New Grower Perpetual Auto Grow By The Trifid..

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Astro - I'm no astronomer and i'm not really into ufo's - most of them are just a joke - but i'd love to know what these are.. They are not your classical night sky phenomenon, but after watching stars for a number of years with my partner at our home, we began to see them all the time - every night and sometimes lots of them in a single evening. I had a discussion with a friend of mind in astronomy at the university and he says they could not have been satellites moving at that speed and the frequency that they do. Sometimes i even see several of then at once like in the video - their behavior, these things, is exactly as described in the video flashing faintly like a drifting beacon.. I went to grab a video of the sun off the tube but came across that video instead, and to my disbelief realized it's what I've been seeing for years. Sure does bug the hell out of me. I'm a scientist fgs.. But i feel helpless with this one. Most of time they don't do anything crazy just slowly making their way across the sky. They are not planes that's for sure, these are much further away like outside of our atmosphere - lol, sometimes it even seems like they actually move behind stars in their path.. If they do anything unusual it usually involves disappearing for a movement and reappearing slightly in-front of where you'd expect them to be and sometimes to the right or left of that position. You probably think i'm being somewhat irrational here but i see them all the time and there really is not an explanation for them. Annoying.

I came across this one a while back but this is quite different - these things are static in the sky, the guy filmed them with a camera mounted to his telescope. I assume he just leaves it running all night and plays it back, It's interesting to say the least..


That video is good. I'm going to look into what you've termed "static". That is extremely freaky and well worth a read (or video or whatever). I can't do it now though cuz my eyes are shutting down. Working nights...
hey trif, dont get me wrong, i believe you!. i am a firm believer in life throughout the universe. both more intelligent and less, and i wish that i was there seeing them as well. get some pics! the vids are full of holes as far as physics are concerned. one example is the statement that the ships are in deep space at 2.5 light years. that would make them impossible to see from earth even using the largest earth based scopes, there are other gaping holes in the physics related to albedo with is the reflectivity of objects in space these objects would have to be brighter than lazers to be seen from that distance. i would love to see what you are seeing, it would be a most profound moment in my life . "what do you see when you look close at the light?"
anyone as intelligent as you are i would believe in a hearbeat! now dont get a swelled head over
Hey astro, Trifid mentioned that those "ships" are just static. (What those smaller lights are that look like satellites?... hmm.) I still haven't looked into that static and where it comes from and how and why I'm only now seeing it here in a weed forum... But anyway, the guys in the Videos -the narrator and the hobby astron.- sound like some hardcore, cram it down your throat believers, who in their hearts know that they aren't ships. It's still damn interesting though.
hey i am diggin it noods! thats why i am here everyday. idont have enough autogrow knowledge to make many suggestions to the growers out here but i learn plenty! when i come to these threads with yourself,trifid,jm, it is to learn but also has the best conversation about subjects that i know a little about you guys make me laugh a lot and thats almost as good medicine as the cannabis! i appreciate your sense of humor.
The vids are full of holes as far as physics are concerned. one example is the statement that the ships are in deep space at 2.5 light years. that would make them impossible to see from earth even using the largest earth based scopes, there are other gaping holes in the physics related to albedo with is the reflectivity of objects in space these objects would have to be brighter than lazers to be seen from that distance..
Astro - Thanks. I have had this said to me before, but I'm unsure of the parameter are you referring to here, could you explain it a little to me? For example, is it possible that these objects could be interstellar ships from our past? Or light passing the cusp of a region of warped space (ie. the distal region of a black hole) that serves to refract or distort the path of the light from a distance, causing it to appear to be moving as the earth spins about it's axis and moves in orbit? I am not well informed with the astrological parameters (although i should be haha..), why it that the constraints or 'hole' you have spoken of exist? From my understanding, light is composed of elementary quanta - meaning the light travelling from a distance of 2.5 light years toward earth cannot be added nor subtracted and hence the quantity of light reflected as the incident ray of the object should be equivalent to the light intensity observed by the viewer, 2.5 light years away.

