Grow Mediums Overwatering signs in hydro?yellowing,droopy leaves?

Mar 24, 2012
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Hi All
experiencing some seriously worrying issues with my Russian Dragon lady.
PH is fine,EC is fine....but she is droopy and sad as hell.
local forum gives me the answer of "welcome to hydro".
all i know is if she looks like this tomorrow im making lotsa hash
clones recovered slightly after removing affected leaves
sick clones.jpg
F**k knows brother??.. Looks like she's drowned or something?? Weird :confused:
plenty of oxygen,ran a dual outlet pump on 2 15cm+airstones,even upped her to a 25l res to see if that was yellowed and dry.
i wonder if it was an auto trait kicking in and saying,day 80,time to die now?
minimal harvest,most excited about the 9 seeds.will smoke a bud or two and make hash and canna butter if its bad
I would say either roots, or environmental since it affects all plants in different stages of growth.
Humidity, or temp change?
Res temps inline?
those plants were clones of the bigger female,so same plant,same age.
temps were constant,if a bit of a heat wave but cab was unaffected(turned up the td800 extraction)
res temps would'nt have changed.
i would have to say roots?
Does look like root rot - have you had a look at them - what do they smell like?
Sorry for the late response,but it was a combination of root rot,root aphids and old calibration fluid,ph meter was out by .5 and the net post were letting light through onto the roots.
Most if not all have been resolved to some improvement on the clones of this lady,but even they are struggling

If everything else seems to be in order, I would say nutrients or fumes from a building project or furnace?

Anywho, salts in many fertilizers can be detrimental and if added to city water that already has high dissolved solids/ salts it can be bad.

The same hormone is sent into the plant when salt is too high as when the plant is going through drought. If you are sure there are no fumes or argon or anything crazy like that. They could be canaries warning you of a danger you cannot see.

just read last post. Glad you got it resolved.
My experience is that the EC is too high = fat injury

If fertilizer injury?

Immediately replaced water of pH 5.5-6.0

The blade large number of cut off

A root rot, immediately cut off

Good luck
