you just know ain't gonna be a harsh ruling:biggrin:

I reckon I might just get away with it, Trail! [emoji6]

Don Skelly is a kind man... I think of him as a father figure. Someone to look up to, not just as a person but as role model. When he replies to any of my posts I get a warm feeling inside like when- as a child, I used to think of Santa.

Have I kissed enough ass yet? [emoji2]
I reckon I might just get away with it, Trail! [emoji6]

Don Skelly is a kind man... I think of him as a father figure. Someone to look up to, not just as a person but as role model. When he replies to any of my posts I get a warm feeling inside like when- as a child, I used to think of Santa.

Have I kissed enough ass yet? [emoji2]
when I grow up I wanna be Don Skelly:bow:
Haha! Love the hashtag, Mac!

I did kinda bend the rules a lil bit last year. It’s a pain in the arse going all the way up there just for pics on my day off, especially now my son keeps asking if he can come along! (He’s 4 years old so not quite ready for the comp[emoji6])

Working man with kids... need a lie in on a Sunday!

I’ll keep the pics coming as and when I go.. we’ll see what the Skelly gestapo says! [emoji38]

I totally get the restraints of time!! Tell you what...we'll do this like we've done other rules...if any of the current contestants has an issue with vlad being out of date here and there with pics fire me a PM. If I dont hear from anyone in the next 3-4 days then we'll assume nobody has an issue with it. The main reason i issued that rule was to ensure that the thread stays active. I had seriously considered making this contest based on a single update at the very end of your grow which would ave to contain pic updates every month at least, but that would have lost the active nature of the thread.
I reckon I might just get away with it, Trail! [emoji6]

Don Skelly is a kind man... I think of him as a father figure. Someone to look up to, not just as a person but as role model. When he replies to any of my posts I get a warm feeling inside like when- as a child, I used to think of Santa.

Have I kissed enough ass yet? [emoji2]


Hey bud the most important thing is maximum participation. Last year i ran this contest with more of an iron fist, and felt like crap when i had to eliminate a couple of members because they weren't following the rules, but i felt it had to be done. This year i decided to run it different, and so far i have been leaving certain aspects of the rules and exemptions up to you guys.

Hey bud the most important thing is maximum participation. Last year i ran this contest with more of an iron fist, and felt like crap when i had to eliminate a couple of members because they weren't following the rules, but i felt it had to be done. This year i decided to run it different, and so far i have been leaving certain aspects of the rules and exemptions up to you guys.
Don't underestimate yourself bro, you can not rely on the masses.
Rules have firm and in check...I did not cry last year bc you had to be a member for a year to enter.
And I can re post my pics from last year's comp.
After you earn it it feels better.
Fuck everybody that crys lol
Feelings and leadership don't mix well IMO.
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Rules have firm and in check...I did not cry last year bc you had to be a member for a year to enter.

And you were one less member that could have participated, had I not placed that rule in effect. Thats just it, I tried to devise a very flexible ruleset that will provide maximum participation, but yet still be structured. I am finding that is not an easy accomplishment!! As an evolving process, it will likely continue to change in following contests.
I was hoping biweekly pics would be sufficient for the guerilla guys!! Shit man :(
...Skelly, don't you mean bi-monthly for min. updates? I say the guerilla growers are something of a special case, and some slack is cuttable for that,.. plus it's Vladder's, FFS! :pighug:
...Skelly, don't you mean bi-monthly for min. updates? I say the guerilla growers are something of a special case, and some slack is cuttable for that,.. plus it's Vladder's, FFS! :pighug:

A pic every 2 weeks(or so...doesn't have to be every 14 days on the knuckle) is required with a once a month posting(of two pics).
Haha...take 4ml of tincture at 6pm, and look what happens!! ;)
oh oh!, you mean for a change?! :baked: :dizzy: :haha: ..... reminds me I gotta check with you ion your megacrop dosing for auto's,...
5 Once you enter at day 30, it will be recorded with a date on the first page first post. In 30 days you must post another 2 pics of your chosen plants. Every grower that posts on time, without needing an issued warning will get maximum reputation from me(and hopefully other contestants!!!). Updates from day 60 on, must be individual pics of entry plants if possible. If non entry plants are in the pics, entry plants must be identified with something to show they are the entry plants.

6 There will be one warning issued after the coordinators see your updates are overdue. One week(7 days) after overdue warning has been issued, if no other updates have been supplied, that grower will be eliminated. Those going on vacation ect, will be allowed to have some extension on this rule as long as it is communicated with coordinators before hand.