Damn fine looking plants buzzyman!!

@Mr Stonde - now that's a tough climate!! Nice...got any favorite cold tolerant auto strains?
In finland lot of people r using strains like: low rider2, shot term amnesia, double fun and auto ak-47.
47 n double fun will better be to started indoors n transplanted to outdoors in late may or early june. Smaller n faster strains we can but straight in the ground.
2 last year i have grow sweet seeds big devil xl with good results n i really like that its so strong n there is nice flavour too...also im lazy, so feminized seeds r better for me :jointman:
Ofcourse we have our own mixed autostrains too n some of those r quite good.

We also use some danish 18/24 flowering strains like purple typhoon n royal dane or royal nepal. But they have to be planted indoors n after 1 month in early may to outdoors.
My auto mazar day 1 .

When the congo comes up will update .

"carpe diem"
And I'm just out along the old northwet coast from you then, cap
NICE. Happy to see someone from near these parts :cools: as well as from around the world!

Winter has been long and cool this year. Waaaay too much snow too. Here's hoping to a better summer. We're a couple of weeks behind from last year.

was in skagway and juneau a few years back - beautiful places.
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NICE. Happy to see someone from near these parts :cools: as well as from around the world!

Winter has been long and cool this year. Waaaay too much snow too. Here's hoping to a better summer. We're a couple of weeks behind from last year.

was in skagway and juneau a few years back - beautiful places.
We're south of that.Yeah, without the El Nino it was almost like the old days. We got hit with a late winter deal that we're just getting over.
Ok, nice. Is there lot of humidity problems outdoors?
yeah. Although the rh isn't more than 60, mold seems to like it here. Temps hit 80-90 here, and it can be dry, but rh stays pretty stuck. There's good air movement but I still had a couple of issues. Nothing terrible, but it's a good thing I kept an eye on the plants. Main stem on an auto Jack Herer went on me. Had to cut a node or two off, and some minor surgery - but it didn't look like too much lost. This year, trying more resistant genetics.
We're south of that.Yeah, without the El Nino it was almost like the old days. We got hit with a late winter deal that we're just getting over.
do you get that warm current from Japan? It was so mild when I was there, someone told me about it....

and shit yeah, we got whacked a few times with what's called an 'arctic inflow'. Effing brrr! When I was on the prairies, they were called 'arctic clippers'. I'll take -5C here versus -30C anyday :thumbsup: