New Grower OXOSSI RULES OK!!! -First time grow with new LED, Auto mazaar, Afghan Kush & Diesel Ryder

Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Equipment ( so far)
1x Secret jardin DR90 growtent
1x Ruck fan and carbon filter
1x Quantum Bloom 240w LED (my final choice after last minute intervention by Red-Eyed C (via DP Tony) thanks)
1x110w CFL propagating light
4x 6L airpots (for tiering the smaLler pots into)
AN Sensi Grow & Sensi Bloom
2x Auto Mazaar
1xDiesel Ryder
1xAfghan Kush Ryder
Well it has taken me longer than expected to get to this point, but finally we are here at the start of my first grow. After what seems an age haunting this and any other forum that my search engine came up with in my search for information I was ready to go. Unfortunately when it came to doing it, I dillied and dallied, part first time nerves and partly information (often conflicting) overload .I ended up putting them in pots with some john innes seedling compost and left them on the south facing balcony just as my partner had previously grown a few plants every year. I left it them under her care for 4 days and by the last day I discovered them looking very overwatered and I was feeling very down.
Fortunately it spurred me to action so I took the 4 small pots put them in a propagator under110w of CFL in my grow tent and just as a safeguard I placed a picture of Oxossi the brasilian/yoruban god of agriculture in the tent and played a song about him by Geronimo a legendary bahian singer
Anyway I woke up the next morning, April 1st,to find two little shoots, one with a small pair of leaves and when I checked mid afternoon another small shoot had appeared. This afternoon I found a little shoot lying under a lump of soil so we have all four plants present and correct. Let battle commence!!!!!!!!
ps how do you upload photos to this as i just get asked for a URL when I try to
led close up.jpgapril 1st.jpglighting.jpgpropagator.jpgapril 2nd.jpg
here are some photos of my babies and their present environs
great man! glad to see that your seedlings popped! good luck on your journey, im in my first grow as well, and im doing afghan kush ryders on day 17 today, and for the most part, so far so good! good luck!
looks like you have a good start there. You should do very well!
april 3rd.jpg
this is them today, just getting a bit of sunlight before getting the CFL a lot closer. Should i wait till they are a bit larger before starting up the LED as well as the CFL, or would it be ok to do them at this stage?
WTF is this???????????????

This is the auto Mazaar that came up last and whilst its tip was initially a normal whitish colour it has now gone to this. Does anyone know what has happened? I am perplexed, it looks as if it has snapped off but I cant imagine how as it never rose above the lip of the cup and I was very careful not to touch it.


  • Auto Mazaar WTF.jpg
    Auto Mazaar WTF.jpg
    106.9 KB · Views: 61
wow bro that blows..maybe a bug ate it or something..thats weird, im sorry to see that man..
I dont see any perlite in that soil mix im no expert but im 100% sure that it would help 100%
Damn that look pretty awful. No offence at all I assure you. And yes I agree with growdawg 3000%. Perlite is a must. It looks like your soil is just plain waterlogged and way too wet. I would say that, that is your problem.
As for the chopped off seedling, it was probably a bug of some sort unless you have a pet or a mouse perhaps. It was definitely a critter!
And I have to agree your soil does look sloppy wet, but if your pic is immediately after watering that would explain that.
If you over water at this point your seedling could succumb to "dampening off" which is basically sort of drowning & rotting your root system.
The result of that would be your stem getting spindly, the plant falling over face first, and laying there like a drunk drowning in an inch deep puddle of mud!
Let your soil dry out a little. Your girls will appreciate it!