Outdoor Oregon Grown #3

Excuse me J, but what is it about your mom and dad thing...is your entire family growing in the same place?
Yes Mongol it's a family farm ,I get half of the greenhouse the side that doesn't get the best light is mine lol There are other plants growing but I don't photograph em to much cuz there mom an dads ,we grow for medical use ,my plants are usually the biggest dad starts late but I usually will start a plant for mom so she has a monster plant going as well .
Naaahh, cannot be...you lucky guy...you're living my dreams...maybe i'll get mine also in, my wife handle it as it's my thing i do for us, especially for my wife i did the DP CBD AWW and my son has to decide at his ways when he is old enough..sending you some family reppers, because living your family style is a dream one:smoking:
Naaahh, cannot be...you lucky guy...you're living my dreams...maybe i'll get mine also in, my wife handle it as it's my thing i do for us, especially for my wife i did the DP CBD AWW and my son has to decide at his ways when he is old enough..sending you some family reppers, because living your family style is a dream one:smoking:

Curious to hear what you think of the DP AWW CBD...tried smoking my first test joint today...mine did pretty well considering dark rainy skies coupled with limited light in location(8 hours)...pulled 40g's dry which was the best yield for the limited sun autos. Looking forward to trying in tincture
Some shots of my outdoor autos ,portal unknown up first beautiful purples an pinks
Some pics of my big bomb auto nice purp strong smell trics every where
a real beauty excited to try her ,first bomb seeds ,very nice so far