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I not sure about weights but a quarter cup per cubic foot should do it.
240ml. A quarter cup is a heaping half deciliter. Measuring cups are cheap.
SuperSoil Day!

Okay guys so today is the day. 9am my ingredients turned up at my door. Let me just add that The Nutrient Company are great, ordered yesterday, arrived 9am this morning, really well packaged, quality stuff.

After a quick trip to buy some Allmix I started to mix my soil.

I decided making a huge 100lt batch was a bad idea, so to test it I mixed 20ltrs. That way if I've messed up (highly likely) then I can try something different and haven't wasted all my money.

I spent the last of my pennies getting the Biobizz and also they didn't have perlite so I went with vermiculite. The Biobizz already has perlite in and I will be using 6ltr Airpots for the test run so I shouldn't have a problem moisture wise.

Here's the final mix and some pics of it in action.

Allmix 10ltrs
Lightmix 10ltrs
Vermiculite 2ltrs
Wormcasting 150g
Fish/Blood/Bone 60g
Hoof and Horn 60g
Bonemeal 60g
Dolomite lime 2g
Epsom Salts 6g
Mycorrihze 40g

Watered with 3ltrs of rainwater with added molasses, and left now to cook for 3/4 weeks!

Super excited, let me know what you think!

Happy DAZED....

I think you may need a little more aeration in your mix. The ratio generally accepted in good quality soil is 20-30% aeration media such as perlite, lava rocks, buckwheat hulls, or rice hulls. Since you are using prepackage soil those will both have the proper ratios but when you added the vermiculite it kind of throws those ratios out a bit.

Do you intend to reuse this soil or will it be single runs? If you are reusing it I would suggest getting some long term nutrients in the mix such as crab meal, kelp meal, crushed or pulverized oyster shells and highly recommend some soft rock phosphate. Neem cake or meal will help with pest control and gypsum will help supply calcium, which is as important to me as NPK ratios and will also help improve the structure of the soil over the long term use. If you are going to trash the soil after ever grow then ignore all of the information in this paragraph as it won't apply much to single run soil.

Best of luck! Post a thread when you start using it so I can follow along.
Thanks for the info A4. This is why I only made 20 litres this run. I can ammend the next time with the things you suggested, this is my first try at a soil mix so just finding my feet. I thought there would be plenty of airiation as 2ltrs of vermiculite is 10%, and it already has perlite in the Biobizz. Ah well, it's done now, I'm using air pots too so hopefully that works out. I know for next ime.

I will def start a journal in a few weeks, by then I will have my airstone for bubbling my teas, and hopefully a wormery for my own castings.

Yeah, I think you should be fine but the vermiculite has a tendency to really attract water which is why I mentioned it. I have used the airpots with my mix and haven't been real satisfied. It has a tendency to dry out around the edges of the pot and harden which makes it nearly impossible to water properly. I add a lot of clay to mine to increase the cation exchange so you may not see those problems but I wanted to mention it after reading your last post. Just something to keep an eye out for.

The most important part of growing tlo like that is moisture. Don't let the soil dry out! I water mine every day. Very important aspect when trying to keep the microbes alive in your soil. That is what is going to feed your plants, not the amendments. So you want to keep them alive and happy.

Good idea on the worm farm, I make my own castings as well. Cheap, easy and high quality. Sounds like you are off to an excellent start. Wishing you much success!
Hi Dazed..I found it took a long time to start cooking with a smaller batch and had to double up quantity to get it cooking..ended with about 45L...
yeah man Congrats dude on yer start up buddy!! Ive always had an issue with vermiculite..never seemed to work super awesome short of really hot climates cuz of its water holding capabilities and the amount of small mins in there too..when added to it can jack yer roots up if ya add too much.Ive always been a touch biar to perlite small and medium or even large course too sometimes.but medium would work super great over the vermiculite if you can swing a small bag n mix the two maybe..provide atleast the positive from Vermi and perlite for added aeration and crab or imo like Brother A4 said Crushed yer micro dude chill out n belly up to the bar such easier dude.looking forward to seein ya get yer run done n poppin man!!Id imagine yer planning on recycling yer soil??if so prep ahead of time if thats the case by getting 100Lt or a couple large totes or similar to hold n mix and re amend it..Im stoked fer ya dude!!yaaawn yeah juust waking up...dont mind me if I aint making senseLOL! L8r dude.

do you have a link for that Hoof n horn brand ya used..dont know much bout that..High in natural oil,carbs and calcium Id imagine..micro dudes looove them fatty oils a degree anywho lol:pass: