New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

Always willing to help out in any way i can!! Give me a shout if you need anyting @perpet , plants are looking great bud!! Take a look at this link
I read through the first bit of that right before I registered for an account here :worship: need to read through that entire thread for sure. Agreed on the picture of simple training, hoping to get around to that tomorrow.
2x AK and 2x CP. Letting them dry out today and will feed tomorrow. Starting to stink. No training or defoliation yet other than a few leaves. These things stretched a lot after I initially put them outside because it got really hot out for about a week. Stalks with 8-10" between nodes, I'll try to get a photo of that later.

Just went outside. Cool weather. 3x AK and 3x CP. No training whatsoever. Did not harden them off because it's not that hot out. Will shade them as needed. They benefit from the greenhouse blocking wind, blocking green spectrum light, and generally being warm and comfy at night. If it was hot out these things would cook and I would be more careful to shade them. I feel like wind is going to be the biggest problem if you don't harden them off. The branches take a while to gain strength, that's why I use veg nutes through pre-flower as recommended somewhere on these forums.

Just went under the crappy blue spectrum LED. All you need, if you aren't flowering under it. 3x Haze XL and 3x Kush XL. Not all the Kush germinated yet but I popped em in the soil anyway. Those two late ones were floating for a while and will be ~24 hours behind the others. Two of the others' tap roots had dark tips, think it was just part of an inner seed layer (you can see it on the 3rd seed from left). Screw using tweezers to sow the seeds, just get a box of unpowdered latex gloves, it's so much easier to handle them without fear of crushing or dropping them.

3x6 concurrent plants is all I ever plan to do at one time. It's a little more than I need but I'm planning to be unsuccessful with some of them. I don't plan to grow flowers indoors ever, so that means no grows for 4 months out of the year during the winter/rainy/chilly months. Not really sure if my setup will work out at the moment (for a lot of reasons), if I have to rearrange the garden it takes a lot of time. If anyone can help me improve yield that would be great. I'm just giving Grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] half strength Foxfarm bloom and Grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] half strength veg. Talking like 1 tsp per 5 gallon bag every 4 days. Too little or fine considering that they were in some nice soil to start off with?

I have some photo White Widow seeds to throw down for a fall harvest but I'm not really sure what the plan is yet. I could just start them off after everything else or get them going early, clone them possibly, and try to get some 4-5 month bushes... but not sure if I have the space for them. The bigger you go the more work you have cut out for you. It's just weed man :meds:
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3 of the 6 seeds from grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] are standing up, expect to see the 4th within 6-12 hours and then the other two hopefully within 24 hours. Will take photos after they have dropped shells and gotten their leaves out. For both grows [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] I had to manually remove shell casings and inner seed coating, as I'd rather not waste a day or two for them to do so on their own. I've heard LED can really dry out the shell casings, and after tearing them off several times I'm no longer afraid to do so. Just hold the stem at its base with one hand while you remove the shell and then the inner casing with the other. The stem itself is pretty strong at the beginning but if you don't hold it in place the seedling will tear out of the soil and disturb the roots.

Here is the seed popping schedule I've had for all my seeds so far:
0 hour mark - purified water soak (18 hours max)
18 hour mark - paper towel + heat mat + humidity dome (wait for germination)
3-4 full days mark - pop seeds in soil with powder-less latex glove and turn on LED (18 hours on 6 off)
6-7 full days mark - seedlings emerge (remove shells to expose leaves)
So a bit less than a week to go from a dry seed to a seedling with leaves. When the leaves emerge I call this "day 1" of the grow.
When the plant shows sex (not the early "spikes" at branch nodes, but the actual female parts which emerge later), then I call this "day 1" of flower.

After doing this a few times I basically have zero regard for temperature/humidity within the veg tent. Anywhere from 60-90F temps and 40%+ humidity seems fine and is not worth fussing over with temperature/humidity control.

Grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] took to the outdoors just fine.

Grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] not seeing much trichome development yet except on one of the AKs, which I have also noticed some of the pistils starting to change from bright white to more of an orange hue. I'm really hoping they'll be done within a month but I will wait a week or two longer than expected if necessary.

I defoliated half a dozen leaves per 2 month old plant, total 10 leaves average and still no training. They were drooping then yellowing and getting in the way of watering so I pulled them.

Have had multiple pests in the greenhouse going after leek, tomato, radish etc but nothing out of control yet. Trying not to spray neem oil anywhere.
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Fucked over grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] I think. I didn't want them getting too tall because the top of the greenhouse is by far the hottest. They were just getting unmanageable and hitting the roof. I tried to bend them over carefully but they all cracked about a foot down from the top. Maybe they will come back maybe not, I just hope I didn't stress out the entire grow. I definitely should have done this a few weeks ago while they were still pre-flowering and more bendy. Oh well that's how you learn right? :crying:Never thought they would get so tall in the first place.

Fucked over grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] I think. I didn't want them getting too tall because the top of the greenhouse is by far the hottest. They were just getting unmanageable and hitting the roof. I tried to bend them over carefully but they all cracked about a foot down from the top. Maybe they will come back maybe not, I just hope I didn't stress out the entire grow. I definitely should have done this a few weeks ago while they were still pre-flowering and more bendy. Oh well that's how you learn right? :crying:Never thought they would get so tall in the first place.

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Hopefully they'll be ok, as long as it's not too hot. Each place where she's bent will turn into a knuckle and be stronger than ever! :headbang:
Hopefully they'll be ok, as long as it's not too hot. Each place where she's bent will turn into a knuckle and be stronger than ever! :headbang:
Luckily it's going to be cool out these next several days. I looked it up and I guess this is super cropping and can be OK during flower. I didn't really support the tops at all, just kind of snaked one of the lower branches up for them to rest on about 90 degrees. The greenhouse makes for an excellent wind break. I did however make two tie-downs, one a third/halfway up the stalk, and the other as far up to the top as I could still see the main stem.
Couple days later and the buds on grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] are pointing up for light so I tied them to a bamboo stake with a soft plant wire to help hold the increasing weight.

I tried LST on grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and they just pointed straight up again, going to just stake them down when they get a bit bigger.

Seeds, Germination, Soil and Nutrients
I kept some 1 gallon jugs around with caps and keep tap water in them for a couple days. I use pure water for seedlings and do not feed until 1 month. By letting it sit out the chlorine works its way out.
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I totally doubt your are venting off much, if any, chlorine by having the containers sealed with no venting or lots or air exchange space at top. How can the chlorine diffuse off (where can it go?), and how can needed regular air and O2 get into the water (where does this come from?). Remove the seals, and ideally use pails or something with much more open air-exchange surface area.
4 of the 6 XL seeds are up from grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG].

I totally doubt your are venting off much, if any, chlorine by having the containers sealed with no venting or lots or air exchange space at top. How can the chlorine diffuse off (where can it go?), and how can needed regular air and O2 get into the water (where does this come from?). Remove the seals, and ideally use pails or something with much more open air-exchange surface area.

You are right and at the moment I may as well not bother even doing that. Everything outside gets hose water. Next year I should set up an outdoor water storage tank with an air pump.

Do you think it's worth going with an open pale for seedlings?