:pighug: Dank', that's a crusher alright,.. water of all things, FFS! ... and that deadline, any chance you can hand-wring another week out of them? ...more fingers crossed brudda, and double for next season and your own gig, with nobody fuckin' whitcha!.... :goodluck:....... oooo, so parent HP was old landrace genetics! Pre-Commie, Taliban era stuff- :thumbsup:...That is truly valuable my man, as you know....I wonder if she has a significant amount of CBD in her, even after the OG crossing? the buzz and aromas sound- :drool: :woohoo1:..... Well, as long as somebody is keeping her bred, however rare, plus your own cloning, you'll have a chance to work her proper next time!

>> Aunty! :help: :doh: :haha::haha::haha:--- tough to be so popular, eh? :rofl: -- now you know how I feel at Sick Bay-- :eyebrows:-- Ok not 143 alerts bad!......... oooh, you don't like growing Sati's, but after you smoke them, and you start gettin' stoner-busy-- cleaning the house for 2 hours (painlessly, metal and physical too maybe),....tooling around in the kitchen,....frolicking and worshiping in the garden,....playing with the hounds,... red-eyed Claudette at the markets :rofl:... all Goodness from the Green Goddess, so I'll countenance no complaints- :coffee:.... plus, I think that J47 is going to tickle your snoot in a most delightful way, you'll have a dent from the jar lid under your nose for weeks! ..... Very interesting range on the NL's, BTW.... these will likely satisfy your Indi' needs-:thumbsup:... I'm interested in how they differ in buzz and efficacy, given those terp' variances...... Alas Giggle- :doh:... but get a load of those crazy late stretch finger-colas! And who can say how they'll affect you yet, right? Just a PITA to have to manage and wait for them,....but the load should be worth it! ............ Psico' is claimed to have about 8 weeks bloom time,.. she's 30% Indi too, so maybe she's the type that hikes her skirt up and sprints to the finish line toward the end! :rofl:... I have to say though, the Crystal Candy is acting more like a F1FV with her speed, right up there with the Think Fast, which is a semi-auto like the FV's; these may be done in a few weeks!... and that Cannalope Haze is a damn marvel given her lineage--:hump:

Start date was June 15th, am pushing 80 days now, her sister has 12 days till chop, I think she's gonna go a couple weeks longer, that'd put her cut @ about 105 days. Smell is really mild, there's a sidewalk on the other side of that fence....the few nurfle nugs I've taken off her sister say they're gonna be some potent ladies!
Thank you very much I still believe you can be the best you can be even if coming from a ghetto rural trailer park ,I think when I muster up enough to build the new greenhouse next spring I can prove that .Very very excited about the terpine enhancing teas me an you have been making I believe if it's possible to improve the terps an flavors of already existing scents in the cannabis genetics there would be huge medical benefits.Very excited about the future an since I spend a great deal of my time researching and reading an have gotten quite a few breakthroughs this year i feel like great things are unfolding for our beautiful plant an afn .



Now That is a dominant Red you'd like to see if you were breeding...:bravo:..did you say you were getting mixed colour bud..?

Shiva is in her 6th month, I think.

Wow..6 Months...:d5:

It is the strangest cannabis I've seen. No cola, only small flowers.


Now...Strangely enough..I Have seen this one..:d5:..but not for a Lot of years...Do you know the parentage on Nashira..?

Candy kush autoflower from autoseeds LST

Buds are frosty and building up

Oh yes..:d5:..she looks satisfyingly Crunchy...:headbang:

Solution of water an milk ,or dish soap water

I haven't tried the milk..but I didn't have much success with the soapy water on red spider..:headbang:

I've had no luck with hardcore pesticides.

Me too..most bought red spider tends to kill the plant too.
I did eradicate a red spider epidemic with home made orange oil..but it was on a citrus..I haven't tried it on canna..:headbang:

Aunty! :help: :doh: :haha::haha::haha:--- tough to be so popular, eh? :rofl: -- now you know how I feel at Sick Bay-- :eyebrows:-- Ok not 143 alerts bad!.

[HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] ..I put me down for Badge tag coz I Think Rebs got time problems..:headbang:

oooh, you don't like growing Sati's, but after you smoke them, and you start gettin' stoner-busy-- cleaning the house for 2 hours (painlessly, metal and physical too maybe),....tooling around in the kitchen,....frolicking and worshiping in the garden,....playing with the hounds,... red-eyed Claudette at the markets :rofl:... all Goodness from the Green Goddess, so I'll countenance no complaints- :coffee:

I don't smoke satis..:what?:..I have found that a strong dominant sati can actually Kill my med effect and leave me in worse pain..so I won't even smoke test it..
Years of practice says it's not worth the pain increase...I'll stash it for hubby...keep the 3 more indy doms and ALF#3 for me..:biggrin:

plus, I think that J47 is going to tickle your snoot in a most delightful way, you'll have a dent from the jar lid under your nose for weeks!

