Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

@912GreenSkell yeah man they all look like they did really well. I am stoked to see what can happen when they are given natural sun for 12ish hours and I am now going to use LEC(light emitting ceramic) 12ish hours a day. Yours are all doing fantastic though great job!

Thanks man...I really look forward to seeing your growing in an outdoor dwc. Growth rates will be insane, vs soil grown. The week of cold weather we had last week right in the prime of stretch hurt a bit, but still I am super happy with how they are doing!!

OH a quick update...I was doing some work staking photos today, and holy shiatsu does the brooklyn sunrise have a stink going on! A very strong sweet fruit smell happening now! And some nice crystal forming well too.
Thanks man...I really look forward to seeing your growing in an outdoor dwc. Growth rates will be insane, vs soil grown. The week of cold weather we had last week right in the prime of stretch hurt a bit, but still I am super happy with how they are doing!!

OH a quick update...I was doing some work staking photos today, and holy shiatsu does the brooklyn sunrise have a stink going on! A very strong sweet fruit smell happening now! And some nice crystal forming well too.

Can you do outdoor dwc? I think the water will be too hot.