Indoor Opi8 brings it indoors!

Oooo either of those will be nice. If ya go with the Think Different, try to get it into a 5 gal pot. I have a strong theory that the monster autos really need the 5 gal (18 L) size instead of the common 3 gal size. (I actually bought one 5 gal fabric pot for when I get around to a test with Think Different haha. After my upcoming round, I plan to run a couple Think Differents with one in a 3 and one in a 5 gal.)
Nice thinking. No 5gal pots on hand, but I do have an old 5gal paint bucket left over from my bubblicious. She managed a good 3 feet in there.

I was thinking about trying my hand at LST, but might as well kick it off with a monster :)


Oooo either of those will be nice. If ya go with the Think Different, try to get it into a 5 gal pot. I have a strong theory that the monster autos really need the 5 gal (18 L) size instead of the common 3 gal size. (I actually bought one 5 gal fabric pot for when I get around to a test with Think Different haha. After my upcoming round, I plan to run a couple Think Differents with one in a 3 and one in a 5 gal.)
Well damn. Good news and bad.

Looks like my fan, and seeds arnt going to show up until after I leave for work. Guess I'm going to have to spend another shift over thinking and over analysing everything once again... Probably change my plan a good 4 or 5 times while I'm at it. Hehe he... Oh well, just means I'm excited. But damnit, I really don't wanna wait another week!!

On the plus side, I checked my sunshine mix/compost/ewc mix that has been sitting for a couple weeks, and I'm at a perfect 6.5. My tap water is the same after bubbling for a good 24 hours as well. So hopefully once all is set up, we should be running smoothly.


(I know it's a cheapo pH meter, but oddly enough it's quite accurate.)
Hells yes! Fan and filter setup and running! The tent is complete!

Temps between 75 - 82, rh between 40 - 50% I'll raise the rh for the seedling stage, I just wanted to see if I could maintain a stable environment before getting started.

I scored some 1/4 inch polysteel rope, shackles and Scotty rings that I'll splice together later to make a rigging system for the light. Kinda clothesline style, so I can just tug on a rope to raise or lower the bulb. But for now it's hanging just fine.

And it looks like the sour diesel haze has arrived first, so it seems I'll be going with those. I'll check the post office one more time before I plant em today though. It would be nice to throw in a think Different as well!

Pics later today.
Can't find the bloody key for my mailbox. Looks like the TD is going to have to wait until next time.

So here we have a Sour Diesel Haze, and a Red Poison!

Oh, and my shot glass babyboom!

This should be fun

real nice man luv that sourd! :clap::Hookah:

I'm gonna have to grow all the strains he mentions now.
I'm gonna have to grow all the strains he mentions now.

if you`ll do that you can holla red for a remix! its obvious gillahouse paid him a stack or gave him a few keys for this ad LOL
No sprouts yet obviously. But I thought I'd mention how impressed I am so far with this setup. Temp in the tent is a nice steady 75. About 3 inches from the light, it raises to a steady 82. I'm pretty happy with that. We haven't started using our furnace yet though... I'm nervous about how it's going to go during the winter. Tents set up in a room that's known to have massive temperature fluctuations when we run the heat. Pretty sure I'll be able to handle it though. Knock on wood.
Ordered another 250 watt cfl today. Because why not? I saved so much money from my last harvest, that this setup may as well have been free. Should be here in a few days.

The RP is going to pop out of the soil any time now. I can see her trying. The SDH didn't Crack though. I dug it up and poped it in a glass of water. I threw another one in there as well for good measure.