yes finishing usually the problem. In this location on a normal year the rain sets in in early September. (This year never stopped)My ditchy photos I used to grow would be harvested so as to stay ahead of the mold.

How much does the daylight hours drop per day after june 21st? Ever run the super autos? Could have a longer veg period while the daylight is increasing and trigger flower as soon as the days start to drop theoretically giving a late aug harvest. (never tried them personally, but i think this is pretty much how they work??)
my gawd!!!!
buddy with the 4 metre photo's !!!!!
lol ripper you following me thread to thread??
heres the pink photo... still nothing yet. blurred because nothing happening and I was getting chewed... them mossquats.

and a shot of the auto I was gonna choose but didn't..

i'll get a shot of the competition auto when I set up a ladder
How much does the daylight hours drop per day after june 21st? Ever run the super autos? Could have a longer veg period while the daylight is increasing and trigger flower as soon as the days start to drop theoretically giving a late aug harvest. (never tried them personally, but i think this is pretty much how they work??)

Here's the site I use for sunrise/sunset times... put in your location and off you go!
How much does the daylight hours drop per day after june 21st? Ever run the super autos? Could have a longer veg period while the daylight is increasing and trigger flower as soon as the days start to drop theoretically giving a late aug harvest. (never tried them personally, but i think this is pretty much how they work??)
In Holland 3 min a Day after june
Aaaaaaaaaand, here's the one I should have fucking entered ...


The last remaining auto ... Brooklyn Sunrise at 14 weeks.
Hindsight, eh?

Still waiting to fill her space up ..
Iranian Auto x Maine's Own Blueberry x OG Kush .. hmmmmm.


And my official photoperiod entry .. Mr.Fishy ( @912GreenSkell ) !!
Maverick x CBG Durban at somewhere around day 50-ish ... and super-cropped because she was getting like the IMO above ...


She's already started flowering too.

Hit the updates tonight...for now here is a quicky update!!

Official entry Think Fast day 120.
5.5 feet tall

And a non entry Bomb atomic...6.5 feet tall and a monster around!!

One more quick non official entry - green poison is flowering well now. Wrestled her down to under 6 feet last week to regain stealth. She is liking the flattop training and the new reverse supports are working very, very good...all full sun garden plants have hit some very high winds already and zero damage thanks to the new system..