Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??


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Cultivators Club
May 26, 2011
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Hey Buds! I thought I would throw this out there to see how many of my fellow paranormal enthusiasts/ghost hunters are out there...

I had an experience back in 1998 along with my cousin -- we both saw our uncle that has died 5 months earlier. To make a long story short... So there's nothing anyone can say to me or show me to prove "ghosts" or the "afterlife" don't exist. Thought this would be a fun topic to talk about when you're tokin' out! :D Have gotten some interesting pics over the years as well... And I'm not talking "orbs". Better evidence. I was searching for answers long before the "ghost hunters" thing caught on. I'm sure may of us have! Also, being an audio engineer I have captured some great EVP's. That interests me as well... So let it rip buds! Any personal experiences or photos??
Great thread WVR! I love all this parnormal stuff. Never had any experiences thou. My DVR is full of all those shows. Show us those pics!
One night when I was 9 I was sleeping and for some reason I remember waking up from a sound sleep to see a spirit checking out my bookshelf. Now my mom grew up in lilydale newyork and was a spritual guide when she was younger. Idk if that has anything to do with what i saw im just cocluding that i might be more in tuned with the sprits than a normal person. i mean in the same house my mom would even wake up during the night hearing the cabnients opening and closing in the kitchen thinking it was me and would go into the kitchen and all the cabnient doors would be open.I had the same thing happen to me but with the windows and this was an old house so the windows were a bitch to open. As for another experience I had this odd feeling evrytime i went to my girlfriends parents house around this room in the basement. Now i would say to my girl do you sense that and she would be like no and fianlly one day I told her that i feel like people have died in that room or something bad happened in that room. Now she never really said anything until one day something like jarred her memory. Shes like oh yea i remember whats in that room. My dad has stored his service rifle from his time in nam. I can only imagine how many souls are connected to that rifle but it dawned on me that maybe i do feel "energy" and can sense things on another level.
I have a ghost cat. My neighbor's kid saw it. My daughter saw it. I've seen it. No one had said anything to us about it before we reported seeing a cat in my hallway. We all had the exact same description. Haven't seen it lately, but sometimes I feel it is here.

I live in a place with a whole lot of paranormal activity. People make trips here in droves to experience it. I see things all the time. Most recently, besides the cat, I saw and heard a person shaped apparition walking through the cemetery. We were in a group when this happened. A few minutes later, it rained on just one car. Downpoured on it. Spritzed the rest with a fine mist. The car belonged to a medium. When we drove back into town, the car was still soaked even after being blown off from driving.

Doesn't freak me out at all usually. I've seen them personally. I even saw an ectoplasmic form in my hotel room in Mexico once. Flippin' awesome.
fucking INCREDIBLE !

I have just read on the net somewhere, that a brainbox called Relativist Sean O'Meara in his new book, A Pilgrimage to the Stars, on the Kindle, has placed in the actual answers to the ghosts Phenomena in Metaphysical Relativity.

Toak on that

Hey buds! I'm so glad you all are into this stuff lol this should make for a bad ass thread!

@Jackal -- I'm gonna get some up here tonight. I gotta dig around my pics a bit to find the ones I have in mind. Mostly vortexes and spirits in motion. I have a set of pics from my Grandmother's old house. She passed away in 2004 and while it was empty waiting to be sold we went hunting around. Got a sequence of pictures with this Indian or Demon head. Looks Like a huge Indian Head to me... You see it forming and then take full shape. I'll look for those pics now and get them up here asap. I do have one that to me is the "holy grail" so they say... It was taken in this ghost town in Death Valley called Rhyolite. Well, it's right outside Beatty, NV which is just along the outskirts of Death Valley... I'm having it analyzed by a professional so no one can say we doctored it or it's a fake. I'm reluctant to post it but I may change my mind lol I don't want it stolen -- not that you guys would! Outside the AFN community... Well, actually isn't this site set up to where if you're not registered you can't view pics?? Don't you have to be on someone's friends list to see their pics? Until then I'm gonna dig up some pics for you all to enjoy.

