@dankstyle J - damn bud! I am regretting you not adding an auto entry now too!!

@Slowmo - wow frosty!! Awesome work bud!! Updated...awesome greenhouse plants bud!! damn thats a big leaf!

@blowyourmind - excellent as always!!

@islandgrower - the bud sure does look great fella!! Congrats on your harvest my friend. Repping and added to completed list.

@Bud Wiser UK - Wow those DP's are running long!! Mold free!! Awesome!!

@Belivitez - Absolutely stunning job on her bud. Bud looks excellent!! Very well done. Updated
Thanks very much I was trying some cheap organic soil instead or mixing my own still mixed in some stuff it was lacking in so many ways,and a few afn folks have grown with it an hated it ,it smells of wood ,ceder and is full of chips but I'm down for a challenge after laying some really fermented teas on it ,it started to smell like a forest I know from experience that that smell is the smell of good soil with microbial action and a nice break down of organic matter ,I think the teas helped it .
First I'll get the comp entries out of the way.

@912GreenSkell ... it's that time of the week again ...

AutoBrooklyn Sunrise at 12 weeks:
BS2-12wks-1.jpg BS2-12wks-2.jpg BS2-12wks-3.jpg

Maverick / CBG Durban at 37 days:

I think it's the one on the right, both still under 24hr vegging, for however long it takes this Sunrise to finish ..

BS1-12wks-pit.jpg BS1-12wks-buds.jpg

The Lime in the pit came down today .. she was at 94 days, and you could smell her 20 yards away ..!

DL-harvest-day-1.jpg DL-harvest-day-2.jpg DL-harvest-day-3.jpg DL-harvest-day-4.jpg DL-harvest-day-5.jpg DL-harvest-day-6.jpg

And before I forget .. the outdoor Lime, also at 94 days and will live to see 120, I'd say ..

There's a few more things going on, but I'll probably stick those shots in my now-neglected diary thread, try and keep it alive! :biggrin:

I can't seem to stop taking pictures of the limping dragon... even in her mangled state .. she is some of the prettiest weed i have ever grown :drool:

The daily colour change is real atm :yoinks:


Cheers :pass:
@Bud Wiser UK - I have to start calling you Mr. Wiser for obvious reasons!! Damn buddy...every one of them looks amazing!! The sunrise bud looks bloody identical to mine from last season, except it looks like you will get far more than my measly 112grams dry! :D Woohoo, is all i have to say!! Ditto for the daiquiri!! Amazing work Mr. Wiser! :D Maverick X Durbans looks perfect too. I guess you might be growing some more DP autos next season?

@Slowmo - damn!! I would want to take a million pics of that too!! Awesome frost!! Every stone dragon i have grown has been very, very frosty.

Updated you both fellas
That CS is not strong for this thing.For cannabis needs to be +30 ppm and for humans is 5 to 10 ppm-s.
With CS we reverse one branch or entire plant,how do we wont.Sprinkle CS on desire spot for minimum of 2 weeks and you will se development of male flower and with this polen u can use on same plant if u use only one branch or other plants who are female and you will get fem seeds.

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Wow! The stuff my wife uses is 25ppm. I swear she thinks it'll fix the car if it breaks down!

Very interesting though, I might steal some off her. [emoji1360]
First I'll get the comp entries out of the way.

@912GreenSkell ... it's that time of the week again ...

AutoBrooklyn Sunrise at 12 weeks:
View attachment 782343 View attachment 782344 View attachment 782345

Maverick / CBG Durban at 37 days:
View attachment 782347

I think it's the one on the right, both still under 24hr vegging, for however long it takes this Sunrise to finish ..

View attachment 782349 View attachment 782348

The Lime in the pit came down today .. she was at 94 days, and you could smell her 20 yards away ..!

View attachment 782350 View attachment 782351 View attachment 782352 View attachment 782353 View attachment 782354 View attachment 782355

And before I forget .. the outdoor Lime, also at 94 days and will live to see 120, I'd say ..
View attachment 782357

There's a few more things going on, but I'll probably stick those shots in my now-neglected diary thread, try and keep it alive! [emoji3]


I take it your B.O.L.L.O.C.S and A.R.S.E system worked out okay then?!

Bud has a secret equipment system if nobody else knew..... Check out his journal for the answer!! [emoji3]

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You have all the answers! Thank you so much, this is valuable knowledge to me


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heheheh i'll just leave this here...


Can't run this contest half-baked (have to be 118% full-on baked :D)

plants are looking nice people
Shakespeare. yep.

wtf ...

I think he needs to go back to Chicago for a bit.. tryin to start schools in brazil and stuff is cool...
but fix your neighbourhood also.. everything comes together a lot smoother if everyone starts with their own neighbour hood..

holy shit lightning bolt just hit like 20 meters away!!!!!

I heard the facebook guy is gonna use 99% of his money to try and cure everything, because he feels the money going into it now is misused or something..
look out 20 years from now
Last edited:
Ok thanks @912GreenSkell makes sense to me now, it's a whole new world for me!

I have had a little chop which I updated in my journal.

I'm gonna copy the post to here if people don't mind....!

Day 72: A light haircut.

To cut a long story short, I chopped a bit, but only a tiny bit!!

So I dragged Dwarfy in a few hours ago for the big moment all excited to cut the top after finding amber trichomes and getting the vote of confidence yesterday to go for it.

Here she was....



She measured 90cm from stem to tip which is probably about the max height for a Dwarf strain?

I then thought to myself before I get stuck in I'm gonna give her some beauty treatment! You might remember weeks back I decided pretty much not to baby her and let her crack on through thick and thin and she certainly was looking weathered here before me so I carefully removed any fan leaves that were brown, drooping below horizontal or eaten to buggery.....


And after she looked lovely and neat like this!!



So after that out came the microscope again to go on the trich hunt.

Bottom buds, clear to milky just as suspected..... Moving up lots of milky.... And at the top, huh where's that amber?? I saw it with my own eyes yesterday, I got photo evidence! A bit more scouting about and I found amber patches but it made me think if it's only patches it's not nicely distributed on the top bud what do I do?

Part of my brain goes "Swan you fucker just chop some now, it may not get bigger and better, the time is now!"

Then the other part of my brain is going "leave it Swan my old chap, just leave it a couple more days and it'll grow bigger and better”...

Arrghh, why is it so hard to make a decision, can't someone come and do this bit for me....

And then in one swift move I chopped this off right from the top....



This is the bit that definitely had amber. I'd like to harvest some at milky too but that's all I cut for now, there's plenty left to choose milky from.

So I have a question... Is this a single bud or nug? Looking at the top of the plant I could of been a hero and cut off 3 times that length that looked like one big bud, but on closer inspection of this little bit I can see it still branches off here and there to individual bud growth. It doesn't really matter to me but it would be good to know.

Anyway here she is before putting her back outside. As you can see the top is flatter now I've removed those couple of inches. I'll look at her in detail again tomorrow and I might chop a few milky bits / buds / nugs or whatever I decided they are!


And a couple of pretty shots to finish. Green and purple go really well together I think...




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Hey brother swan u did the right thing chopping off the amber!! If this is ur first harvest i would chop off some buds with different trics on em take a bud of amber ( you have that one now) a bud of milky n a bud of mostly milky with some clear dry em n smoke it that way u can see the difference n find which one u prefer then u harvest plants when they get to the stage u prefered.....n good job cutting that dead off... i do it soon as the leaves start changing( make sure they r changing from just reaching its age limit and not a difficiency)to keep the plant from wasting precious energy on something thats gonna die regardless...overall buddy good job thumbs up!! Give smoke and buzz report!!!