Ahh, I wish I was still in this. Nice plant ILI, consider throwing it in 12/12 for a few days or 24 hours of darkness to try to jump start it? Very impressive growth for a party cup !
Thank you I'm trying. Whatsgoodie i was thinking that but since its feminized I thought that maybe it would stress it too much? I got those seedlings going in there with her and I have had it 20/4 her whole life. Any suggestions ?
Edit- I been feeding her with grow/bloom natural from humboldt and some equilibrium which is a mal/cal supplement 3ml of Grow/2ml of Bloom and 1ml of Equilibrium, holding off on the honey es bc last time it was browning/rusting the leave tips.
Iluvindica. It would seem you don't have a true auto. Try switching the light cycle to 18/6. If after 3 weeks it doesn't show sex reduce the light cycle again to 14/10. It takes ~20~ days for plants to show sex when the light cycle is switched to the range the plant needs to flower. You asked if switching the light cycle will stress it out. It might a little bit but should not cause it to hermi. Goodluck
Im gonna let it be if you compare my AKR to other ones on the site I should have BUDS but I would say sense I had it on 20/4 its just flowering slower It doesnt have eough time to build up its flowering chemicals. Idk doesnt seem like its not an auto but idk this is my first auto grow 2nd grow ever lol some pics
For sure. If its only 45 days old there's really no reason to panic yet. For some reason I was under the impression it was older. Seems like the party grow has been going much longer then that. Its not unheard of for autos to take up to 60 days to show sex. Happy growing mate.
I don't know if I'm to high and reading this wrong if I am Sorry. By those pictures it is flowering do you mean its just not advancing? My first ones where like that if you are using cfl or T5 try using only 6500. If I'm way off base just ignore
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