Harvest, Drying and Curing
Here's some harvest material from the 1st tier

The curing cabinet was sterilized prior to use with 17% hydrogen peroxide spray and preheated to eliminate any ambient moisture - cabinet temperatures were in the range of 20-24C with an ambient humidity no greater than 30% - the drying period was interrupted following a net reduction in wet-wt of 75% and the floral clusters placed into jars for curing burping when necessary to maintain a humidity of 65%.
BlueHimalayanKush 82 days - Pre-cure
BlueHimalayanKush 82 days - 12 day cure
The BlueHimalayanKush was taken over a period of a week at 82 days. The primary cola was harvested first upon maturity as indicated by the browning of accessory leaves and darkening of the calyx - dried for six days and placed into the curing jar. The lateral colas produced the more aromatic resins (caramel/blueberry) and were dried for four days. The jars were burped periodically to maintain a humidity of 65% and were placed in storage after 12 days.
Bluematic day 84 - Pre cure
The Bluematic was harvested at day 84 and required minimal trimming - resin production was accelerated in the final week to give sour/blueberry aromas similar to the DP Blueberry parent. The floral clusters were dense and tight-packed but cured quickly to give a smokable product after only six days with minimal burping.
PineappleExpress 87 days - Post manicure (left). Bluematic day 80 - Pre-harvest (right)
PineappleExpress (lateral cola) 87 days - Post manicure
PineappleExpress reached a uniform maturity on day 87 with a minor percentage of amber trichomes and was harvested over period of a few days. The product was only moderately resinous with a high leaf-calyx ratio and high cluster productivity. The citrus pineapple aroma was muted during the drying process but became immediately apparent after only six days into the cure where burping became less frequent.
Smurfberry day 85 - Pre-harvest (left). Smurfberry 89 days - post manicure (right)
Smurfberry 89 days - post manicure
The Smurfberry gave the highest grade product at day 89 - the floral clusters compact and solid to the touch, frosty in appearance and pungent - the strong kerosine/licorice aromas are similar to the generic WhiteWidow. Despite producing only a very minor yield, the product was overwhelming to the senses during the manicure, accessory leaves were completely covered in trichomes and very sticky.
Smurfberry resin day 89 - Post manicure
Smurfberry resin day 89 - Post manicure