Good Morning [HASHTAG]#outdoorgladiators[/HASHTAG]

Our heat/normal temps Hit last 4 days afore it cooled off a little.
My first set of germs stumpied.. expected...gone into sex at around 4 inches tall..which you know is Useless.
I have a couple of later germs that May be okay.
Gave them a light molasses feed a couple of days into the warm weather to see if they would far...but we have gone a bit chilly on night temps again.
Got 2 bags of seedling compost will be germing again today..for stock..not comp obviously.
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I used to regularly set photos away late winter to catch the first 12/12 in the season. Yield is lower..but hey..nothing else is growing that time of why not.
I Always Think cold season grown bud tastes much Sweeter..
Have you let them know..?
Damn..that is cheap..
Not In the pots..around the pots..coffe grounds..baking soda..or vinegar... careful of vinegar in hot conditions..if it is hot enough to evaporate it can singe leaves.
I have a phot of ants rolling new germs out of the pots..or..they come in when the plant is half an inch high and nip the whole bloody growing tip out...

..and you are left with just the stalk.
I'm having snail trouble at the minute..and diamecious earth just doesn't seem to be cutting it..or I just have so many snails they are cannon fodder and other ones take their place...
Universal seedling compo for me..
If you look at the pictures on the front..that looks like Potting On compost..for re-potting established plants..which will contain food and be Hot.
I use Seedling compost..