Indoor Opi8 brings it indoors!

Pulled this pic of a random outdoor plant of the same age from my old journal. Kinda neat for comparison sake.

Holy stoner move... Totally posted this in the wrong thread... Here it is again.. Lol

Right on, another update... Yall hate me yet?

It was a happy morning here indeed. Day #14 for the red poison, and she seems to be taking quite well to last night's bondage session. The little side branches have started working their way up, and her original top has already started bending back up to the light. Looks like I'll probably be able to get another bend in her before I leave for work again. Heres some shots.


And here's a top view, cuz their my favorite.


And in in other news, my think Different dried out over night... Thought I might have killed it, but I threw it into a glass of water to see what would happen.


Looks like red poisons getting a friend!

Oh yeah, temp: 75.8, rh: 48%
Well, here's something I didn't notice earlier... Unless I'm horribly mistaken, there appears to be some lady parts hidden in there at only 14 days of age.


You may have to squint...
Day 15

Not the prettiest LST job in the world. But it's working. Ignore that managled leaf. That was from me trying to tuck it under so the side branches arnt so shaded. Their working their way up nicely. Gonna bend her over again tonight I think.... My wife wants to join in this time... Ohhhh yea... Hehehe

The last few drinks she's had were ph'd at around 6.3 in an attempt to lower it a little. Soil is at 6.5 right now. Happy happy happy.
Wooohooo !

My ghost peppers FINALLY arrived! After being held up a costums for weeks for some unknown reason. It's funny... My cannabis seeds make it just fine.... But I order a legit veggie, and I run into issues. Ha...


Anywho, it looks like I'm going to have to "accidentally" kill off one of my wife's random compost seedlings she's jammed in there.
I'd like t take a moment to introduce, and welcome the newest member of my family. Little baby Think Different! Here she is popping out to say hi first thing this morning.


She's currently living under a clear pudding cup in a 3 gallon pot of straight sunshine mix #4. There will be no teas for this gal. She'll be receiving feedings of AN's sensi line of nutes, loosely based on Tangs feeding schedule. I'm not giving up on organics, I just need some familiarity.

And of course, here she is, my tea drinking bondage girl, Red Poison at day 16.


As you can see, i gave up on the garden wire, and went to the soft fuzzy pipe cleaners. She likes it dirty, but gentle. The wire was to rough for her, and I was having a hard time anchoring it down. This works much better!

Temp: 78
Rh 50%
Ph: 6.8
Finally home! Don't feel like typing much. So here's some pics.

Red poison day 24, flowering away, and turning purple. She has her issues, but she's chugging along.


I've realized LST may not be for me. I'm in love with the idea, but it's hard to keep up on it when I'm not home. It's cool to see how it's worked though.

And here's the think Different, 8 days old.

Hey! Nice to see another Red Poison :) yers is looking pretty good, don't be shy with the food or tea, mine can't seem to ever get enough haha!
Red Poison flower pics, cuz I like pretty colors...

Think Different, day 10.


She had her first 1/4 strength dose of AN's PH Perfect Sensi Grow today. Hopefully she likes it!