New Grower Perpetual Auto Grow By The Trifid..

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Holy Nug-a-licious T-Man those look fantastic:jump: Awesome info friend:wiz: Think i copied and pasted every word for future ref :D Congratz on the harvest:thumbs: :peace:
Hello Triffid, Thought I'd hi-jack your thread and maybe learn a new trick or two from you... I just like to come here and see your lovely girls, but...

I crush then grind my eggshells and get them pretty powdery. I add them to the teas I brew, as you know. What I'd like to know is if there is any(simple)thing I can do to get more out of them. I know they're not giving all they can, aerating in the tea. I figure that there isn't much of a difference having them as an additive in a tea, or adding them to a top dressing. They break down slow either way. So we're freezing the Kelp- should I bake the shells? lol Any ideas? Thanks my friend!
Hey Noods, from my understanding, calcium carbonates (90% egg-shell content) are more thermodynamically stable as calcium oxides (caustic lime). Hence heating the egg shells in excess of 380K (107C) will lead to oxidation of the carbonate, to form calcium oxide where the carbon moiety will be liberated as carbon-dioxide. Heating will also serve to denature the trace protein complex (5%). Now calcium, in it's carbonate form will serve to neutralize soil acidity as and when it arises. The oxidation state of calcium in it's caustic form however, is not as effective as the pulverized carbonate limestone for horticultural pH control and management of soil-cultures. So my take on this is to apply the lime in it's carbonate forms and refrain from flaming it.

Since carbonates will register in the EC, their contribution should be ignored from the salt content indicated by the EC measurements. This is why it is sometimes recommended to water-culture growers to subtract the contribution of carbonates to the EC since this factor is magnified under aquatic conditions.
Thanks Trifid! And just this morning I found Moe's thread.
(I found it again, that is. I knew I'd read something a little while ago, but couldn't find it. Then it got active again this morning and voila..)

I like the eggshells 'cuz they're "free". :smoke: Lime, I'd have to buy. Thanks again for the info buddy!! :smokebuds:
Fantastic thread, grow, pics, info etc! +rep and thanks for sharing mate!

Holy cow Noods, you know your crap Bro, those are some delicious lookin plants. Thats why I take your advice. Love the seedling domes. Just dont understand the log, being Im new its like chinese to
Holy cow Noods, you know your crap Bro, those are some delicious lookin plants. Thats why I take your advice. Love the seedling domes. Just dont understand the log, being Im new its like chinese to

I'm pretty sure that's worth an edit. :crying:
It's very flattering, but compared to Dr. Trif, I'm a toddler learning to walk while he's running 100k marathons.
yeah Noods,i'd say he must have been heavily medicated when he posted that one.Trifid you should get a mod to change your name to Professer Trifid....then you could take us all to UGM...(University of Growing Marijuana)..