Hi friends. So far i have got 4/6 sprouted and under the lights and their looking great:dance2: I could not be more happy. Still hoping the last two will sprout
The BH that is close to finish is smelling so very nice. Now my friends let me tell you a funny story. While my seeds were soaking I had them in to different shot glasses. 4 BH in one and 2 PR in the other. I took a sharpie and pushed the BH down in the water (now for the BIG NOOB screw up), then proceeded to push down on the PR. As i looked over to the BH shot glass you all know what i saw...two seeds
Looked at the PR shot glass as i slowly removed the sharpie...four seeds:no:
But what is done is done. I just smiled, smoked a bowl and went on with my day. They will all get sorted out in the end i guess. Well have a great one