Outdoor Paulg’s 2022 grow


Cultivators Club
Jul 16, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
All things Twisted Tree
Well I guess it’s my turn! I had a reasonably successful outdoor grow last season. I was planning to start in March, but between the dry sunny weather (N. California) and cannabis nervosa I’ve decided to start earlier. My grow plan is to try a number of different concepts I’ve picked up here on AFN and find what works best for me. I’m not too concerned with high yields, keeping a low profile is important. I felt my two auto’s could have done better (15 and 22 grams). Despite alot of experiences to the contrary, I felt topping may have stunted the plants. So, that’s a big question I need to answer for myself. You’ll see I’m going to great lengths to minimize any stunting due to transplanting. So… to start Ive planted one Blueberry Mazar. In March I’ll start two more plants. Hope you enjoy! Comments welcome.

Fage yogurt container used for low stress transplant/ terrarium

I filled a three inch piece of paper towel tube with seedling mix and filled the rest of the container with Happy Frog dirt. The sprout went directly into the moist seedling mix. The concept is that the tap root will search out the soil when its ready. No, transplant needed.


Day one

Day eight: added a little soil and lightly watered.

Thats all for now, folks!
Everything is looking good. I’ve been bringing her inside each night, as it’s been cold with frost some nights. I gave her the first real watering this morning. Up to this point I’ve just been giving her enough to keep the soil moist. Today, I completely soaked the top soil, adding a little kelp extract.

Weekly update: I started two new seeds from Twisted Trees, a Mulled and Twisted and Nova OG. Shout out to TT, my order got lost in the mail and they immediately reshipped. Yea! I’m getting ready to move the Blueberry to a five gallon bag. The nighttime temps are coming up into the 40-44‘F range. We’re going out of town in two weeks, so all three will have to be outdoors by then.



Never grown outdoor, but I also live in North Cali...sign me up :pop:
Weekly update: the Blueberry Mazar is well into pre-flower. I’m going to transplant into a five gallon fabric bag today. The outside temps are consistently over forty degrees F , so she will be moving to her new home. The TT’s are doing fine, spending their days in the sunshine.

Hopefully, this is starting to be more interesting! The BM has been outside for the past week. I did some training based on G.Leaves’ outdoor grow guide. The main stem is held up vertically, while the main cola is bent to an almost 90 degree angle. As the lower colas develop, I’ll LST them to get maximum light. The main stem is southern facing. She seems happy!
I had an interesting week with the Nova OG. She almost looked like she was dying. Very wilted and anemic. I think I may have overwatered her. She is bouncing back, but what a difference with her cousin, Mulled and Twisted! I’m trying a two in one grow in a five gallon fabric bag.
Both plants are held in milk crates and placed in medium sized tubs. I did this last season and it allowed me to overwater a little if I was going to be away. So, I top water but have the option to bottom water if needed. Comments welcome.


I’ve been away for two weeks. Fortunately, my son was able to water the plants twice while I was gone.
I’m happy with the Blueberry Mazar. It’s well into flower. The stem training is working well. All the colas are about the same height. I did some leaf tucking and bent some of the colas to open them to the sun. I added some 420 flowering fertilizer. It’s nice and sticky and sweet smelling.
The Mulled and Twisted (MT from here on) is doing well. The stem and leaves feel very limp to the touch but seems healthy. The Nova seems to be the runt of the litter! I was planning to do a two plant in five gallon pot test but given the sucess with the BM I decided to give the MT the same treatment. I’m not going to top this one either. I moved the Nova back to it’s low stress container. I may just play with it for kicks! I’m starting another Nova seed. My plan is to start one plant each month through July. We’ll see how it goes.
It’s been unseasonably hot here in N.California (86 yesterday!).

Back after a brief hiatus! The BM hasn’t grown much but is filling out nicely. It’s getting very sweet and sticky. The MT has grown several inches , much more open than the BM. The Nova continues to be a little pathetic! For giggles I planted her in the ground with a dripper. It’s time for her to shit or get off the pot. It’s been raining a bit here. I’m a little concerned about rot, but the plants seem to dry pretty quickly in the breeze. Nicer weather is forecast.