Outdoor Strategies

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hey indica, it can be done ! but the cost may be to high. here is a source for quality solor panels and 12v pumps[video]http://www.hamiltonmarine.com/[/video] the problem is the distance you have to pump requires a lot of amps the more the distance the more the amps, also pumps have a head heigth meaning how far it will pump verticly :peace:
500 bucks? no way...

$15 for a trickle charger. I was telling you guys a few week about one I was building for the pond near some squatters. I built it, but it has a few kinks. Used a deep cell marine battery, bilge pump and a trickle charger which I had all on hand from a old boat. I ended up stumbling on something that may be even better...
I'm pretty much done with a newer one I came across by mistake. I stepped on a $10 patio spot light while watering my garden and I've hooked a pump I got that was sold for making small decorative fountains, my multimeter only show a few volts with a full charge and the pump is made for a 9volt, but it runs till runs out of battery about 10-13 ounces, about a soda or beer can size amount. seems like it will be enough for a single small auto and it cost less than $25usd to build all together. well I broke my light by mistake so it only cost me about 11 bucks for the pump.
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Cap. is completely safe if that's all your using and has been used for many, many years

for example
Black pepper, chili pepper, dill, ginger, paprika, and red pepper all contain capsaicin, a compound shown to repel insects. Synthetic capsaicin is also available for feild use. Researchers have found that as little as 1/25 ounce of capsaicin sprinkled around an onion plant reduced the number of onion maggot eggs laid around the plant by 75%, compared to a control plant.

And the defense spray I was talking about is only capsaisin and I was talking about spraying it near the soil, not the buds. Capsaicin the the active ingredient that is extracted from hot peppers and is safe for use on humans.
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Cap. is completely safe if that's all your using and has been used for many, many years

for example
Black pepper, chili pepper, dill, ginger, paprika, and red pepper all contain capsaicin, a compound shown to repel insects. Synthetic capsaicin is also available for feild use. Researchers have found that as little as 1/25 ounce of capsaicin sprinkled around an onion plant reduced the number of onion maggot eggs laid around the plant by 75%, compared to a control plant.

And the defense spray I was talking about is only capsaisin and I was talking about spraying it near the soil, not the buds. Capsaicin the the active ingredient that is extracted from hot peppers and is safe for use on humans.

Personally, I wouldn't want a chance of any of the overspray getting on what I was going to smoke, because I doubt smoking anything tainted with it would be a pleasurable experience. I don't know if would be safe, but I doubt it as inhaling that crap in spray form produces some serious reactions, which is what I assume Piggy was addressing.
So OK, your convinced it is safe. Great!
Originally you proposed to use it in quantities that would discourage animals from munching on your plants not insect repellant. I will stand by my original statement that if it were an effective deterrent to animals feeding on vegetation, every farmer in the land would have tons of it on hand. They don't.
If your plants are unmolested by animals, I would say it was probably your human scent discouraging them more than hot sauce.
It is obvious that you are convinced it will work, and if your grow is successful, you will probably believe that that is proof you were right instead of simple serendipity.
I may not be the most seasoned cannabis grower, but I have had more than a few years of growing things that animals want to eat and in my opinion, if you succeed in your grow trying to hide the scents of bloodmeal & bonemeal with hot sauce it will be PLAIN LUCK.
Good Luck.
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I was referring to it's use as an animal repellent. I tried hot sauce as a kid and it didn't even slow any animals down. Pepper spray isn't one of those convenient things that goes where you point it, It's a general direction thing. I've been around a lot of that stuff and it just kinda goes everywhere. Even just the cap spray won't wash out of a lot of things. I've had plenty of friends that had to cut hair and dreds out after a protest. It's true some insect repellents made for veggie use cap, and for that application it works great! However, a lot of veggies get peeled and all should be washed before you eat them. Bud is a bit harder to wash. That and there's a huge difference between ingesting and smoking capsaicin.
1tbs dish soap 1tbs veg oil mixed in a squirt botle works well for small bugs on plants. Maybe even half tbs first time, see how they react. Ive burned them before too much soapHealthy plants can defend against bugs as well.knock on wood i never have bug probs outdoor. Other plants for them to feed on.. Unless they sample and get the Munchieezz...

Edit: I would never put chems on buds only organic Safer brand..
Watching this really makes me miss B.C. (Was there 2 years ago for 6 months) Lovely climate, lovely summers, lovely people, and of course lovely B.C. buds!

Great video, thanks.

The humid climate in the uk would seem to work well with chaze superautos in an outdoor grow as sativas thrive in humid countries and chaze is 75% sativa.

In holland(More or less the same climate as the uk) i can legally grow three plants in my garden, but no more than that. So i'm going for 3 chaze autos.

Will post a video on AFN and youtube after the final cure,( around mid-september,) of the seed-harvest journey. Plus that all important smoke report!
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it is my understanding and experience with auto's that they don't mesh well with humidity, I live in a very similar climate to the UK any anything that runs late here be it sativa, indica or rudi gets mold.

Humid + Cold = Mold. :cry:
any ideas on some good seeds for high temps and humid areas for a summer grow? Desperately looking for something with alot of vigor that wont die on me during the summer so i can get my grow going before it gets real hot...any suggestions and tips for growing on tropical type islands would be much appreciated as i cant find any for south eastern u,s, climate conditions unfortunately, maybe im just not looking in the right places idk.