Week 8 (Day 61-68)
Following swelling of the apical buds (day 60), floral development of the Blueberry, Smurfberry and BHK slowed considerably until plants reached a state of dormancy. This was indicated by a gradual decline in pistillate formation, browning of existing flora and calyx swelling over a six day period. Despite this, trichome production and thickening of vascular tissues increased significantly during this time.
A series of foliar applications of 5% active yeast extract/algae extract (rich in cytokinin fractions) with added zinc (50mg) were provided consequtively at lights out every six hours adhereing to a 6/6/6/6 24hr photo-regieme for a three day period to induce cytokinesis at the bud termini and delay maturation. Cytokinins (CK) are a class of plant growth substances (phytohormones) that promote cell division (cytokinesis) in the rhizosphere and terminal buds. They are involved primarily in cell growth and differentiation, but also affect apical dominance, axillary bud growth, and plant senescence. Yeasts have been reported to be rich source of
phytohormones including cytokinins, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and minerals respectively.
During the 1940's coconut milk was found to be abundant in compounds that increased cell division rates in plant tissues. Later the active ingedients were identified as zeatins. Since these compunds had the effect of increasing cell division, (cytokinesis) they were named cytokinins. Most of these compounds are not availble commercially with the exception of benzyladenine (BA) which occurs naturally but does not occur in plants. Researchers conducting experiements to determine the relationship between auxins and cytokinins revealed that cultures with high cytokinin-auxin ratios had a tendancy to promote bloom capacity and vegatative growth mechanims - whereas in cultures with low cytokinin-auxin ratios the development of the rhizome was favoured.
Cytokinins are also involved in the delay of leaf abssion and plant senescence. Axillary buds have a tendancy to retain their maturity level of their point of origen untill auxin levels are supressed by removal of the main cola. Thus in the natural setting these lateral apices undergoe the phase change to maturity at their own terminus ie. Dormant buds that have reached an advanced state of maturity have a natural tendancy to remain inactive until the plant reaches senescence. If such buds are treated with exogenous cytokinins they may be stimulated and encouraged to continue flowering serving to delay the maturity of these plants and enhance crop productivity.
The yeast/algae supernatant applied in these foliar treatments was prepared in the following way;
The pure dry yeast powder is activated by using sources of carbon and nitrogen with the ratio of 6:1 and the activated mixture is combined with dessicated marine algae/powdered kelp/alginic acid 1:1. This ratio is suitable to get the highest vegetative production of yeast whereby 1ml of activated yeast contains approx. 12000 yeast cells (Barnett et al., 1990). Such technique allows yeast cells to be grown and multiplied effectively during conductive aerobic and nutritional conditions. To produce de novo beneficial bio-constituents;i.e., phytohormones, carbohydrates, peptides, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, enzymes, minerals etc.. they must be released from the yeast cell effluent; This is achieved by subjecting the media to two cycles of freezing and thawing to rupture the cellular membranes of the yeast cells, releasing their bio-constituents directly before use. Solution is aerated with an air stone for 12hrs adjusting to incubation temperature before immediate application and storage in a dark/warm place
Within 48-72hrs following treatment, floral density in the PE, BHK and Blueberry phenos had increased moderately with some stimulated growth of the apical and lateral auxillary buds and re-activation of pistilate formation. The pineapple express despite being excluded from the high concentration treatment is already exhibiting changes in apical dominance in the lateral and main termini. An increase in the number of competing termini can be observed in the meristem of these bud sites to give dimer and in some cases, trimer termini. This variation in floral structure may indeed be genomic, but is perhaps a result of previous applications of yeast/algae extracts at moderate concentration (see wks 4-6).
The second layer were provided regular intermediate feedings of 0.2% fish emulsion, 0.4% Rhizotonic and soil cultures enriched with 0.5% glucose solution between frequent waterings. Cabinet setting was adjusted to sustain a reduced humidity in the grow space to 30% with a reduction in ambient temperature of no more that 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Flowering plants were provided with a final mulch comprising 1:2 sulphate of potash and humic acid concentrate with added wood chippings