Right.You know......leafhoppers (green, brown, and rainbow) tend to be my biggest challenge in the partial sun garden due to be immediately adjacent to long grass fields. I was actually out there 10 minutes ago, and interestingly enough, I spotted some damage on one of the plants, that looked almost identical to the stuff tom posted, but it was on a much smaller scale on a couple of the under developed secondary branches. My guess is leafhoppers as well!! Who knows...maybe those UK white hoppers are insane like the snails and slugs in various UK grows i have seen.....
The Leaf Hoppers there's a lot of different kinds of leafhoppers I looked at them last year when I first discovered what was chewing on my plants and so I looked up leafhoppers and there's a bunch of different ones they got all different shapes and colors and sizes and they're pretty small but they can get like medium big too and yeah they like to eat the moisture out of your leaves.
So to help keep them back away from my plants I just water the yard out around them and they tend to stay out there and eat them more than they do on my plants.
Sent from my garden [emoji482]