i just noticed the saw marks on the log ... i think my dad might have been trying to hide something with that log ... ie bad saw skills :rofl:
Oh I do like a nice bit of wood, no pun intended [emoji3]

I spend summer drying, chopping and stacking wood ready for the winter. I obsess over how I stack the wood pile as much as I do with how and when to chop my first grow!

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@912GreenSkell can I ask about the rule set please:

Forgive my ignorance but does the single live/cola photo have to be while it's still attached to the plant?!

Or can it be chopped and qualify as long as it's fresh, wet and not trimmed?


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I visited my Green houses today :

house 2 is the best light wise and is in full flower :

Plant 1 and Plant 2 is Seed Meister 's strains (new Danish breeder)
Plant 3 is Zenseed Amnesia ..
Plant 4 is DP Auto Mazar (repro by @Dr. Babnik )

Plant 1
View attachment 781939 View attachment 781940

Plant 2
View attachment 781941 View attachment 781942

Plant 3
View attachment 781943

Plant 4
View attachment 781944 View attachment 781945

Overview : left to right = 1,2,3 and 4 in the back
View attachment 781938

Gonna brew a strong PK Tea for this house :vibe:

The lowlight House 1 in a few ;)

Beautiful work mate..
@Slowmo your gray and white kitty reminds me of our black and white kitty... Lol


Excellent work everyone!!! Beautiful nugg shots!!
@Slowmo your gray and white kitty reminds me of our black and white kitty... Lol


she belongs to my parents ... she is half maincoon .. she has the short underfur but not the long overcoat ... this make her soooooo soft and cuddly .. but we are a chosen few that get to exp that :rofl: [HASHTAG]#reserved[/HASHTAG]
she belongs to my parents ... she is half maincoon .. she has the short underfur but not the long overcoat ... this make her soooooo soft and cuddly .. but we are a chosen few that get to exp that :rofl: [HASHTAG]#reserved[/HASHTAG]

I love Maine Coons!! We also have two Norwegian Forest Cats... They are very similar to Maine Coon. :pass:
Here are my plants-auto and photo
Jack Herrer auto is almost done in flower for 9 weeks and big 3m Super Stinky auto in week 6 of flower and i will let him for next 5 or 6 weeks.This Super Stinky auto is myown product from last year plants where i got 1,5 kg of bud from 2 plants.I used collodial silver on one branchand hit the jackpot.This year i planted only two of them because i didnt now what i got so i didnt make room for more of them,but now im sure they are like there mother.
First pics are JH auto and the second i Super Stinky auto.
This is not for competition.

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Here are my plants-auto and photo
Jack Herrer auto is almost done in flower for 9 weeks and big 3m Super Stinky auto in week 6 of flower and i will let him for next 5 or 6 weeks.This Super Stinky auto is myown product from last year plants where i got 1,5 kg of bud from 2 plants.I used collodial silver on one branchand hit the jackpot.This year i planted only two of them because i didnt now what i got so i didnt make room for more of them,but now im sure they are like there mother.
First pics are JH auto and the second i Super Stinky auto.
This is not for competition.

Poslano sa mog SM-A300FU koristeći Tapatalk

They look amazing. What's the idea of the colloidal silver mate? My wife rubs that stuff on everything ATM.. mostly the dog but if there's anything wrong she slaps a bit of that on.