TRAGEDY, SCH was destroyed last night by PANT (prescott area narcotics taskforce) who raided me house last night on a warrant issued for my grow operation under the assumption it was ilegal. unfortantey for them they forgot to check to see if the grow was legal before they came out, boy were they dissapointed when i busted out my legal card. they left all my standard medicine alone left me indoor grow alone and then they destroyed SCH and Grapefruit Krush which were on my roof in the sun, (they claimed they could be seen from the street was the reason and that they were destroyed, when I asked why I couldnt bring them in the dueche bag just smiled, then they arrested me for my hash which they claimed is not a medical marijuana product, which it most obviously is as it is part of the plant. and is therefore covers under az state law. they also arrested my brother and charged him with all MY paraphanalia and charged him with possesion after testing him. I now get to make fools of them in open court if they dont drop the charges (which Im sure they will as this would be a precident setting case in az of city police aresting a medical patient for his medicine and as such would be all over the news) Basicly I think they just felt they needed to make arrests on the warrent or they would look like the ill-prepared fools they are, and like all idiots they only made it worse for them as I will be doing what I can to get this story to the local news and papers. this is going to bea fun ride.