Indoor Oldest problem in the World

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What Am I Seeing

76th day of 3 (now 2) Barneys Farm Little Cheese
Im caught between that damn rock and the fuckin hard place. Trichomes. I can barely see them. I dont know what Im seein. I dont know what to do.
The girls are still looking good but the wear of age is beginning to show. You know, the little wrinkles, brown spots, crows feet, looking less than healthy and robust as they were. (just look at those pics - took em outta the box so you could see em)
But on a deeper level, the indications are less clear. Im a relative newbie who thinks he knows more than he does. This will be my 3rd crop (4 stunted autos, 4 stunted photos and these Cheese). I aint mastered trichromes yet. Just gettin to the point where I can see them on my 30X but it aint easy. Now, Im trying to see the cloudy trichs. I see some some, I think, amidst the more abundant clear ones. Or I think I do but that could be the focus or the light.
Will they all cloud up at the same time all over the plant? That somehow seems improbable.
Do they change the trichs slowly, a few at a time until the cloudy outnumber the clear. That is what I think I am seeing.
Or do all the new trichomes come in clear and soon overwhelm the clear?

What Happens?

What am I looking for?



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Really quality plant
Trichs go from clear to cloudy then amber, they can mature all at the same time some mature at differing times
Yeah sure, I see some cloudy in some places. But it raises a number of questions.
  1. Do clear trichomes (and there sure a lot of them, everywhere) turn cloudy or:
  2. Are new trichomes created cloudy and eventually outnumber the old clear ones or:
  3. All clear trichomes cloud up as the plant injects some unknown microscopic chemical into what appears to be a clear liquid and this has something to do with the THC so it greatly enhances the soporific qualities of the drug. However the buds with clear liquid still get you off but not as much.
  4. How long does it take for the transformation from clear to cloudy for 1 plant? Hours? Days?
  5. How long is the harvesting 'window'?:toke:
I'm going through the same thing right now texasboy. It's just a learning thing that everyone (newbies like me!) has to go through, I think, till you get it right.
I was asking myself almost the same questions and the answers just came every day as my plant is nearing her end.

She started out with all clear trics, all over the place. I'd even notice one or two amber with my 20x - 40x scope. After a week or so (I'd have to look in my notes to give you exact numbers) the clear trics were turning more and more cloudy. It takes some practice getting accustomed to your scope and knowing what you're seeing in that little green and crystally world, but practice makes perfect...

So now a few days after everything has turned cloudy, I'm seeing more and more of the cloudy trics turn amber. More on the top branches than on the lower ones. There are new, clear trics still being formed as the buds continue to develop.
All trics start out clear and turn cloudy, then amber in response to UV light as I've previously explained. It usually starts at the top of the plant and at the tips of the leaves, and works in and down. It happens gradually over a period of days and/or weeks. If you're unsure, just go by the yellowing leaf method I described and you'll be fine. Judging by the pictures you posted yesterday I'd say you have about 2 more weeks to go.

Yeah sure, I see some cloudy in some places. But it raises a number of questions.

  1. Do clear trichomes (and there sure a lot of them, everywhere) turn cloudy or:
  2. Are new trichomes created cloudy and eventually outnumber the old clear ones or:
  3. All clear trichomes cloud up as the plant injects some unknown microscopic chemical into what appears to be a clear liquid and this has something to do with the THC so it greatly enhances the soporific qualities of the drug. However the buds with clear liquid still get you off but not as much.
  4. How long does it take for the transformation from clear to cloudy for 1 plant? Hours? Days?
  5. How long is the harvesting 'window'?:toke:

Wow. Exactly.
Thanks a bunch.
My viewer is 30X and after 30 years Im still getting used to it on 3D Buds

Guess maybe its noob problems.

Still got more to learn about Trichs:toke:

---------- Post added 11-12-2011 at 05:40 AM ----------

All trics start out clear and turn cloudy.
Caught a bunch of trichs cloudy and a bunch of yellow leaves.
Gonna chop the big one today.
Leave the last one till the very end.:toke:
Picture of the Deceased

Thats The Tallest. Main Cola over 600 grams (wet).


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All trics start out clear and turn cloudy, then amber in response to UV light

Dont like to argue with you muddy because youre usually right but the information Im getting says that trics start clear but as the plant matures it produces cloudy ones and when they outnumber the older clear ones then it is declared cloudy and then the amber evolves from it as they distill and turn the fine color of good scotch bourbon rye. Not sure but what I am seeing on these plants seems to confirm it. Getting a lot of misinformation in my search on the internet. Dont know quite where the truth lies. The whole subject is about as clear as a ripe trichome
First of all I must say it is wicked fun to argue with Muddy. He is just as opinionated as I am but 180 degrees in the opposite direction usually. My my sometimes we even agree.

I gave up looking at trchs with a magnafying thing about ten years ago. I pick my bud earlier than Muddy does. Why? Simply cause I like the way it smokes and taists and the stone is a little different. It is my pot and I get to have it the way I like it. If you want to find out harvest some of it now dry it and keep it seperate then harvest the rest in two weeks then you get to compare it yourself. When the bud about half turns from white to amber I go get em. You will know after you try it yourself which way you like it best. As they say here in Quebec "It is for you dat have dat the way you want." Practise your french accent for when you visit beautiful Quebec
Right from the source, Arthur C. Clarke's Marijuana Botany, Chapter 4, Late Floral Stage.

The weight yield of floral clusters is usually highest at this point, but strains may begin to grow an excess of leaves in late-stage clusters to catch additional energy from the rapidly diminishing autumn sun. Total resin accumulation is highest at this stage, but the period of maximum resin production has passed. If climatic conditions are harsh, resins and cannabinoids will begin to decompose. As a result, resin yield may appear high even if many of the resin heads are missing or have begun to deteriorate and the overall psychoactivity of the resin has dropped. THC decomposes to CBN in the hot sun and will not remain intact or be replaced after the metabolic processes of the plant have ceased. Since cannabinoids are so sensitive to decomposition by sunlight, the higher psychoactivity of amber resins may be a secondary effect. It may be that the THC is better protected from the sun by amber or opaque resins than by clear resins. Some late maturing strains develop opaque, white resin heads as a result of terpene polymerization and THC decomposition. Opaque resin heads are usually a sign that the floral clusters are over-mature.

---------- Post added 11-13-2011 at 08:48 AM ----------

LOL, especially when it comes to politics and health care!

First of all I must say it is wicked fun to argue with Muddy. He is just as opinionated as I am but 180 degrees in the opposite direction usually. My my sometimes we even agree.