Holy stoner move... Totally posted this in the wrong thread... Here it is again.. Lol
Right on, another update... Yall hate me yet?
It was a happy morning here indeed. Day #14 for the red poison, and she seems to be taking quite well to last night's bondage session. The little side branches have started working their way up, and her original top has already started bending back up to the light. Looks like I'll probably be able to get another bend in her before I leave for work again. Heres some shots.

And here's a top view, cuz their my favorite.
And in in other news, my think Different dried out over night... Thought I might have killed it, but I threw it into a glass of water to see what would happen.
Looks like red poisons getting a friend!
Oh yeah, temp: 75.8, rh: 48%