Indoor Pakistan Ryder 4 feet tall

I never grew either lol
I have grown shishkaberry for 15 years since I was a child but I been outta it for a bit and just getting back up so all these new kinds and autos and shit is whack lol too much to process lol I really want my shishkaberry but no one sells the true thing
Good choices Paul good genetics great companies especially dinafim
Seed plants stronger thwn clones plus no diseases from other growers clone's are kinda like starter plants
dinafem is highly highly highly recommended by my local seedbank lol kinda coincidence that's shes Spanish and dinafem is a Spanish company lol and ummmmm yeah and not only is my local seedbank owner is a woman but dinafem is a woman based seed company lol hmmmmmm something's fishy there lol no but seriously I remember dinafem from way back and they were good then and they are still top of their game now so why not from why I hear they are like the Microsoft or apple of seedbanks lol
I don't mind seeds to start mothers but I prefer clones lol once rooted they are a mature plant and you don't have to wait for the seed to mature ......... I know some ppl don't but why not be proper about things lol
but then again it aint like im searching thru seed banks on the reg