Outdoor Outdoor Organic Mephisto

Sub'd luca ! I'm gonna trial Mephisto Chem City Blues next spring outdoor organic so I'll be following your thread with great interest. Good luck man.:karma Cloud: :peace:
Love the grow philosophy Luca will follow this one for sure.
Cant wait to see the Mephisto genetics in action outdoors, will give them a go next year hopefully,
good luck
hey guys! sorry for the lack of updates. I was away for awhile and had to let my girlies put up with no TLC for the past couple of weeks. Unfortunately the weather wasnt too great while i was away either so i think they've been stunted and are a little damaged. Ima let them keep growing but i i'll be popping some new beans as i think i wont get much of a great yield from these ones.
I'll post some pictures once their nutes have kicked in and when they look a little nicer :D !
I hear ya re the bad weather, I had very bad weather for my first grow, hang in there as you're heading into spring so they could bounce back. Mine was an autumn grow so they were up against alot of rain, cloud, waning daylight, insects, soil leached, physical trauma, lol, still I'll give them this.. they are tough little buggers that hung in there in shocking conditions and still threw up 1-1.5oz per plant and is a very passable smoke. I gave some away and people have come back and wanted to buy it. I am not going to bother with auto's in my autumn as I believe is just far to wet for young plants. I'm gonna grow auto's Sept-Dec & Dec-Feb, this is where I get warm, dry weather in my area. I have no doubt I'll get a much better result. Good luck brp, hope the weather come good for you :-)
Good to know! i'll keep them going as good as i can then :)... what strains where yours? I've also got a bunch of medical seeds from stone so cant wait to try those out!
Yep the early spring grow always needs a little more help....still bettern waiting fer fall.....but the kate sprinf early summer crop is the proverbial money shot..im sure it'll all work out.
DAY 17/18
left is sourhound, right is deep blue c
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