total newb), your plants look good....:d5:

Good luck brother, peace
Spotted some hooded creepers outside last night. Not sure what they were doing but as soon as they saw me they started walking the opposite direction. Good call on their part.

Let me give you guys some security tips:
  1. An ALARM is the best prevention of theft, on battery backup if necessary.
  2. Dogs are a great deterrent but are a lot more work and expense than an alarm. No one is going to want to fuck with my pitties.
  3. Cameras are a deterrent, they won't prevent anything. They are useful if you have the type of system that will alert you of motion. Set up a few cheap trail cams if you really want to catch someone up close. A 1080p camera isn't going to see shit at night, aim for 4K with strong IR.
  4. Fortify your bolt locks by replacing any tiny screws with long 3" screws, such that the metal plate on the frame is not just screwed into the trim but into the door frame as well.
  5. Razor wire or bird spikes screwed on top of your gates/fences will help keep people from climbing over. More than likely someone would just try and kick your gate down. Again fortify the latch and posts.
  6. Alert neighbors will keep an eye around the hood for you. If you sign up for NextDoor it might be surprising how hyper vigilant/paranoid some of your neighbors are. It's a great resource for keeping up on recent local crimes.
Spotted some hooded creepers outside last night. Not sure what they were doing but as soon as they saw me they started walking the opposite direction. Good call on their part.

Let me give you guys some security tips:
  1. An ALARM is the best prevention of theft, on battery backup if necessary.
  2. Dogs are a great deterrent but are a lot more work and expense than an alarm. No one is going to want to fuck with my pitties.
  3. Cameras are a deterrent, they won't prevent anything. They are useful if you have the type of system that will alert you of motion. Set up a few cheap trail cams if you really want to catch someone up close. A 1080p camera isn't going to see shit at night, aim for 4K with strong IR.
  4. Fortify your bolt locks by replacing any tiny screws with long 3" screws, such that the metal plate on the frame is not just screwed into the trim but into the door frame as well.
  5. Razor wire or bird spikes screwed on top of your gates/fences will help keep people from climbing over. More than likely someone would just try and kick your gate down. Again fortify the latch and posts.
  6. Alert neighbors will keep an eye around the hood for you. If you sign up for NextDoor it might be surprising how hyper vigilant/paranoid some of your neighbors are. It's a great resource for keeping up on recent local crimes.
Great tips! :slap:
lovely frost :thumbsup:
im not to sure about high res pics 3.5 or 5 megadoodles is the limit i think.could be the overall size is the problem and a lil cropping of the image will fix ?
pop into live stoners or @ some of us if you get stuck,we not be able to help directly but may know someone who knows someone who can.
purple stems can be natural genetics or P i think,spots or blotching i automatically think of cal/mag but could be wrong as its mostly just tips :shrug:
click a few links in my signature @912GreenSkell has wrote some top write ups and is a great one for outdoors.
good luck n keep er lit.