:d5: Fingers crossed..coz she is sati dom too isn't she..?..

Very interesting range on the NL's, BTW.... these will likely satisfy your Indi' needs-:thumbsup:... I'm interested in how they differ in buzz and efficacy, given those terp' variances......

My favourite was the incense scented on the left of the pot..i have the Build..but not the smell yet..and I'm sure the incense was first to develop..so I may have lucked out on this round..:coffee:

Psico' is claimed to have about 8 weeks bloom time,.. she's 30% Indi too, so maybe she's the type that hikes her skirt up and sprints to the finish line toward the end! :rofl:.

I've seen it happen...:headbang:..I'll keep my fingers crossed for her..:dancer:..sending womanly curves...


Start date was June 15th, am pushing 80 days now, her sister has 12 days till chop, I think she's gonna go a couple weeks longer, that'd put her cut @ about 105 days. Smell is really mild, there's a sidewalk on the other side of that fence....the few nurfle nugs I've taken off her sister say they're gonna be some potent ladies!

Nice...:headbang:..I'll have to check what date I germed mine..yours look Fatter than mine...:biggrin:
..did you say you were getting mixed colour bud
still to early too tell, definitely on the hairs.
the mixed colour was on the expressions of the auto??.. the one that's yellowing no matter what..
posted pics but ill throw them here too why not.


ohhhhhh just went out an looked I know what ur getting at...
ya if you look all over the pink variant, it has different shades, but that can be it just creeping out to full on purple?? cause some look
redish, pinkish, purple & like really purple
it does have a lot goin on.. basically if it was good I used it.. gene collection if you will .. may have lost some things but looks like some great has appeared
Last edited:
I am back!! Fishing trip was awesome....we caught between 30-60 walleye daily between my buddy and I. No giants, but ample 18-20" walleye...great time!!

Updates incoming!! Have a lot of catching up to do!! Thanks so much to @Mossy for holding down the fort in my absence!
@islandgrower - Haha oinions and herb...great combo!! Looking just fine!!

@Mossy - plants looking fantastic!! Mmmmm grapes....my wife would be making grape jelly like crazy with all of those grapes!!

@Arthur - Very, very nice, buds are forming great!!...updated!!

@TheMongol - Nice work on the photos bud!! They are all looking excellent...well done bud!

@Need4Weed - Nice man!! Filling in well!! Updated

Outdoors grow his summer is like growing in a fridge, @Mossy.
I am glad I skipped the tomatoes this year. They would never come to harvest. 2 yrs ago was like this summer and I had like 1000 green tomatoes in October. I got 2 red tomatoes that year.
Last year I had like 1000 red tomatoes, but the Botrytis ate all my buds outside.

Sigh...same bullshit here bud....i got home from vacation yesterday and saw that every single f'ing tomato plant is dead from blight...my whole tomato patch is screwed...shitload of work for nothing. :( The blight came on stronger than i have ever seen this season. Could be a long cold hungry winter this season. :( So sad. Sorry to hear about your late flowering...hope it somehow works out for you my friend. I am in the same boat as you with most of my plants. :( Late flowering pretty much means i am screwed. Updated both bud.
Oh hell spider mites!! Dang Dr....problems for you bud!! Hope everything works out okay.

@hecno - some mold or not, that bud looks excellent. I am adding you to the completed list. Well done bud, sorry to hear of the struggles my friend.

@Vlad The Inhaler - Very well done bud!! Those are some nice big plants!! Updated!!

@trailanimal - Hey bud...damn the cold has arrived...hope you can get them into maturation before the season falls apart my northern friend. Updated

@blowyourmind - Awesome looking buds pal!! Well done all around this season!!

@trailanimal buds... chop some feckin wood and get to burning brother..
heat up some stones like ol skool sleeping bag warmers
leave em in the greenhouse at nite

and @Mossy has ninja powers man... called the pink variant "my kinda gal"
jesus.. walked up to give it some water...
hairs are goin deeeeeeeeepppppp purple

pics to come later

Totally...create a heatsink with stones or water bottles. Pinky is looking great bud, as is moh's cross...updated.

@Mark87 - A smart move my friend....like i always say...."Better to Cut and Fly, than Wait and Cry!" Updated.....moved entry to Completed section. All we will need is a dry bud pic once done. I apologize i was not around to answer your question...went away for a good few days walleye fishing.

@dankstyle J - Fantastic plant bud...giants indeed!! Updated

@Waira - Psico is looking good my friend!! Updated

Took a bit to get caught up...if I missed anyones update please give me a yell!! Oh and i have a touch of bad news.... @goodgrace87 is eliminated. Tagged and warned...well overdue.

I havent a pic of my official photo entry but i have been to check on the partial sun photoperiod plants and took a couple of pics of them.

Sweet Cream Caramel is filling in well!!

One of the CC buds

Behind in flower is the Blue widow...very large for location

And falling behind in feeds and flower(about the same flower development as the blue widow) is the widowbomb