Outdoor Strategies

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LBH Seeds - Automatic Seed

This is a link to the site seed shop, lbh has a lot of autoflowering sativas you should check out. I've never grown any of them out but if i were sitting on a tropical island I wouldn't mind having some of these babies around.
hell ya those look like some good ideas im going to start out beginning of may these islands are in a bay though on the gulf of mexico so idk if all the salt would make a difference but do you think those strains would hold up in high humidity and temps of the gulf coast? ive been looking at some of dinafems new strains...just want to make sure whatever strains i use can handle the environment ya know.
Salt doesn't go into the air with the evaporating water, that's why you can desalinate water with a solar still. I have no idea if those strains will hold up but they are bread from tropical sativias so I'm ASSuming they would do well. They are bread by a member here on the site and they have a forum, https://www.autoflower.org/forum39/forum22/ check on there and ask LBH about his plants.
very true thanks for the advice ill def have to look into it but i meant more so in the soil around where ill be growing it might be a little acidic or something idk ill have to test it probably but i was just thinking of digging a decent size hole then filling with ffof soil i have a bunch then just riding out every 3-4 days to check on them and water etc.
I'm some what in and around the same area Ron and I'm having the best success with a seed that was a freebie out all the others. Shot Adrenaline by SamSara I think they say it's more of a sativa. Has a very skunky smell from about day 10 I'm crossing it with HBD (indica) by Short Stuff bred by *Stitch* which also grew with great vigor in our south eastern tropical area.

Strange how freebie seeds always end up being better than the ones I pay for :idea:

I think a while back we were discussing solar pumps, I made a couple.. they were both POS and I never got them fully dialed in right. well here's one I found, it seems like a real nice one for sale only $150.00 pretty sweet system

  • Specially designed for use with rain barrels
  • Completely solar powered
  • Pumps 100 gallons at 13 PSI on a single 8 hour charge
  • 1 year manufacturer's limited warranty
  • Works with all rain barrel types

The RainPerfect pump and solar panel easily install directly to your rain barrel providing pressurized water for outdoor water activities, like watering your lawn or garden, running low pressure sprinklers, or washing your car. The pump works by siphoning water through a long hose that enters the barrel through the top. It then sends the water out through the pump and into your hose. If your rain barrel has a spigot it is left available for other watering uses.

The compact 8" x 9", 3.5 watt solar panel captures the energy from the sun to charge the pump's Lithium-Ion battery. No worries about the location of an electrical outlet, damaging the electrical cord or getting an electric shock. The harsh environment DC motor technology (proven with over 15 million units in use) can provide all the power necessary to pump 100 gallons of water at 13 PSI on a single 8 hour charge (direct sunlight). Single button operation turns the pump on and off and can be used to test the battery. The pump can even run dry without incurring damage.

Kit includes:

  • Control box with NiMH rechargeable battery
    Intake hose
    Submersible pump
    3.5 watt solar panel and ground stake
    15 feet of wire for convenient placement

Right on johnny good info man def have to look into that for the setup cause as of right now i was just planning on running a hose line up some mangroves running down for rainwater etc. but ya some HBD or what you mentioned from samsara look like good options for sure...and i have my college summer break from beginnning of MAy to the end of August so i have a good 4 months so i could potentially do two grow runs over summer
Yeah, the Shot Adrenaline from Samsara is good. trying out a seed from Flash "Annapurna" bred by Stitch, so far it looks like it's gonna be a monster those two are both at day 35 now in 3 gallon size bags, which seem small and could be bigger. suppose to be getting a flip cam soon and I will take some shots of then. I'm pretty seasoned with Photos, but with Autos I'm what I would call a newbie

Edit: the Shot Adrenaline stoped growing that day and ended up being tiny overall, ver good quality, but just not very much. here's the link to the grow
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I have the same problem with clay. After the tob six inches of top soil total clay. Pots I agree are a lot of watering especially in a dry spell.

I have put the pots away and now grow in raised beds. Much less watering. It gives the roots more room and seems to grow bigger plants.

I also like the fact that the raised beds are lover down than a two foot high big pot and I think it makes the overall height lower. The really big ones I bend over and it seems much easier to do in a raised bed than with a pot. It gives you something to tie a rope to to bend against so the roots don't get stressed to much.

The overall best thing is the raised bed is fun to sit on the edge of. Much better than the wet ground. I am thinking of running soaker hoses this year into the raised beds and coiling up the hose that runs into the house in the long grass so I can unwind it when I want to water and hide it when I don't need it or maybe this year I will start to bury it in the ground. So much to do. I still grow in pots on my third floor balcony so I am familier with both.
Last year I grew in 3 gallon pots outside. It was absolutely awful. I had to water everyday in the heat of the summer. The slow side was about every three days. Still too much for a stealthy grow. The second half of the summer I dug into the clay slab that area is on and filled the holes with potting mix. I dug good sized holes and amended with espoma tomato food. Unfortunately the autos I dug them holes for did not make it. But the long season girls like the holes pretty good. The clay when dug out holds it shape really well.
It is like making an inverted pot out of clay.

So this year I am planning on diggin into the clay again hopefully I can get something figured out with amending the clay cause buying potting mix for each hole sucks.

Anyone else here in the clay? If so how did you find out any fixes for it.....short of years of addin compost to make the soil right. I need something I can get in and out.
I had an idea once too use a wine bottle painted camo and filled up with water turned upside down and stuffed into the soil maybe with a small cap to let the water very slowly drip into the soil maybe you could even use a 2 lier soda bottle or more then one I never tried the idea because I live in a pretty wet area and have good acess to water. But it might help you guys in the dry areas that don't want to set up a whole irrigation system. But I'm sure if you messed with it enough you could get it right maybe even a rag stuffed tight into the end.
That would definitely add a day or two, but not much more. Sometimes that day makes the difference between a dead plant and an alive one.