Here a few pics of the new tent, it’s a. 2x4 but actually measures 28.25 by 53 inches so it notability bigger than my original 2x4 which measured, you guessed it 2x4 exactly...... this tent is also 79” vs 60” tall so I have more room to work with and a better ventilation setup now ......
I’ve also installed a light rail, what a difference that makes and I installed light perpendicular, meaning my light is 16x21 and some may run length wise back and forth giving them 16 inch coverage along the 2 foot side with the 21 inch covering the length, same way you would mount if stationary but I elected to turn light which requires an batwing thingie to hang properly and now light has 21 inches f the 2 foot or in my case 28.25 inch area covered ..... also with a light mover I’m able to hang light lower as there are no or very little hot spots like with a stationary light AND the little girls can kinda go under cover of their big sisters and get partial light as the light moves across sisters leaves ..... it’s so much more efficient I don’t believe I’d leave home without it, hehe ....
I utilized an atmospheric controller from my first successful grow, President Regan era, nd last real good grow, I couldn’t grow really for 35 tears but here I am .... anyways the controller been a tremendous aid in helping keep temps and humidity in check ......
Also installed a carbon filter set at far end of tent, again hung different than some folks might but then we all think different, I’ll give Steve Jobs, RIP, Credit for the Think Different comment, but my reason is simple, best air flow .... my intake vent is in the center bottom back and if I hung filter over center top the air would pull form center up to vent and only exchange that air in direct path but with vent at far end air must pull from center to front corner - which still leaves a concern about air from other side of intake vent to center but while not perfect I have a opposite corner of filter exhaust that kicks on when filter does and the monkey fan in other front corner helps pushes air towards carbon filter as well mixing with the intake air on its way .... up up and away .... my humidity level went form like 69 to 52 in just a few minutes and I have temp gauges high low and in the middle so I’m getting accurate total tent numbers ....
Hanging the stuff was a huge issue, should I use wood, how do I hand the blower, will the poles hold everything but then once I started putting puzzle together it became failrly easy, I used these cool wire soft tie things for the fan motor along with the light rail bracketed and bingo away we grow ......
I also upgraded my ceiling. From the usual 4 top rails to 8 rails and I used then all, well almost all put I have more if needed ....
Added a heat controlled mat under the Pepsi crates I got for free by asking for along with a couple stationary fans blowing under the crates and a convenient spot to store water where the crates just happened to be short on the length plus a co2 meter and threw in a bag of co2 exhale why not I’m in this deep, air inside tent is 250-300 parts higher than outside so I think bag works work, my ppm is around 1,050-1,00 and outside I get readings down as low as 750, I’ve got my bag hung big above the oscillating fan so in gas should fall into fans path onto plants but who knows, sounds good ...... plus a few temp gauges and a speed comtroler on the exhaust, think that covers it .....