I just read through my thread from the beginning hoping to find some self-induced criticism and i noticed that i have used a great deal of terminology and words. From my experience all there is in information is metaphor - i believe much of what we say is a repeat of what somebody else has heard from somebody else or an experience that we have been exposed to or one that we have exposed ourselves to. But i will admit that i do always tend to try and re-formulate verbally anything that seems insoluble or paradoxical or unbearable to me by examining it with the genral rules of my reality-tunnel that some might suggest to be unclear or excessively semantic.
When studying science at university in my twenties, i was exposed to quantum mechanics for a short period of time. As a result, my view of the world changed dramatically and ever since i have shown a tendency in my work both as an instructor and academic researcher to view most problems in the world as existing because of the flawed verbal formula that is used to put them into existence. For example, for almost a century physicist's have been arguing whether light travels as discrete particles or whether it travels in waves like sound does or like electromagnitism, and there were experiments during the 1930-50's that supported both theories - so there were arguments back and fourth between the scientific communities at the time - is light waves or is it particles? And then in the 1920's somebody coined the term 'wavacles' he said - "light travels as waves and particles at the same time" and this was a joke at the time to emphasize the bafflement of the scientific community since the evidence from both supporting experiments conflicted and just didn't add up. And then Neil's Bohr in Germany, came up with the
Copehagen Interpretation, a model sub-atomic theory called Quantum Mechanics which gives the assertion that any model we make of the world or any reality tunnel we organize our perceptions into is not the worlds but a man-made conception.
It seems reasonable to assume that any progpaganda we are exposed to will shape our vision from the reality tunnel. So some experiments support the particle model and some support the wave model and we should be amazed by that since it shows that our brains are capable of constructing two different patterns of light depending on which instrument we choose to examine it with. And that is what light really is to me - a meaningless question that science can't answer - science can only answer questions like how does it register on this instrument and how does it register on that instrument.. And so i have a tendency to view everything in my world in terms of 'what does this model include and what does it exclude' - nobody can make a model that includes everything can they? Although according to Anto Wilson (a well known author and semantics advocate) all the dogmatists on the planet think they have - Wilson said 'if you included everything you'd end up with chaos'. In QM and theoretical physics, the scenario universe is non-simultaneously apprehended - in other words, we do not see the whole universe or whole space time continuum in any one instance - we perceive a minor part of the whole or a cross-section -
According to the literature i have been exposed to,
Modeltheism is making a model then idolising the model and hating others for worshiping a different one - Modeltheism is the idea that your universe has been simitaniously aprehended but that's impossible according to
general relativity - it is in fact non simaltanously aprehended according to this theory. So what you expereience tomorrow, if it entirely fits your belief's today, it's because you're not paying enough attention. The eight-circuit model is an interesting map that has led me to clarify with a majority but also to confuse a minority and i offer my apologies to them for my ignorance. I hope i can better tailor my communicative skills here to interact with everyone so we can help each other and have interesting conversation.
Thanks for listening to me justify myself

and thanks for showing interest here, it's always welcome.