@ILI! Thanks for sharing your experiences! Is Lilydale where the psychic center is?? If that's the place I'm thinking of I know exactly what you're talking about.

@ Midnight Toker That's crazy! Thanks for sharing man! Yeah it's fun living in a historic area! I grew up in one and I live in one now so I've always been interested in history and been attracted to old places. There's always spirits around those types of places. You can feel it. Whether it's residual or real people that have passed on you feel something... I wish science would take the paranormal more serious and do some serious experiments or think of some real theories... It's just a known fact that there's frequencies that WE can't see or hear. Devices or animals can. So just because WE can't hear it or see it all the time doesn't mean that it's not there! IMO.

Which leads me now to Mike Smith! Thanks for the reply bro! I'm gonna check that out sometime soon. Thanks for dropping that by!

Hey Buds! I dug up a few pics for you guys to chew on for a bit. Until I can dig up more. I thought I had them all on my external hard drive I back up all my treasures on. However, I have my desktop that isn't hooked up right now. I've been using my laptop for a few years now actually lol So, I'll have to get back to you on the Morphing Indian pictures from my Grandma's old house...

As some of you may know I lived in LV, NV for 5 years while I was out there working... Me & Mrs Reb spent quite a bit of time in the Mojave Desert & Death Valley. I was privileged enough to spend a night free in the Amargosa Opera House in Death Valley Junction while filming an episode for a magician that has been quite popular on A&E the last few years lol Some of you may have seen it the episode if you watched his show... Anyway shortly afterwards me and the wife went back out in the the Valley to adventure off and without trying caught some crazy unexplained pictures not to mention some beautiful shots of Death Valley. It's one of our favorite places on the entire planet. That and the many Ghost Towns that surround it. Being avid Treasure Hunters as well, we own a very good metal detector and hunt often, we love to detect the old Ghost Towns out west and the rare ones around here in the Appalachians. I'm a little high on the Bubblegum so I'm yappy lol OK Enough lol On to the pictures Jackal!

Here's three consecutive shots that were taken in the dead of night in Red Rock Canyon near Blue Diamond, Nevada. No lights around anywhere, these were taken in the pitch dark with no flash.

These next two shots were taken in a town across the river in Ohio. It's a very old historic town and imo VERY haunted. Any areas that were taken by force from the Native Americans to me will always be in turmoil. A lot of blood was shed in this area for Manifest Destiny. In the last 4 years we have caught more evidence on film here in this area than any other area in the country.
This one was taken inside a cemetery that has an Indian Mound in the center of it and is known to have strange colored lights appear at night. One night I was lucky enough to capture this...First is the original photo, second is close up of the anomaly...

This next one is was also taken in that same historic town. First shot is the original and the second is the reverse negative of the shot.

These next two shots are what we think are the spirit of a man named Jim. We know his last name but for privacy reasons we'll leave it out... Jim passed away a few years back and now my mother in law rents Jim's old house. He still makes his presence known weekly in some way and one thanksgiving (they always seem to be more active around the holidays) Jim was really making a racket in the basement so we took a few pics Mrs. Reb caught these. I'm actually in the picture with the upside down question mark looking thing but we zoomed in to omit me. And so you can see it better. I know I said no orbs but you have to admit there looks like some eyes in that orb in the second pic. That is a black garbage bag behind the eyes one. It also looks like it's moving in an upward motion to the left. Then a few pics later we catch that upside down question mark which to me looks like an orb in motion...

Enjoy! I'll post more as I dig them out and please feel free to include your own up here!!
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Wow those are some crazy pics! Never seen anything like those. Thanks for sharing them.
Hey Jackal! Thanks brother! I can't explain them that's for sure! Glad you enjoyed them. I'll get some different ones up here soon. Maybe later tonight if not tomorrow. My archives are a bit scattered at the moment. We recently moved and my pc is still boxed up. Haven't had much use for it since I have my laptop as well and most my pics are on it... LOL I do have some more interesting ones I'll share soon!
Alright sounds good, will be looking forward to some more when you get a chance. I believe there is unexplained things out there. Truth is if i actually witness something it would scare the shit outta me, LOL.