Updated main page with entries to current!!

Here are my 3 entries

Sweet Green Poison Fast F1



DP Blueberry day 130


And finally the 11 roses...nearly impossible to get a proper pic anymore...huge plant!!
Damn sorry to hear about the mold man!! Fire up the pics you want as your final entry. And let me know what ones you want to use. Need a final dry and a final wet pic.
Will do man.

This last stage is a bit of an anticlimax after the highs of the grow! I emergency harvested approx 1/3 of the crop without taking any photos as I was feeling sorry for myself but will try to get some pics of what remains. Its been rain rain rain here most of the week, praying for some sun!

I've still got one girl (CBD lime) in mid flower and she's looking amazing so got my hopes pinned on her!


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Man dunno I zoomed in n it really does look like it...I'd double check to make sure bro even tripple check
I heard that. I will do. I think it's just tons of little leaf starts. I'll be very paranoid about it now so I'll keep checking for sure.