If these objects in deep space are of the extraordinary size as they have been described, then a great deal of energy would be required by them to sustain themselves in animation - especially to perform the mechanical maneuvers suggested by the video. If this be the case, could it be assumed that the incident ray is not a reflected light but an incident ray originating from them? ie. an elevated frequency of light much greater than that of a high-powered diode, related to their internal, high energy expenditure? - that is, the light is resonating from them in the same way as their internal IR signature - A quantity related to their inherent energy expenditure for the high demand processes they would require to sustain themselves in space? From my limited understnading, there is no set distance to how far the naked eye can see in our galaxy - rather, it all comes down to the luminosity of an object in space. While some say the Andromeda Galaxy is the furthest distance you can see with the naked eye, that is often said to be untrue. People have actually seen the Triangulum Galaxy with the naked eye, which is located approximately 3,000,000 light years away from our Milky Way Galaxy - that is 500,000 light years further than the Andromeda Galaxy. Although the Triangulum Galaxy still isn't the furthest object seen with the naked eye -people have actually reported spotting gamma-ray bursts that are well over 1,000,000,000 light years away from our Milky Way galaxy.
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Trifid mentioned that those "ships" are just static

Sorry Noods i think i might have confused you there - when i said static, i was referring to them being in a fixed position in space. They appear to moving due to the earth's spin about it's axis (according to the researcher who captured the footage..)

Interestingly i just found this here..

- ''Recently I have been privy to a front row seat of the greatest show on Earth. No it was not the circus but instead the derailing of one of Ufology's greatest hoaxers. I do not know if any of you were aware but Mr. ........ was about to premier a new(ahem..a rehashed version of his old stuff with new clips) movie and release it at the Chinese movie theater in Hollywood. The stage was set for the greatest disclosure movie ever made or so ..... claimed. YEAH RIGHT! IT WAS A DISASTER! His supposed partners bailed on him and left him holding the tab. He has officially cancelled the premier and is now trying to peddle the dvd''s of the failed premier for a whopping $40 bucks a piece.....IS HE INSANE? He is in debt to the tune of 300K+ and now he is looking to us for financial help. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

Now to the meat and potatoes of this rant....................If you take a trip down to ..........'s facebook page you will witness the true show. Here you will see him lashing out at fellow hoaxers of Ufology. No one is safe as he bashes ...... ...., and ..... ......... the military and even Hollywood.''

Lets not take their word for it - lets debunk it ourselves :thumbs:
well you have set me up for more typing than i can i am a two fingered typist ok, here goes as far as coming from the past, anything is possible, but i would think that if that was the case they would be from the future tourists from the 24th century coming back in time to look at the apes..... back to black holes, there are no black holes large enough to create a gravity field that would distort the light. if a black hole was anywhere near these objects it would be a giant beacon in space that would be as well known as the moon, if they are 2.5 ly away. yes if the light is not reflected
and is generated and eminating from the ship, it still woud take fantastic amounts of energy to glow from 2.5ly, what would be the purpose of wasting that much energy?? in the realm of scify any of these things are possible. " if a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years eventuley one of them will write a shakespere play. whew!! that for my two fingers a lot of work, we should have these discussions on skype!
i can flap my gums as fast as anyone!
what would be the purpose of wasting that much energy??

Thanks Astro, great discussion. Perhaps the emittance we are referring to would serve as a form of communication to a select observer (us perhaps?) or maybe the 'infinite' feild they generate and harvest their energy from is capable of re-harnessing the energy surplus emitted - once it reaches the observer via an alternate dimension in space - one that the observer is intimately connected to. This is a physical anomaly often observed in quantum tangling under controlled experimentation - do you have any understanding of this sub-atomic phenomenon?

as far as coming from the past, anything is possible, but i would think that if that was the case they would be from the future tourists from the 24th century coming back in time to look at the apes

Interesting postulate you have. If this is the case - that, at this distance they would observe us as apes, then is it also possible that they may be an alternate civilization from say, another galaxy - observing us as apes and refusing to approach any closer in fear that we may have evolved into inter-galactic offensives with the capacity to obliterate them defensively from the perimeter of the Milkyway? - Wondering if and why we - unlike them, are still relying upon conventional or less effective approaches for energy assisted space exploration? (''well we got here first, but why are you not here looking at us also?'') Maybe they are waiting to meet us in the middle?
i dont think that humans will ever last long enough to understand the universe, i do not subscribe to the big bang theory i believe in the steady state
universe that goes on indefinetly. over the years we have expanded the so called size of the universe, that trend will continue. my point being that if the universe is infinite then every thing that we have been talking about, somewhere in the universe is happening right now