New Grower PC Grow- Noob

Hi friends. Well things are underway for 6 new plants (seeds soaking now). Two regular Purple Ryder and four regular Blue Himalaya with hopes of a male or two so i can get a little seed stock going. This will be the most I've grown at one time and my first attempt at pollination. I'm very excited :jump: to say the least. Got the Jiffy Greenhouse 32-Plant Starter Kit. Figured I'd give that a try since I've had germination problems before. I have my pc grow case set back up so if i get a male that's where it will go. Also i have to rework the way my lights are set up in the night stand/bed side dresser that is my grow box. I will be moving the lights from the middle to the sides in preparation for a Phat 12x4 Carbon Filter:booya:I'll get some pics up when it's all set up:peace:
In the meantime i have one BH that's just 14 days from starting final flush stage of grow. The other BH is growing very nice and green now that i got the N fixed in the nutes. Being my grow space is very limited i have been averaging 7-10 grams dry, so this next grow with the six plants will be awesome! If i can get an average of 8g per plant and get 3-4 females i might start getting ahead a tiny bit. One bowl or J last me all day so it will not take much to put me ahead or something like that:peace:
Hi friends, i need a bit of guidance. I have 3/6 beans that broke soil in the jiffy kit. The box says "when first seeds sprout, prop dome open. When all seeds have sprouted, remove dome & place in sunny location" or under lights in my case. This being my first time (:hump:be gentle:D) using jiffy :hump:>plugs/kit< :hump: is that what i do? Thanks friends:peace:

Are you getting any condensation inside the dome? If not, I'd leave it on for a bit longer.
I'd prop it open then.
Great journal! Good to see someone else growing those little gems with CFL's (I also use 23W bulbs, 2-3 per plant). I'll have to go back and see what you're yielding, I'd be completely happy with .5-1 oz per plant now or in the future, as I'm not a heavy or even a daily smoker. But I likes to have some kind when I want it!
Going to be buying a new fan/filter combo before i start my next grow(one small blue himalaya stinks the whole room) I'm going to be growing 6 at a time so i will definitely need a carbon filter. As you know my space is very small. I can mount the filter inside the box and the fan outside with no problem. I was thinking something along the lines of this>>>>

PS - you're probably past this by now possibly, but, if you have $50 to spare, I would highly recommend this plug-in Ionizer - it'll blow out the smell of a couple of small plants with ease, and you can adjust its output on the fly, it has literally saved my ability to grow in a small condo/apt closet so far. Just read the reviews for it. It covers pretty much my entire place on a lower setting, running in the closet continuously - so the smell doesn't even get out of the closet before its covered-up. I've found the ONA type stuff to be spotty at best, and the carbon air filters I slap on the PC vents don't do much of anything (they especially don't help when I open the boxes a few times a day when lights are on).

GT50 Professional-Grade Plug-In Adjustable Ionic Air Purifier
Thanks‎ TokinNuggs. I read the reviews about the Ionic Air Purifier. Sounds like it might be a good buy. At the moment i'm getting about 8g a plant and that's with around 160w of cfl bulbs. Checked out your threads also. Looking good friend:thumbs::peace: