New Grower Organic Strawberry Nuggets

Here I GROW ......

Have been setting the stage for several months and today the electrician finished his work .....

Out comes my equipment - new tent, lights the whole nine yards ..... growing organic like I did when I grew a single plant some 34 years ago and a gorilla grow or two over the years ...... but I have been gardening for some 44ish years ....

One can read all they want about Autos but to really understand you’ll need to roll up your sleeves and get dirty ....

My soil has been aging and I’ve got my seeds / equipment / desire / passion and a plan .....

About 45 minutes ago I dropped the seeds - Will soak 24-36 hours and then into the dirt .....

No paper towel method or transplant either ..... I’ll plant the seed inside a toilet paper roll set down into the soil, soil will be inside roll too .... I’ve discovered it is easy to keep seed damp as the toilet paper roll holds the moisture inside the tube and the root can find its way down and into the pot plus you don’t water inside the holder after seed is inside, keeping moist outside works and you avoid moving dirt when watering .... meanwhile the roll breaks down quickly and allows roots to spread out but not before th tap root digs deep into the soil, I’ve used this method in the garden and potted plants with great success, I dislike transplanting and possible damage to the fine hairs on the tap root and those peat starter pots never seem to break down quick enough so I experimented it works ....

I’ve got two five gallon and one 3 gallon ..... the five gallon have mixture of FFOF / Coco / EWC / FFHF along with some bat, seabird and kelp while the three gallon has mostly Coco with some EWC and minor amounts of FFHF / FFOF ..... I’ll have different feeding regimen for the coco and neither will get anything but rain water for 10-15 days then comes the juice .....

Will post pics as I “grow along” ......

Comments / Suggestions / Ideas ALWAYS Welcome!

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I love the paper roll idea. So you use it as you would a peat pot? Do you only ever water outside the roll? Do you bury the entire roll or just a cut off part?

I found these CowPots - made of cow manure. They claim to break down better than peat pots. I’m trying them out this grow. Perhaps the toilet paper roll next time.
Plantable Seed-starter CowPots,... Amazon product ASIN B00VKRJI0U
I love the paper roll idea. So you use it as you would a peat pot? Do you only ever water outside the roll? Do you bury the entire roll or just a cut off part?

I found these CowPots - made of cow manure. They claim to break down better than peat pots. I’m trying them out this grow. Perhaps the toilet paper roll next time.
Plantable Seed-starter CowPots,... Amazon product ASIN B00VKRJI0U

Yes use like you would peat pot .... Water outside roll, I actually use a turkey blaster to apply water gently around the roll ..... I use just standard toilet spare roll, entire tube and fill the tube with a very light weight soil mixture which will have a lot of coco in it ...... the tube seems to disappear after awhile, at least in my outside work - this will be a first for indoor grow .....

I’ll need to check out CowPots, thanks for info!
Away We Grow ......

Had couple issues with the seeds / germination so ordered new seeds from Mephisto/ Black Friday ....

Getting new seeds I decided to fire up my little T5 and dropped a couple Strawberry Nuggets ..... I have a corner basement area I can use the T5 for now and get a couple Single Cob Lights and fire them into the corner once we have some growth ..... I’m growing in soil but I’ve got a couple pots with coco - castings and little bit of soil - that’s happening in my smaller 2-3 gallon pots .....

First time I’ve worked with LED so that’s a learning curve ..... glad I’ve got some sort of light measure, not that I know what I’m reading other than numbers .... but used my T5 light readings to get a safe number and went from there ....

Strawberry Nuggets ordered direct from Mephisto germinated very quick, dropped 4 and 4 sprouted ..... Moved one of the White Crack to the T5 area due to slow growth, plant my of been damaged by me, gosh darn .....

Think I may need another tent at this rate for sure .... just getting started with this “hobby” and if like anything else I get into, I may get a little crazy ..... think eventually I can see a rotating garden harvesting a plant every x days taking them from veg thru flower with perhaps different rooms / areas for each stage ....

Had issues with my LED, my goof had light too close and running at full power so some stunt and issues with the White Crack but hope their growth picks up since I made the correction .....

Some pics ..... Strawberry small four and white Crack little larger bottom two


Basement corner area with two foot T5 4 bulb lite ..... should be able to germinate and do some seedlying work under T5 light .... White Crack in coco/worm and light soil mix left and Amnesia Auto in soil right ... not sure who’s amnesia auto it is, supplier freebie

Glad to see you starting up again nothing quite like the feeling of growing welcome back .I know for me it's always like an adventure with crazy outcomes an unexpected beauty .I never know what the flavor an smell is or the effect its all just so exciting its no wonder growing has become my life lol I need it in so many ways .
Glad to see you starting up again nothing quite like the feeling of growing welcome back .I know for me it's always like an adventure with crazy outcomes an unexpected beauty .I never know what the flavor an smell is or the effect its all just so exciting its no wonder growing has become my life lol I need it in so many ways .

Thanks for the encouragement.....

I “grow nuts” over growing anything and have wanted so much to grow but the law has always had me paranoid but with recent Canada and then the US elections - the landscape is changing ..... I’m now retired and frankly don’t give a hoot about the law, in respect to growing ..... So away I grow
The two white crack seem to be doing well albeit a minor issue with having lite too close but I’ve raised so we should be good ...... Three of the four strawberry nuggets are doing well but the fourth is slow ......

Put a Gold Glue Seed into dirt on the 16th and it popped its head today - I’ve got some wood pop circle sticks blocking major portion of light and have in corner so to help limit exposure for a short while .....

Some pics taken with light off but also took group shot with light on .....

I’m going to need another tent or two - thinking about two more actually, this is addicting!
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