Outdoor Onyx & SCH Outdoor/indoor 5gal soil wicking buckets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Androth
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those look great man, you got some nice phenos there, they are a bit older than mine, hope my SCH looks that pretty when its that age, it will be bushier though and probably shorter as well due to its pheno though. but those are great looking girls I bet they get you high as a kite when you get thier finished product.

from what I understand this strain is still being stabilized by its creator and hense has many different phenotypes possible still in its genetics, but it sems like the smoke is equally potent in most of the phenos from the reviews I have heard from others on it.
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From what I've sampled this past week from her I think it is really potent now but with another 4 weeks or so left she is bound to get better.
hit the Onyx #2 with a second dose of PBD pollen just now and set it with a nice foliar feed when I was moving itfrom my roof to my closet I can se some places already where the first application of pollen took hold. there will be seeds for sure
new pics, all are doing great the SCH is starting to enter early fowering the Onyx#1 is still unimpresive, Onyx#2 is really starting to bulk up though, not much stretch but getting thicker by the day. BH is in its second day of flush and will be coming down this weekend. Onyx #2 will get its third and final dose of PBD polen tonight when I move it inside, the pic f the single branch from the Onyx 2 is the pregnant branch.

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Onyx #1
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Onyx #2
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Blue Himalaya
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harvest day for Blue Himalaya, I took it down this morning it smells great and is drying now
Harvested Onyx1 &2 yesterday, got 120g wet from #2 and 22g wet from #1, trimmed SCH again today to free up light to bud sights.
yes another success story goes on record.
congratulations sir...nice grow

forgot to ask...was #2 seedy?

also i have 3 AKR x AHK (f1) up and out of the seed shell
yesterday was day 1
#2 got one branch pollinated the bud is very dense so its hard to tell how much is seed but its definitely got some in there.
awesome glad to hear they came up well for you yours will be the first of the AK-R/AHK f1 to be started so far that I know of.
SCH has stretched a good bit and is packing on the bud and is still packing on lots of leaves, this thing is constantly growing out more super thin sativa leaves.