@912GreenSkell .. for when you get back from your fishing trip ...

Official entry dried bud shots ... Auto Brooklyn Sunrise ... for what it's worth ..

BS2-dried-1.jpg BS2-dried-2.jpg BS2-dried-3.jpg

136 grams off 2 plants .. keep me smiling for a couple of weeks..! :toke:

I'll update the photos next week ... slow progress there I'm afraid ..

and...Dutch Passion Think Big is officially....harvested...

She was done....enough amber in the trichs to do a Jurassic Park movie. Here's the final pics Mr. @912GreenSkell (hope your catfishin' went well :D)
Live bud:

Done bud. Tight, smells great, looking forward to a cure and smoke report. It isn't the biggest, but I thought representative of the plant's output. Great mix between mint and gasoline :yay:

and full plant before it fell on a chainsaw...

and one of the security guard. She did a great job :D
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@Arthur - Nice bud!! Looking great so far!!

@GringoStarr - Wow man! Blackdog! Looking excellent.

So everyone knows i will be mostly MIA for the next 3 days. Going Catfishing tonight, and going out for walleye, pike and bass tomorrow. Home tomorrow night for updates but gone again sunday to a comic show.
all I can say is save me the cheeks!!!!

oh and I took a week off of photography.. so ya next week... or am I due this week?