New Grower PC 40w Nano Grow - May the learning curve begin

After the last update i thought if this is going to die i might also try to put some coffee waste as i heard it might help with nitrogen.

Day 16
After my flush attempt leaves started to look a bit droopy but it's slowly growing. Didn't give it water since.
Cotyledons continued to get yellow maybe it's time for them.


Day 17
I noticed a small web on the soil that i marked in red in the pic below and was wondering if there is anyway to know if these are spider mites or just a friendly spider?
Hope you can help thanks.
@Mañ'O'Green @archie gemmill @Need4Weed @Rollin_along

Most likely mycelium from a fungus. Do you have drain holes in that container as a fungal growth may indicate too wet conditions.
:yeahthat: thats my thinking to,i thought spidermites was like a plague,by the time you get a cobweb you allready got millions of them.
a seedling of that size needs next to no water,paleness leads me to think overwatering,so easy done though.
good luck n keep er lit.
Yes i do have 2 holes on the bottom for drainage.
It might be how you say because of wet conditions as i tried to flush the soil but haven't given water for a week or so.
That soil looks heavy, I think you are drowning that poor baby. Flushing soil usually does more damage than good by rinsing away the microbes needed to make nutrients available to the plant. Learn to judge the water content of the pot by hefting it and water when it is about 30% to 40% of the weight after watering. You also may want to get some Mykos to add microbes back to the soil.
Yeah the soil looks heavy, i might have to get some perlite or whatever you guys are mixing with for the next time.
Is there a way to add those beneficial microbes a more natural way? Maybe i could add i bit more of the same soil.
Also what are your thoughts on using homemade nutes like coffee waste and i heard about people using egg shells too for calcium?
Yeah the soil looks heavy, i might have to get some perlite or whatever you guys are mixing with for the next time.
Is there a way to add those beneficial microbes a more natural way? Maybe i could add i bit more of the same soil.
Also what are your thoughts on using homemade nutes like coffee waste and i heard about people using egg shells too for calcium?
You can use any kind of "witch's brew" you want it is a weed! If you want to grow plants that look like this you will use quality nutrients from a reputable manufacture designed for cannabis. You will use their entire line on their schedule. There are exceptions to this but you need to learn the basics first.

I really appreciate the tips, i am making mental notes on everything i would need for my next grow (this includes more space, bigger pots, more light, better soil, good nutes, ph meter...).

But this as my first grow, i would like to experiment a bit and work with what i have on hand right now (including any kind of "witch brew").
:yeahthat: I am quite sure it sounds dumb to most of you (experienced growers), but as i can see the start of my journey was not so great as my plant was stunted for like two weeks, and at day 20 it looks like a week old seedling, so it being still alive is a huge milestone so far.

Last couple of days i gave a break from light for about 4h/day as i heard it might stimulate root growth but i am planning to return to 24/7 from today.
Also gave some water today as the pot was pretty light and soil was dry.
Peace :pass::smokeout: :thanks:
I really appreciate the tips, i am making mental notes on everything i would need for my next grow (this includes more space, bigger pots, more light, better soil, good nutes, ph meter...).

But this as my first grow, i would like to experiment a bit and work with what i have on hand right now (including any kind of "witch brew").
:yeahthat: I am quite sure it sounds dumb to most of you (experienced growers), but as i can see the start of my journey was not so great as my plant was stunted for like two weeks, and at day 20 it looks like a week old seedling, so it being still alive is a huge milestone so far.

Last couple of days i gave a break from light for about 4h/day as i heard it might stimulate root growth but i am planning to return to 24/7 from today.
Also gave some water today as the pot was pretty light and soil was dry.
Peace :pass::smokeout: :thanks:
I like your willingness to experiment. You will learn much from it - over time.
I remember in the early days of good autos when I was 17/18 I performed a very similar experiment using a suitcase, foil, pc fan and the same amount of lighting in CFL and I did learn a lot from it.

Particularly what NOT to do haha which was everything lol still managed to get about an 8th of great bud. Plant looks exactly as mine did, like everyone else said its mainly the soil. It was only after my first day as a horticulture student (I'm not that far into my course to) that I discovered how important growing medium/ environment is. With indoor grow conditions which have more consistent humidity levels (whether high or low) and more or less natural beneficial stresses (like wind, rain, very mild drought) that mother nature provides many plants struggle. Indoor roses are a goods example, people buy them and they rarely last long.

Try to increase drainage holes if you can, 2 holes isn't much for heavy soi.

There is hope yet though, maybe switch to misting if you can, and maybe try to use bottled/filtered/rain water instead of tap if you live in a hard water area if you're not already. Leaving tap water to stand for 36—48hrs can also do to allow at least chlorine to evap. Plants are suffering more and more harder waters of today.

Its not usually advised but if your potting soil is really bad with not enough draining you can always try an emergency repot. You'll have to be extremely careful not to damage the tap root as you'll kill the plant. This is a last ditch effort as theres a high chance of stunting and or killing the seedling, without a extended root ball soil will come apart but if you're lucky, quick and careful it could work. I've personally done it recently because I damaged a pot.

Hope that was if any help and sorry to ramble, too much Amnesia on a Sunday morning haha
Best of luck

P. S. This is the plant in question 9 days old and recovered with no hitches. Just started Low stress training. It's critical cheese auto Zamnesia Seeds


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Thanks for sharing your experince, the soil looks heavy indeed and i will try misting for sure.
This has been a very nice learning experience and very much like you i am learning a lot of things about what NOT to do too :biggrin:
I am using tap water that i let to stand as you suggested.
My plant however is severely stunted and if i can get a gram from her it will be another great milestone i guess.

Day 24
24ºC 28%
Around day 21 i tried to add a bit of witch's brew (1/3 of an egg shell and 1 small spoon of coffee waste).
The plant doesn't seem to happy with leaves' tips curling down on the new set of leaves and the first one are kinda twisted sideways and curling down too...
What i think it might be:
-Heat (temps were around 30ºC in most of the first days, i've opened a bit the case "door" to let more cold air inside now).
-Nitrogen toxicity (my research showed me some cases of this where plants show "the claw" leaves kinda similar to what i'm seeing.
-Ph issues that i'm unable to check atm (but i'm pretty sure it's off the golden range).
