Grow Room OS Hydro

She's looking good Vincent! How long does the superauto you've got growing take to grow, how tall will it get and what do they yield?
Res change and flower nutes today. I am also using some AN Budfactor X that I bought a while ago. We'll see if it helps. I smoked a small sample of bud from the harvest. It is kick ass weed.

Hey Jack! Nice to see you doing a couple different training techniques. Should be interesting to see the results. :pass:
Hi Vincent, So the superautos survive a topping. Interesting! Keep up the good work.

Hi Neko, One of them was purely unintentional. I used a little too much muscle on one of the plants and broke the main stem. I'll let you know how it all turns out.
Im sure it will go good. Fadeds top regular autos thrive. He has a special timing on when he does it though. after the 3rd node I think.
The lower branches on the unintentionally topped plant have shot up since this weekend. Really the three large plants that are either torchered sideways or topped are throwing up tall lower branches. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow.
Here you go. It's hard to make heads or tails out of these pics. If you can pick out the black electrical tape on one of the plants on the main stem you'll see in the next picture that there is a lot of undergrowth coming up through the canopy.



The main stem in The first picture is growing at about a 45° angle to the floor. In the next picture you can see the undergrowth coming up through the canopy.


Nice man, you got the ventech filter lookin phresh too ;-).
Everything looks like its nice and healthy.
Thanks Neko, The plants are doing well. Hopefully this crop will be a lot easier to trim. I'm hoping for fewer little buds and more big ones with the training and FIMing. I finally invested in a Phresh filter. Let's see how well it controls the stink.