No man I always use universel soil with a mix of compost...

Couple years ago I used batmix lightmix canna terra etcetera..but all the yields were bout the same.. So I quit that and use universel soil from the market and that cost 2 euro whaha and make some good results with that...

It just looked similar, is this 'universal soil' raw peat?
This is what I always have..
Last 2 pic are compost

And are the NPK values the same what u use?
@blowyourmind yours has way more npk, the canna terra is light substrate. I wouldnt evencall it soil sinceits just peat. Perfect for test playing with own fertilizer. Outdoors i use about 50% horse shit 50% earth from spot and add some chicken guano, the other spot got richer soil ther will be just chicken guano added.
Good Morning [HASHTAG]#outdoorgladiators[/HASHTAG] :d5:..

Our heat/normal temps Hit last 4 days afore it cooled off a little.

My first set of germs expected...gone into sex at around 4 inches tall..which you know is Useless.

I have a couple of later germs that May be okay.
Gave them a light molasses feed a couple of days into the warm weather to see if they would far...but we have gone a bit chilly on night temps again.

Got 2 bags of seedling compost will be germing again today..for stock..not comp obviously.


On another note....I put an auto frisian dew out in march in the same climate as the UK as an experiment and I got over an ounce off her.....

I used to regularly set photos away late winter to catch the first 12/12 in the season. Yield is lower..but hey..nothing else is growing that time of why not.
I Always Think cold season grown bud tastes much Sweeter..:hookah:

And the other too are hardly growing and look deformed. Very unhappy with the seeds from DP

Have you let them know..?

Here in rural cannada quality outdoor can be nabbed for far less than half those prices($100 an ounce!). Most expensive indoor i know of is on the low end of those prices($200 oz). Prices take a steep hike in cities. Assuming this will change with legality next year.

Damn..that is cheap..:headbang:

This is indoor prices mate... Outdoor cost 2/3euro a gram is 60 euro a ounce bout 70 wasted as fuck my man [emoji482][emoji48]whahA


I'd contact DutchPassionTony and tell him of your disappointment and show him your grow. Id be surprised if they left you hanging.


@dankstyle J - Skelly is looking great bud!! Taking to the outdoor life perfectly bud! Updating entry

@goodgrace87 - Nice! Lil' ones are looking good soaking up the rays!!

My grow....oh NO!! A small disaster has struck!!!!! I noticed today that the brooklyn sunrise looked like the colour was off...a close inspection revealed many miniature ants gang raping her!! Killed as many as i could, and research revealed that they were sugar ants i think. A few hours later the plant was being raped again and they ate most of plant down...shit happens!! Hmm a bit nervous for the other 9 autos in the stealth cab...close inspection i saw zero ants and the seedlings look fine. Should i be worried @Waira ? I am tied up for the next 2 days and then the autos will be going outside during the day, and in the cab during the night. I read about using ground cinnamon top dressed...good idea for potential ant problem on mere 2-3 days old plants?

Not In the pots..around the pots..coffe grounds..baking soda..or careful of vinegar in hot conditions..if it is hot enough to evaporate it can singe leaves.

Wow way cheaper then here goes for 20-40$ a gram sometimes more depending on strains!!!


F*cking ants!.. :doh:--really??... they ate the seedling,...:eek1: ...I gotta say GS, I've had them move in the pot because it's so nice in there, but never had them go termite on a live seedling! it's weird mate, maybe it's has an aroma that tricks them into thinking it's something else?

I have a phot of ants rolling new germs out of the pots..or..they come in when the plant is half an inch high and nip the whole bloody growing tip out...:nono:..and you are left with just the stalk.

I'm having snail trouble at the minute..and diamecious earth just doesn't seem to be cutting it..or I just have so many snails they are cannon fodder and other ones take their place...:doh:

No man I always use universel soil with a mix of compost...

Universal seedling compo for me..

This is what I always have..
Last 2 pic are compost

And are the NPK values the same what u use?

If you look at the pictures on the front..that looks like Potting On compost..for re-potting established plants..which will contain food and be Hot.
I use Seedling compost..:headbang:
Good Morning [HASHTAG]#outdoorgladiators[/HASHTAG] :d5:..

Our heat/normal temps Hit last 4 days afore it cooled off a little.

My first set of germs expected...gone into sex at around 4 inches tall..which you know is Useless.

I have a couple of later germs that May be okay.
Gave them a light molasses feed a couple of days into the warm weather to see if they would far...but we have gone a bit chilly on night temps again.

Got 2 bags of seedling compost will be germing again today..for stock..not comp obviously.

View attachment 751908

I used to regularly set photos away late winter to catch the first 12/12 in the season. Yield is lower..but hey..nothing else is growing that time of why not.
I Always Think cold season grown bud tastes much Sweeter..:hookah:

Have you let them know..?

Damn..that is cheap..:headbang:



Not In the pots..around the pots..coffe grounds..baking soda..or careful of vinegar in hot conditions..if it is hot enough to evaporate it can singe leaves.


I have a phot of ants rolling new germs out of the pots..or..they come in when the plant is half an inch high and nip the whole bloody growing tip out...:nono:..and you are left with just the stalk.

I'm having snail trouble at the minute..and diamecious earth just doesn't seem to be cutting it..or I just have so many snails they are cannon fodder and other ones take their place...:doh:

Universal seedling compo for me..

If you look at the pictures on the front..that looks like Potting On compost..for re-potting established plants..which will contain food and be Hot.
I use Seedling compost..:headbang:
I do a hand full of compost trough the soil and when Its flowering time I take extra compost on the upper layer of the soil... Water them en check the ec en PH. Before I use extra feeds. I always kept my ec around 2.1 (1040ppm) and PH 6
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Going slow here 2, as long as they keep going...they can take the whole year if they want to :clapper:

Auto frisian dew looking nice! From march to may and already harvesting...thats astonishing! How couldwas the nights were you are at? Hardcore that plant grew in uk weather this early!!

Wasnt that pleased by my Orange Bud seeds from DP aswell...

:pop: - [emoji106]

This are the most aestetic plants so far in this battle!

Damn,the ants wasnt on my radar until now, little fucks!

:clapper: R u using canna terra soil?
Yrah the frisian was awesome. It git to about 2celcius some nights. But I left a terracotta heater outside with some 5hour nightlights in it so that warmed up the greenhouse.

How do I contact him? Cos you should see the other autoducks. They are mangled and deformed. Its a shame really cos I had been exclusively using DP seeds and since this crap with the ducks I've bought seeds from elsewhere!!

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what did the frisian smoke like and so much for that autduck being stealthy id know what it was from a mile off
So a friend popped over last night and we tried the frisian dew even though it was curing for only 3 weeks. I lit it up when he was in the bathroom and he walked in and just couldn't believe how good it smelled!! It's beautiful and really smooth. Really strong smoke and turned me into a giggly little girl .......something that hasn't happened in a long long time. Very much a head high to me

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