Outdoor Onyx & SCH Outdoor/indoor 5gal soil wicking buckets



this thread is to follow the remainder of my grow of two Onyx and one Super Cali Haze. Both are being grow in 5 gal wicking buckets in soil. today they are at about 6.5 weeks old These girls give me my workout each morning as I put them out on my roof each day to enjoy the full Arizona sun. the I bring them back inside at dusk and place them next to my growbox which I leave open so the light pours out onto them, and I have 4 CFLs that hang directly over top of them. this gives them hte full 20 hours of light that I want them to get, right now the sunlight lasts about 14.5 hours then it gets another 5.5 hours of LED/CFL lighting.

The Super Cali Haze is in full veg right now she is putting out preflowers but not many of them and all the growth nodes are still growing just leaves. she has Great branching structure and even some of her botom branches are starting to grow ther own branches. I have trimed a few large fan leaves from her as she has grown to promote branching. once this girl is into mid flowering she will recieve a dose of pollen from an impressive PBD male. She has by the best ranching I have seen out of an auto and should be a heavy yielder.

Onyx #1 is in a 5lt airpot and is staying really small its a prety small pheno with very little branching and inferior bud development, but should still yield maybe a half ounce or so.

Onyx #2 is in a 5 gal wicking bucket and is in full bloom she is stacking on buds with each pasing day, she as moderate branching (shes got about 5 solid branches) when she was in veg her growth was the fastest of the three by far she grew very vigorously then stopped getting taller when she started budding, she hasnt stretched much at all so far through early flowering and into mid flowering, maybe an inch or two, the bud development is great, nice tight internodes that will foxtail for sure. I pollenated on branch of this girl today as wel with a healthy portion of pollen from a very impresive PBD male. she will get hit with pollen a few more times over the coming week to ensure maximum sed production of the pollenated branch. These are genetics I want to save and play with.
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Nice. I assume that SCH will get quite a bit taller, eh?
yea the SCH gets a bit taller every day she is in full veg atm and has a long way to go as it is a 100-120 day strain. and being that she is full sati, im expecting good stretch in flowering.
those are beauties man,you got the touch i see.
sunshine and fresh air by day and artificial light and safety at night,
i wish i could give that to my plants...the best of all possible conditions.
beautiful colour

well done mate i love the colour of the leaves really lush!
my compliments to the chef!:clap:
Don't mean to sound rude, but I have the impression that your plants have been impeded to grow by moving them about everyday.
A different position is very unnatural and causes stress in the plant.

Still, I have very mixed results myself with Onyx (3 out of 6 germed; 1 female plant only) and Super Cali Haze (2 out of 5 germed; one giant 1m5 plant and one only 3 weeks old).
sorry to hear about your bad luck with germ rates, I and many others on this site consistently have nearly a 100% germ rate on SS seeds as well as pretty high female to male ratios. glad to hear about you giant SCH phenotype. I feel I should correct this false information that you can shock a plant by moving it from indoor to outdoor and back. changing a plants light source will not shock the plant. unless you interrupt the light cycle with true darkness or interrupt the dark cycle with light. light spectrum and intensities change constantly by the minute in nature as the wind and changing cloud cover, and shadows being cast over the plant from time to time change, and of coarse the changing spectrum of sunlight throughout the day as the rays are constantly changing intensity and spectrum due to having to pass through constantly varying levels of atmosphere as the earth spins round the sun, not to mention dark storm clouds and other weather anomalies. Mother nature is in no way a stable and consistent light source, all plants evolved in this planets constantly changing light. the plants I have are the size they are due to their specific phenotypes, they are not stunted and the only true stress they receive is from an occasional trim of a few fan leaves to allow light to better reach bud and branching sites to promote more bushy growth.
I have stunted plants before with lighting intentionally to control their size, but it was not accomplished through stressing the plant with light. it was done through providing the plant with an over abundance of PAR so it didnt have to stretch at all to recieve the light it craved, the results can be seen in my indoor thread from the past few months, the plants yielded great for thier size but were all kept small at under ten inches each, the total of four plants producing about a QP in 69 days from seed.

also I would love to see a pic of your large SCH im sure its a diff pheno than mine, and I would love to see its structure. mine is extremely branchy and I have used triming to accentuate its bushiness
Androth,I agree with you about the moving them around thing.I have 2 SCH plants going currently also.I too moved mine in under cfls at night.There are only 4 days difference between my 2.My biggest stands right at 4 foot 6 inches tall in a 3.5 gal pot,while the smaller 1 stands right at 2.5 foot tall.My biggest was born on april 6th and her sister on the 10th.I've had close to 4 inches growth a day on my biggest,it really impressed me.Good luck with yours.Just for the record my germ rate was 50% on four seeds.I still have 1 to go.


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